The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 2308

"Little Poem!!"

"Except for me to refuse in person, is there any other way?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at the eye drops in Machida Yuanzi's hand speechlessly.

Although he was choked by Machida Yuanzi's funny behavior, Shiyu Kasumigaoka did not intend to change his decision.

The current problem is actually easy to solve, Machida Yuanzi is not easy to refuse, but she herself is the same.

Originally, she did not intend to participate in the development of the "Warring States" series. Rejecting the other party is an inevitable result. If the high-level management of the library puts pressure on her, it is very likely that she will fight to the end with her temper.

However, even if those high-level executives were annoyed at the ignorance of their subordinate writers and wanted to put pressure on them, they might have to consider the consequences of angering a certain CEO before they started.

Although it is a bit of a bullshit, to be honest, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is sure that if she is suppressed in the library, a certain scum teacher will definitely slaughter the high-level people with joy, and give a big boost to her favorability.

It's not that Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu thinks too much, but because of the character of the other party, it is really possible to do such a thing. Even after apologizing, she can now imagine seventeen or eight reasonable explanations that fit the character of the other party.

"It's really great that Xiaoshi can agree to refuse." Machida Yuanzi collected the eye drops and said with a smile.

Although it may be said that the high-level money-making plan may be broken, the problem is that the blame will not fall on her head. What is she afraid of?

And even if there is a loss, in the style of their president, it is estimated to be "Ah, I lost this amount of money, it looks like a lot. ' Such an indifferent attitude.

"By the way, is there anything else?"

"temporarily unavailable."

"Is that so, if you're planning an IP, please send me your email. By the way, has the address for consultation with Enix been decided?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu cleaned up the table and prepared to get up and go home.

And Machida Yuanzi stood up at this time and said.

"The address has already been sent. It's a Japanese restaurant in Chiyoda."



The day after the negotiation, Saturday, August 19, at 4:30 pm.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was wearing a simple dress and a layer of white protective clothing, came to Chiyoda Ward, downstairs of the designated Japanese food store.

However, when she came here, the girl's expression was very unpleasant, and if you want to say the reason, it was probably because of the bad sun that was too hot in the sky.

Even if protective measures are taken, this kind of weather will inevitably make Shiyu of Kasumigaoka feel a little worried about her skin, but since it was promised in advance, it is difficult for her to change the agreed time.

"It's really bad to forget to check the weather." Ms. Kasumigaoka, who unconsciously became more and more concerned about her appearance, gave a displeased remark.

At the same time, the same sigh was uploaded from the taxi parked in front.

"Really, I shouldn't have agreed to go out!!"

"Huh?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's expression gradually became strange.

Chapter 384 How to Reject Euphemistically

The location for discussion is a century-old Japanese restaurant, which seems to be the main reason for the Japanese style. The door of the restaurant is a simple and comfortable Japanese style sliding door.

In front of the sliding door, a girl who had just stepped out of the taxi was standing there pretty.

A beige dress with playful black leather shoes, a blue belt tied around the waist, and her finely blond hair tied with two flexible double ponytails, the girl who Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is very familiar with is looking at him with a small hand with an unfortunate face. Fanning his face, it seemed that he was too hot because he had just come out of the air-conditioned environment of the taxi.

However, after fanning her little hand a few times, Eri Sawamura found the trace of the girl with straight black hair standing behind her as if by telepathy. The girl froze for a moment, then took a step back and shouted.

"Xiazhiqiu... Xiazhiqiu Shiyu?!! Why are you here?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had raised her hand, suddenly got stuck before she could say hello, but before she could calm down, Ying Riri, who was in front of her, rounded her eyes, raised her finger to her face, and exclaimed.

"Are you following me?!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu frowned, and her slightly raised hand was neither raised nor raised, she could only look at Ying Lili with a speechless expression and said:

"Is there any benefit in following you? If you are tied to a love hotel for various punishment games, I think it would be more appropriate for Yu and I to exchange?"

"Why a love hotel? Not at home..." Yingri was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously answered, and then the girl suddenly realized that this topic was inappropriate.

The corner of Ying Lili's mouth twitched, looking at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who took out her mobile phone with a teasing face in front of her, her face immediately panicked.

"You guy, shouldn't you be calling that guy?"

"You think too much." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said calmly.

Ying Riri's expression suddenly relaxed, but the other party's next sentence made her hairy instantly.

"I'm calling Sayuri-san. I think she's grounding you for a week, right? Well, it should be the fifth day..."

"Wow wow wow!"

Ying Lili rushed over with a mournful scream, snatched Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mobile phone, and then looked at the phone that had not been dialed, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, then turned her head and stared at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu aggressively: "You bastard—!!"

"Oh, I was robbed." Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Ying Lili calmly, and her tone seemed a little regretful.

However, Eiri, who knew her well, could clearly see the deep smile in her burgundy devil eyes.

"Okay, let's stop joking, what are you doing here, Sawamura?"

"What the **** is making such a silly joke!!"

Eri's ponytail jumped wildly, like a frantic squirrel, staring at Kasumigaoka Shiyu full of anger.

"Oh, the person who asked me 'why are you here' at the beginning is indeed you. In this case, I should answer first. Well, I was invited because of the script of the "Warring States" series by Enix."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu changed the topic calmly. According to her estimation, 90% of Yingli Li could be turned away from her and not pursue her previous teasing.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, Ying Riri was stunned for a moment, and said with a strange expression.

"Coincidentally, I was also invited by the same company to discuss the character design?"

"Huh? Invite you and me at the same time? This is not good news."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's willow eyebrows jumped slightly, and his face became a little serious.

It's weird enough to invite her, an up-and-coming writer with no 'scripting experience', to invite Yingri who is also 'inexperienced' at the same time? This is no longer an accident.

You know, no matter on LINE, Facebook, or Wikipedia, neither of them have experience in 'making games', but they were invited by the same game company. Thinking about it, there is a problem, right?

Ying Riri frowned, and said with a slightly unhappy face: "So, is that the firepower that attracted the fan?"

If you think about it carefully, the two of them have recently participated in that malicious fanfiction. The one that can attract the attention of their peers is probably the only work that has shown their talents, right?