The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 976

"All the guards are evacuated from the gate, and within 2 hours, we will take over the whole place."

Wearing a white coat with tattoos engraved on his left face, the blond youth grinned like a gangster, and ordered the guard who was checking the pass at the gate.

Behind him, nearly thirty soldiers armed with guns quickly dispersed, occupying all passageways, and at the same time opening the safety pins of the firearms in their hands.

"what happened?"

"What exactly is this?"

Some outsiders who were still going through the passage procedures looked at the crowd of suspected special forces in front of them with a confused look.

"Well, what happened?"

A male security guard seems to be the person in charge here. After seeing the person coming, he put his hand into his pocket, and while holding the alarm, he cautiously approached the tattooed man headed by him.

Obviously, the wanton behavior of the visitor aroused the vigilance of the guards.

"Confidential mission, there is no specific content to comment." The tattooed man took out a data card from the white coat on his body and placed it in front of the guard.

The guard took out the code scanner from his pocket, swiped the data card, and after confirming that it was genuine, he reached out and took the data card from the other party's hand.

"'Hound Troop' - How many Kiharas are there? Kihara? Anbu!"

"Is that all right, little brother!!" The tattooed man named Kihara laughed wantonly, his raised hand patted the guard's head again and again, the palm of the metal glove and the guard's helmet Make a crisp sound.

"Hey!!" The dumbfounded security guard came back to his senses immediately, and after giving a salute, he immediately turned his head and instructed his subordinates in the rear to get up.

"The registration speed is accelerated, and the clearance will be completed within 5 minutes!!!"

Hearing this order, the originally meticulous inspection action could not help but speed up several times. However, although it is fast, the things that should be checked are still handled properly.


Kihara smashed his mouth and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Although he really wanted to drive these unnecessary crowds away, he still had to worry about the face of the academy city, so he could only wait patiently here.

"Can you stop this behavior? After all, this is a no-smoking area."

The sudden female voice next to him made Kihara Kuta stunned for a moment, and the lighter he just pressed got stuck in the air. He narrowed his eyes and looked back at the old woman who suddenly appeared beside him.

It was an old man of about sixty years old with dark purple hair, wearing a navy blue shirt and trousers.

"Old lady...mother..." Before the abusive words were finished, Kihara saw the dark purple, monster-like beast's vertical pupils of the old man in front of him.

The scene was silent for a moment.

Sweat slowly dripped from Kihara's many temples. He looked at the old man in front of him cautiously, and slowly put away the lighter and cigarette in his hand.

"Looks like we have a pleasant premise for communication." The purple-haired old man smiled and nodded towards Kiharasuke. "Introduce myself, I am 'Andos', the person sent by the 'King' to temporarily take over this gate."

"King?" Kihara's pupils shrank due to the special title. He was silent for a moment, then looked at the small contactor pinned to his shirt. After waiting for a few seconds, he nodded without receiving any instructions.

"I get it, I'm going to hand over ownership of the floodgates."

"It's really fortunate to be so accommodating." Andos smiled and walked slowly towards the gate of the thirteenth school district inside the gate.

Not long after Andos left, a member of the Hounds troop standing nearby came to Kihara Shuduo and said, "Captain, are we going to do it?"

"Rookie?" Kiharashu glanced at the soldier next to him, and he could see the jerky in his eyes just by looking at it.

"Listen, we are just lackeys, as long as we are obedient, since our 'king' has no opinion, then don't worry about it!"

Kiharashu glanced at the contactor on his body, sneered, and walked slowly towards the lounge beside him.

"Besides, I don't want to fight these immortal monsters."

The young soldier on the side looked at Kihara's back with some doubts, and at this moment, he heard the happy muttering of the old man on the side.

"Fortunately, we are probably in the minority, and there is no one who is not "completely destroyed" in the face of dead servants."

"Damn, I don't even know how that old woman got in."

The soldiers from a few years ago seemed to understand something, and looked at the guns in their hands in horror. After looking at Andos standing at the exit, they sighed for the rest of their lives.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't shoot!!"

The people entering and leaving were quickly passed, and after the crowd dissipated, the guards stationed also quickly left the gate point.

A 『Hound Hound Unit』 was hiding in various hidden locations, watching the scene on the other side of the gate with a full face.

Suddenly, Andos, who was standing at the exit, opened his turbid eyes slightly, stared into the distance, and said hoarsely.

"Hohoho, has the 'Princess' arrived?"

At the end of Andos' line of sight, a silver-haired girl in a white nun's uniform was panting heavily and ran towards the gate in a panic.

Chapter 86 The Two Followers

"Oops, if you let her escape there, things will be troublesome."

Outside the gate of the thirteenth school district, the figure behind the landscape trees on both sides of the road said with some distress.

It was a young European and American male with a height of 2 meters.

With red hair all over his shoulders, he was wearing a black monastic uniform, but what was different from that of the clergyman was his dress...

...a bar code tattoo is engraved on the bottom of his right face, he wears shiny silver rings on his hands and fingers, and he wears golden earrings on his ears.

Rather than being a priest, it might be more appropriate to describe him as someone who wears a priest's uniform, or as a mafia.

——Stiyl Magnus, a magician who belongs to the "Church of Necessary Evil", a special unit of the Anglican Church.

"Now, it's too late to stop that child."

Kanzaki Kaori, who was hiding behind the tree in tandem with Stiyl, spoke in a cold tone.

She wore a ponytail that hung down to her waist, her black hair shone brightly in the sunlight, and even her skin was as white as ivory.

She was wearing a simple T-shirt, but tied it up at the waist like a fashionista, and the jeans on her lower body cut off the entire leg of her left leg, revealing her long, slender, straight legs.

Against the girl's mellow and glamorous face, her outfit was full of color, exuding a strange beauty, and the long-handled knife in her hand gave her a bit of heroic aura.

The child she was talking about was a pure white nun who had run up to the gate in a dignified manner by the driveway 200 meters away.

Index, which means the catalog of forbidden books of magic, is a girl who has memorized 103,000 "original magic books" with her brain due to the particularity of her body, and is regarded as a "secret treasure" by the British Puritans.

...also the targets of Stiyl and Kanzaki Kaori who were ordered to be recovered by their superiors.

"It's a terrible situation. If you have to sneak into the academy city in your future actions, it will be a big trouble for you, Kanzaki." said.