The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 1310: Don't forget it!

The rest are almost all in the eighth-turn realm of Tianzun, half-step Tianzun's nine-turn realm, and so on.

And Chu Feng is one of the rare a dozen martial artists in the Seventh Rank Realm of Tianzun!

"What if I don't kneel?"

Chu Feng's voice was calm, and there was an indifferent color in his eyes.

"Don't kneel, then, I will abolish you! Of course, in order to show respect to the Yuan family clan, I will wait until the end of this trip to sea before abolishing you! I don't even mind annihilating you!"

"After all, you only have a life span of no more than one month!"

Sun Ziyu said word by word, as if he was carrying a knife.

"Sun Ziyu, the little brother Chu Feng has some relatives with me. You see my face, tell him about it!"

"I will let him apologize to you! As for kneeling, forget it!"

Ye Liu stood up at this moment and said loudly, directly dismissing Sun Ziyu's suppressive aura.

Sun Ziyu was also slightly taken aback, he did not expect someone to stand up and speak for Chu Feng.

Moreover, this person was Ye Liu who was also the team leader.

Ye Liu was also in the Ninth Rank of Tianzun, and his true strength was not much different from that of Sun Ziyu.

Sun Ziyu must be afraid.

Sun Ziyu: "Ye Liu, are you sure you have to give this kid who doesn't know what to do?!"

Ye Liu said, "Sun Ziyu, I just said, give me this face."

Sun Ziyu was silent for a while.

He really didn't want to conflict with Ye Liu.

But now Ye Liu still stands on the platform for Chu Feng.

Ye Liu knew that Sun Ziyu was hesitating. Since he hesitated, he actually didn't want to make a big mess, and there was room for relaxation.

Ye Liu immediately winked at Cong Chu Feng and said in a low voice, "Brother Chu Feng, apologize to him!"

Chu Feng was indeed very grateful to Ye Liu.

If you don't know each other before, you can stand up for yourself. This is the real martial arts world with the highest interests and strength. It is really rare.

However, he did not intend to apologize to Sun Ziyu.

What's more, he didn't ask Sun Ziyu to trouble him, Sun Ziyu should be thankful.

Chu Feng shook his head: "He's nothing. I won't apologize to him."

Ye Liu's expression suddenly changed, and this was what he worried the most.

This will arouse Sun Ziyu's anger!

Sun Ziyu, when he heard what Chu Feng said, his face was furious.


Just now.

The huge ship shook for a while, and even began to feel like it was going down the current. Even in just a short breath, it moved back several thousand meters.

"The sea storm is coming! All crew members, immediately go all out!"

A voice fell from the sky with an unspeakable sense of urgency.

Ye Liu, Sun Ziyu, and Zhu Xian immediately became nervous.

Zhu Xian was another team leader.

"Everyone, get in place now! Go all out!"

Suddenly, a full 200 crew members immediately sat on their seats and began to paddle hard.

This oar is extremely hard and extremely wide.

Every time you move, you must use your best.

Even, the power consumed once was like a battle of the same level.

All the crew, without any daring to slack off, rowed immediately.

In the process of paddling, many crew members even immediately heated up.

This is sweat evaporation.

When you reach the realm of Tianzun, sweat evaporation can still occur, and it is also rare to see it!

Similarly, everyone's faces were blushing.

Even many crew members have begun to take Yiqi Dan to replenish their physical strength.

There was even a burst of panting.

It took a full quarter of an hour.

The entire ship stabilized.

"Okay, pause, rest!"

A voice came.

"Palsy, exhausted!"

"Finally a sea storm passed!"

"The duration of this sea storm is fairly short!"

Many crew members were finally able to rest, and couldn't help venting the depression after fatigue.

There were even hundreds of crew members, sitting on the seat with exhaustion, without talking or moving, taking Yiqi Pill and working hard to repair.

"I found a few lazy crew members just now!"

Sun Ziyu's voice suddenly rang.

Immediately, Sun Ziyu's figure exploded, pulling out four or five figures.

Compared with other crew members who were sweating profusely, these four or five people were only slightly sweating, and even their breath was very stable.

This means that just now they were all pretending and making no effort.

"Fifty inheritance crystals are deducted from each of you!"

Sun Ziyu said.


The figure of Sun Ziyu came to Chu Feng's side again.

"Your name is Chu Feng? You will be punished with a hundred inheritance crystals!"

"Although a few of them are lazy, but somehow they did some effort, but you didn't make any effort at all!"

Sun Ziyu said coldly.

Ye Liu: "Sun Ziyu, why do you say that Brother Chu Feng didn't work hard at all..."


Before Ye Liu finished speaking, he looked at Chu Feng's eyes and was stunned.

Even Ye Liu was a little speechless.

Because Chu Feng's breath was more stable than anyone else, and he didn't even have the slightest sweat on him.

Let's put it this way, all the martial artists in the realm of Tianzun are present, and their perception is amazing.

If a person works hard and works hard for a quarter of an hour, the physical state will definitely show up!

However, Chu Feng is extremely stable! Breath, calm is the same as without any exercise!

"Ye Liu, why do you say I should talk about him?"

"You won't have any problems with your own eyes and perception. You should know why I said that to him?"

"Our other crew members are all working hard. As a result, if he doesn't work hard, will he still get paid? It's cheaper to punish him with a hundred inheritance crystals!"

Sun Ziyu's voice was full of irony and meanness.

Ye Liu knew that Chu Feng's reward was only six hundred inheritance crystals!

If one more is deducted, there will only be five hundred inheritance crystals!

Ye Liu said: "This brother is very short of Inheritance So let’s deduct 50 Inheritance Crystals!

Ye Liu wanted to fight for Chu Feng very much, but Chu Feng did not help.

At best, he could only fight for Chu Feng to reduce the penalty.

At the same time, Ye stayed in his heart, and he also had a slight opinion on Chu Feng.

Because Chu Feng was like fishing in troubled waters, which made him feel a little lumpy in his heart.

"Brother Ye, could it be in your heart, I also fish in troubled waters, so I don't have much effort at all!"

Instead, Chu Feng said directly sharply.

His voice was very flat, and there was no mood swing due to the deduction of 100 Inheritance Crystals.

Ye Liu looked at Chu Feng and said, "Chu Feng, I promise you to take care of you this way, then I will take care of you this way. But I hope you won't do this in the future."