The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 1349: Spicy heart!

Someone is here to send the Mobility Monster?

Mo Lin was also slightly taken aback when she heard what Chu Feng said.

But, Moline soon understood what was going on.

Mo Lin is now also the peak powerhouse of the Saint King's Sixth Stage, and his perception has reached a whole new level.

Therefore, Mo Lin has also detected something.

At the same time, there was a tremor in Mo Lin's heart.

Because this was what Chu Feng reminded her, and she discovered it.

This means that Chu Feng's perception is better than her.

You know, Chu Feng's current martial art realm is only the peak of the Seventh Rank of Tianzun!

"Young Master Feng, you are a monster at all!"

In the past two years, Mo Lin's strength has risen sharply, and all the confidence he brought has faded in front of Chu Feng.

Only Chu Feng could make her feel so unconfident.

far away.

Ten kilometers away.

One old and one young, two warriors.

The martial arts realm is high enough to be able to distinguish the opponent's martial arts breath based on the opponent's techniques.

Obviously, these two warriors carried the martial arts aura of the Dongguo clan.

Of these two people, one is the second elder of Dongguo's clan, Dongguoye.

The other is the son of Dongguo Yao, the master of the Dongguo Gate Valve, Dongguo Stage.

"Second elder, is it true that I only need to take the blood of that Chu Fengye boy, and then drink some blood from the earth wind python, and I can completely break through to the realm of the nobles!"

Dong Guoye nodded and said, "Jie'er, you are right. Once you break through, you will be a sixteen-year-old Holy Venerable! And with my Dongguo clan’s secret inheritance, you can also improve your martial arts cultivation. A two-level, sixteen-year-old saintly triple realm martial artist is rare in the entire Tianwu inheritance country."

"In the future, within five hundred years, reaching the realm of the holy king, it must be very promising!"

Dong Guojie itself is Dong Guo Yao's youngest son, and his qualifications are also very good. He is only sixteen years old, and he has reached the pinnacle of Tianzun's Ninth Rank.

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Dongguo Clan and all the elders cultivated the Dongguo Stage at all costs and regarded it as an important bargaining chip for the Dongguo Clan to continue to rise in the future.

"That Chu Feng wild boy, is that so strong?"

Dong Guojie said.

He had also heard about Chu Feng's extremely talented talent, which made him feel very unconvinced in his heart.

Dong Guoye said: "Then Chu Feng, when selecting the Secret Realm, the martial art realm was only the peak of the Seventh Rank of Heavenly Sovereign. However, he was able to annihilate the martial artist of the Saint King's first realm peak level. Think about his talents!"

"However, when he met my Dongguo clan leader, Sunjia clan leader, etc., he must have to kneel down!"

"Jie'er, I guess that Chu Feng is able to fight beyond so many small realms, and his bloodline must be extremely extraordinary. If you refine his blood, you will not only absorb the effects of Earth Wind Python Pill, but also promote The improvement of your blood!"

When Dong Guoye said this, there was even a hint of expectation and desire in his eyes.

After all, although Dongguoye is the elder of Dongguo's clan, in the final analysis, he is also a martial artist. What he hopes most is naturally the improvement of his martial arts strength.

However, with the Dongguo clan leader, the Sunjia clan leader and others, he certainly couldn't and was unable to **** Chu Feng's blood!

When Dong Guojie heard Dong Guoye's words, there was a burst of extreme color in his eyes.

"Second elder, then let's hurry to Yaolong Valley! At this time, my father and the Lord Sun Jiwang must have captured Chu Fengye kid!"

Dong Guoye nodded and said, "Well, there is no doubt about this. This Chu Feng, I have to say, is amazing, brilliant, talented, and just like a flying dragon in the sky. It's a pity that this young dragon valley is the result of his death. Ground!"

Dong Guoye has never seen Chu Feng either.

This time the Dongguo clan participated in the siege of Chu Feng and Mo Lian, and only then did he know about Chu Feng.


Two figures appeared in front of them.

Exactly, Chu Feng and Mo Lin.

Mo Lin's martial arts aura was once again covered up, only in the Seventh Rank Realm of Tianzun.

Although Dongguojie is only sixteen years old, she is very charming.

Seeing Mo Lin's natural carved and beautiful face, there was a sudden surge in my heart.

"That woman, stay! Serve me and be my maid! Personal maid!"

Dong Guojie directly started to speak arrogantly.

As if he thinks, it is an honor for others to be able to let others be their own personal maids.

Chu Feng and Mo Lian stopped.

Moline's face was already filled with anger.

In her life, she was only Chu Feng's maid.

If other people want her to be a maid, it is tantamount to seeking death.

There was no trace of emotion on Chu Feng's face: "Are you serious?"

Dong Guoye originally wanted to stop Dong Guojie.

However, seeing that the two people in front of him were only in the Seventh Rank Realm of Tianzun, he just gave up.

What kind of storms can two martial artists of the Seventh Rank Realm of Heavenly Sovereign create in front of them?

Dongguo Stage is the peak realm of Tianzun's Ninth Rank!

And he is the pinnacle of the Saint King's Quadruple Realm!

In his opinion, I am afraid that just moving his fingers can kill the two people in front of him.

So, if Dong Guojie wants to have fun, just have fun.

"Jie'er, don't delay too much time. That kid doesn't know what's good or bad, so kill him directly. Take that woman back."

Dong Guoye said.

In Dong Guojie's eyes, there was always a squinting look.

"Yes, second elder. I think so too!"

Dong Guojie walked towards Chu Feng and Mo Lin.


Chu Feng said softly.

At the same time, an invisible soul power has already penetrated into the depths of the soul of Dongguo Stage.

There are a total of 5,000 top soul calming stones in the sea of ​​knowledge of the Dongguo Stage to guard!

This is enough to see how much the Dongguo Stage attaches importance to the Dongguo gate!

Generally speaking, a Tianzun realm martial artist has a thousand top soul calming stones, that is too much!

And Dongguo Stage, a full five thousand yuan!

Even many Saint King masters rarely refining and guarding 5,000 top-level soul stones!

But even if there are five thousand top soulstones.

Facing Chu Feng's Destroying Soul, Dong Guojie's soul just seemed to have no defense at all!

Chu Feng's soul-killing attack, drove straight forward, destroying the dead!

Even these five thousand soul calming stones did not play any blocking effect at all.

Chu Feng's spirit power had already wiped out the sea of ​​consciousness of Dongguo's order and strangled his spirit.

Dong Guojie, at this time the whole figure has stopped.

Because his soul has been annihilated.

At this time, all that was left was just a skin bag.

Dong Guoye frowned slightly when he heard Chu Feng say the word "die".

Because, in his opinion, Chu Feng, a little Tianzun Rank 7 martial artist, said these words, already rebelling, and it was a mortal sin.