The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 1548: Don't want to give up!

   Yu Jianghai’s words were filled with thunder and thunder, making everyone's hearts tremble, excited, and expectant.

   "But there is one thing, if the ten elders accidentally hurt you or even wastes you, all consequences will be borne by yourself!"

   "In addition, in order to reassure you, I will place the Heavenly Dao Flower directly in the cage space you are testing! If you pass, you can pick the corresponding petals yourself!"

   "Now, those who are willing to participate in the assessment, stand here by themselves!"

   Yu Jianghai spoke again.

   is the moment Jiang Hai speaks.

  Almost all the martial artists with the strength of the saints chose to accept the assessment.

   After all, this opportunity is too rare!

   The moment Chu Feng would also take his footsteps.

   Weak Shui suddenly spoke anxiously.

   "Chu Feng, I have noticed that there is something wrong with the aura of these two people! Although they cover up very well, they even deliberately cover up their original aura of gong, but there are still some omissions!"

   "Their breath is the same as that of Wu Zun and others! They should be too respectable people!"

"They happen to be in charge of this introduction work, well, that is, your Zhenwu general election. He wants to use this opportunity to attack you! But they are limited by the rules of boundary force and cannot openly attack you, so they want to pass. This way, it’s on you! Half a step into the heavenly realm, it should not be affected by the rules of boundary force! Or the impact is very small!"

   Weak Water immediately figured out all the problems.

   Chu Feng was also well-intentioned. Hearing Xiao Shui's words like this, he immediately understood.

   "So, I won't participate in their assessment?"

   Chu Feng said to himself.

   Shengjun strength martial artist, can not participate in the assessment, directly board the ladder to enter the Longwu continent.

   In this way, Chu Feng can avoid this danger!

   Weak water nodded: "This is the best way!"

   Chu Feng: "However, this Heavenly Dao Flower is indeed very good, I don't want to give up!"

   Chu Feng did not want to give up.

   For Chu Feng, what he cares about is not to improve the martial art realm at all!

   Instead, use Tiandaohua to improve the deduction of martial arts rules and enhance your overall strength!

   "Weak water, if I get ten petals of the Heavenly Dao Flower, I am afraid it can increase my cultivation level by half!"

   Chu Feng couldn't help but licked his lips with his tongue at this time. For Chu Feng, this Heavenly Daohua was indeed somewhat tempting.

  Chu Feng's own talent is a monster, and his deduction ability is far superior to others. If he is assisted by Tiandaohua, he will definitely be able to upgrade his various techniques to a level!

   Putting it all together, it is absolutely no problem to increase your strength by half!

   "Weak water, let me try! If you are in danger, lend me your strength immediately!"

   Chu Feng has made a decision.

   Weak Shui certainly understands Chu Feng. Once Chu Feng has made a decision, it is impossible to reverse it easily.

   Weak Shui nodded, and said solemnly: "Okay!"

Chu Feng immediately transmitted the voice to Mo Lin and Lin Gu: "Mo Lin, Lin Gu, you don't want to participate in this assessment. After a while, climb the Tongtian Ladder as soon as possible and enter Longwu Continent! Remember, climb as soon as possible! "

   "In addition, take Su Yingxi and the saint king-level warriors to help them climb quickly!"

   It is worth mentioning that Lin Gu's talent is ultimately very enchanting. Before this Zhenwu general election, his martial arts cultivation has reached the half-step sage peak level! It can even rival the first realm of the holy monarch!

   Therefore, you can already stand in the ranks of sages!

   Mo Lin and Lin Gu also didn't know why Chu Feng didn't let them participate in this assessment.

   However, they also knew that there must be a reason why Chu Feng said this!

   And, definitely for their good.

   Lin Gu also gave his father Lin Changtian this advice.

   Of course, they are all secret transmissions.

   Hearing Lin Gu's secret transmission, Lin Changtian was also taken aback.

   "Gu'er, if you can take a breath, you can not only get the petals of the heavenly flowers, but you can also become a disciple of this upper realm warrior sect. This is a rare and good opportunity! You can't give up!"

   Lin Gu shook his head and said, "No, father, I will give up this opportunity."

   Lin Changtian was puzzled: "Tell me why."

   Lin Gu said, "This is the sound transmission from Brother Chu Feng to me!"

   Hearing Lin Gu's words, Lin Changtian also took a breath.

   Immediately, Lin Changtian said: "Okay, I also give up this assessment!"


   There are more than 200 sages, all of whom have chosen to participate in the assessment.

   Only Mo Lin, Lin Gu, and Lin Changtian did not choose to be assessed.

   Yu Jianghai and Yu Bojiang obviously did not expect that in the face of such a strong temptation, someone would give up the assessment!

   "The three of you are sure not to participate in the assessment?"

   Yu Jianghai said indifferently.

   "Yes! We are sure not to participate in the assessment!"

   Molian, Lin Gu, and Lin Changtian all said.

   Just now, of course Yu Jianghai also noticed that Chu Feng and Mo Lian are very close!

   Therefore, Yu Jianghai also wanted to use the opportunity of the assessment to abolish Mo Lin.

   But now that Moline has given up the assessment, he can't do it at will.

   "Three Elders, what should I do?"

   Yu Bojiang gave Yu Jianghai the voice of the divine consciousness.

   Yu Jiang Hai’s divine sense transmission, almost gritted his teeth: "In order not to startle the snake, I can only temporarily let go of this Molian!"

   It is true that their main goal and task is to kill Chu Feng!

   must not affect this!

   The divine consciousness transmission between Yu Jianghai and Yu Bojiang was very fast.

   Yu Jianghai said: "You enter the Tongtian and start climbing, enter Longwu Continent!"

   Molian, Lin Gu, and Lin Changtian, exactly in accordance with Chu Feng's instructions, stepped onto the ladder to the sky, and began to climb quickly, without losing any time.

   "Step on the Heavenly Ladder, there is no turning back! Go up one level, and it is impossible to return! As the warriors of the true martial world, you can shuttle back once every 10,000 years.

"In addition, if you can enter a strong enough sect, you can get the Shuttle Treasure Scroll, but you can return to the True Martial Realm once in a hundred years! However, after you enter the Longwu Continent, you probably have no interest in returning to your garbage True Martial Realm! "

   Yu Bo Jiang said at this time.

   Between the words, it is extremely ironic.

  Every scene that happened here can be seen clearly by the martial artists onlookers.

   There is even the spread of spar screens, and it can even be spread simultaneously to the three major heritage countries and monsters...

   It can be said that countless warriors in the Zhenwu world are actually paying attention to the situation.

   They could clearly hear what Yu Bojiang said.

   is extremely humiliating, very harsh! ,

   Everyone was silent for a while!

   On the spot, these sages, also no one dared to refute.

   includes Lei Kuang, including Barbarian Dragon.

   "Old thing, did you fall into the cesspit and talked without brushing your teeth when you came out? Why is it so smelly?"

   Chu Feng spoke.