The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 2372: Broken!

Hearing Chu Feng's question, he was covered with fire and weak, with a weird expression on his face, he stopped talking.

"Tell me later!"

Chu Feng took the initiative to speak directly.

next moment.

Chu Feng, immediately, walked on foot, toward a lotus seat directly above the Void of Nirvana!

In the sky above the top of the Nirvana Fire Space, there is also a lotus seat exactly like the previous Yougu Pavilion! Burning the same flame!


Chu Feng stretched out his hand to pick it.

That day the fire of Nirvana, like an extremely well-behaved pet, came to Chu Feng's hands.

Even, the next moment, like a piece of holy ice and snow, it melted directly.

However, instead of disappearing out of thin air, it fell into Chu Feng's palm! Meridians! flesh! skeleton! Spirit!

Every part of Chu Feng's body!

But Chu Feng, at this moment, his whole body was quiet.

next moment.

A soft but extreme white light rose from his body!

Accompanied by it, Chu Feng's breath rose and rises one after another!

The momentum of that breath rose to 30,000 li, not looking back for nine days!

The entire fire space of Tiannier seemed to be a mustard seed, rising up with Chu Feng's breath! Can hold unlimited!

A quarter of an hour later.

The breath disappeared in an instant with a brush.

All closed!

Chu Feng, at this moment, the aura on his whole body has changed!

Become more restrained!

Become more tempered!

Become more cohesive!

Chu Feng opened his eyes.

Deep and bright.

Concentrated by the fire and weak water.

In the next moment, the two of them had already returned to the Emperor's Heart Realm.

"It's time to condense my physical body!"

Chu Feng murmured.


In the space of the fire of Nirvana, there was a wave of turbulence.

And outside the space of the fire of Tianni, a certain depth of space.

At this moment, all the spaces, every layer of space, whether deep or shallow, outermost or innermost, were suddenly stirred!

The space of a hundred li radius has directly turned into a mass of chaos!

The center of the chaos is the space of fire of Nirvana!

It seems to be the endless traction force in the unintentional, like a starry sky and a bright moon, shining down!


Yugu Island!

The ancient island that had been invaded and entered the depths of the riot star sea still exists!

However, now, only the smallest area is left!

In this area, above, there are the remains of broken top-level human elements!

Also, the ashes that Chu Feng turned into after being burned by the fire of Tianni!


Here, there are even a few fierce beasts cruising here!


The aura and power exuding from the fire space of Tiannier merged into all the ashes of Chu Feng's body!


An amazing scene happened!

The endless ashes that had been turned into, unexpectedly, began to change!

Began to become bloody! Breath out!

Even this **** breath is extremely powerful!

Moreover, it is exactly Chu Feng's breath!

Chu Feng's flesh and blood breath gave these fierce beasts an uncontrollable sense of temptation.


These few fierce beasts, which have reached the first stage of the Primordial Ancient Stage, did not dare to move!

They are also dumbfounded!

Because the scene before me is too weird!

They have heard of the great battle that erupted in this sea area, involving the half-step fusion of the gods, and even the fierce beasts at the peak of the Eighth Layer of the Proterozoic Realm can only be wiped out with their hands...

And it seems that the cause of the whole thing is the master of this flesh and blood!

And they are actually going to be in this sea area, hoping to detect some traces left by the battle, and see if they can give them some breakthrough opportunities...

Even, there is such a fierce beast, continuously using the sharpest teeth to bite the ashes!

After all, these ashes and residues were left by Chu Feng, a genius who was against the sky, and it might be beneficial...

The ashes were extremely firmly fixed on the ancient island, which was very difficult to get off.

However, this fierce beast, even insisting in the end, actually swallowed a pill...

But at the moment.


This fierce beast felt a tumbling aura in his body suddenly stirred.

next moment.

A tiny piece of flesh and blood came out directly!

This fierce beast, all the power, true power, etc. on its body disappeared in an instant!

Not disappear out of thin air!

Rather, it was absorbed by this flesh and blood!

That fierce beast, with wide-eyed eyes and endless fear, its whole body turned into a dry old bark!

The whole body is completely withered like a plant!

The other fierce beasts are completely dull!

Just a few breaths.

All the ashes, a lot of them, all recovered into flesh and blood!

Moreover, these flesh and blood are all condensed!


Just a few breaths.

Chu Feng's figure appeared.

However, this figure of Chu Feng is just the body of Chu Feng!

No soul!


One of the fierce beasts of the Proterozoic and the Great Realm suddenly burst into a decisive and greedy look from the original jealous and fearful look!


This fierce beast at the pinnacle of the first stage of the Primordial Ancients directly burned a drop of fierce core bloodline power, and its aura soared, biting towards Chu Feng's flesh!

However, it found that Chu Feng's physical body did not react at all! There is no fluctuation of spirits!

In its eyes, there was even a secretly surprised color!


Double teeth, bite!

Bit on Chu Feng's thigh!


This fierce beast, the moment it bites~~~

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of continuous fragmentation sounded at the same time!

Yes, that fierce beast!

Start with its double teeth and start to break!

Then, the head!

Then, the neck!

After that, it's the body!

This fierce beast, the whole body, directly burst!

Until death, it can be sure that Chu Feng has no soul in this body!

But, by the way, it was completely destroyed by this soulless body!

Originally, there was also a fierce beast, also very eager, just a little timid...

At this moment, originally, I wanted to rush forward and bite Chu Feng's body, for fear that I would miss the opportunity...

But at the moment.

It was completely frightened!

Only this beast is left!

Under its trembling eyes.

Chu Feng's body seems to have penetrated into a chaotic vortex deep in the space.


It suddenly saw that Chu Feng's figure had come to life.

A bright light was projected from the eyes.

This bright light seems to travel through countless spaces!

Very fierce!

This fierce beast, only feeling its own soul, suddenly turned upside down and chaotic, and feared the extreme!

In an instant, all its souls seemed to have received a very strong crit, and they were completely confused!

This fierce beast immediately lost his mind! Confusion! crazy!

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