The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 2417: What a benefit! ?

For Chu Feng.

This is already hundreds of years ago...

Moreover, it is still a matter of Zhenwu Realm!

Thinking of the remnants of the Candle Dragon Realm in Zhenwu Realm, Chu Feng would inevitably also think of the Candle Dragon Realm!

Candle Dragon Realm, but there is her own woman!

Lu Qingjun!

However, the Candle Dragon Realm has now left the Zhenwu Realm as a whole, returning to its ancestral veins, but it is difficult to find where its ancestral veins are...

"If it is not in Longwu Continent, then it may be Longwu Heaven..."

Chu Feng said inwardly.


Chu Feng's heart was completely calm.

Chu Feng's heart is indeed very strong, very understanding, and able to quickly calm his emotions.


Weak Shui said: "Chu Feng, here, for you, there are actually opportunities for you! Because as long as you absorb and refine the spiritual power here, for others, it is just supplementing your own spiritual power, but you cannot absorb it. The primordial spirit contained in it!"

"But you are different, you can absorb the ancient aura! Inspire your own blood!"

"Although, with such a concentration, it is difficult to stimulate your blood in a short time!"

"But don't forget! Here, there is Primordial Qi everywhere! The Primordial Qi is massive! The increase in the amount will cause changes!"

Chu Feng also had a slight smile on his face. ,

Indeed, this kind of harvest is almost as if it was for nothing.

Qianshui continued: "What's more, since it is an ancient relic, then there must be an ancient temple!"

"The Taikoo Temple is a place for the ancient gods and demons to pray and wish! Such a place is of no use to many warriors!"

"Because Taigu Temple has no other use, so there won't be any precious things here!"

Chu Feng felt a little strange when he heard Xiao Shui say these things.

Weak water, what does it mean to mention Taikoo Temple?

Of course he knew that weak water would not mention Taikoo Temple for no reason!

Since it is mentioned, there must be a reason.

However, Chu Feng was really anxious.

After all, his divine consciousness is also very powerful. He can perceive that, not far from him, about fifty kilometers away, there are warriors, and he has found a few very precious treasures!

Such a treasure of heaven and earth, Chu Feng, will be moved!

These natural treasures are not very effective for Chu Feng today, but they are still of great use to his confidantes, brothers, friends, and teachers!

Here, chances are really everywhere!

If you delay the time, you will really get it by other warriors, and you will get much less...

Meng Huo, at this moment, also felt Chu Feng's anxious heart.

"Hehe, Weak Shui, you can tell Kid Chu quickly!"

"Chu boy, now, but a little anxious!"

Menghuo, said with a smile.

Obviously, Menghuo, a powerful existence that followed the three thousand realms of the palm of fire, also understood something about the Taikoo Temple.

Weak water also smiled slightly.

"Well, let's make a long story short!"

"The Taikoo Temple is useless to others."

"However, it is of great benefit to you! Let's put it this way, the benefit to you is no less than the benefit of improving a rule of heaven to reach the flawless level or the second top level!"

Hearing the words of weak water, Chu Feng calmed down.

Weak Shui once said that it is so difficult to obtain and promote the rules of the impeccable heaven and the sub-top heaven! And, for the power of the heavens!

So, now, it is enough to prove that the Taikoo Temple is of great benefit to you!

"The Taikoo Temple is a place where all the Taikoo gods or the Taikoo demons pray for blessings and worship. Therefore, in the dark, there are countless ancient Qi, and it is the purest ancient Qi!"

"To put it simply, this purest ancient spirit is condensed and attracted because of their pious beliefs!"

"According to the richness of the ancient atmosphere in the air here, it is inferred that every brick, every tile, wall cracks, ground and even the ground in the Taikoo Temple here will contain an extremely pure and mellow level!"

Weak Shui, when he said this, he was a little trembling.

In fact, Primordial Qi is not of much use to weak water, fire, and even fire-handling martial arts.

They may be able to absorb some with large methods and large means, but the effect will not be so obvious.

But it is different for Chu Feng!

This is the treasure that can improve Chu Feng!

Only Chu Feng can get huge benefits!

Here, it is simply prepared for Chu Feng!

Weak water, how can we not be excited!

"Weak Shui, Lao Meng, help me find the Taikoo Temple here!"

Chu Feng was also a little excited at the moment, and his voice trembled a little bit.

After all, Chu Feng is only more than three hundred years old, a young warrior who cannot be younger! Will be excited too!

Weak water and misty fire immediately nodded and said, "Just keep going to the southeast! About 800 kilometers away! There should be an ancient temple!"

Weak water and misty fire, after the two souls are repaired, they are really too strong, and their perception is extremely keen.

At this moment, it directly appeared.

Chu Feng immediately moved.

The figure flickered, turned into an afterimage, traveling through the void.

Along the way, Chu Feng, of course, was not idle.

He smoothly gathered some spiritual fruits and spiritual plants that he could find, and quickly gathered them.

These spirit fruits and spirit plants are probably all real! There is even a true pinnacle! Of course, there are also many mysterious level elixir...

Chu Feng didn't let it go either, and gathered it up.

After all, I am not just leaning on a storage bag!

I have a Longe ancient ring! Inside, the space is huge enough!

Probably equivalent to other people, tens of thousands of storage bags space is so big! And it's the best kind of storage bag as a contrast!

Moreover, besides Long'e Gu Jie, he also has the emperor's heart world! ! !

Regarding storage capacity It is estimated that if Chu Feng is second in the entire Longwu Continent, no one would dare to call first!

For Chu Feng, these drugs may not be of much use!

However, it is still useful for your fellow students, relatives and friends!

The true-level elixir here is more pure in quality than the outside ones! Of course not to be missed!

Why not pick it up for nothing!



Chu Feng, wherever he passed, all the elixir plants disappeared almost instantly!

It was almost a small tornado, quickly passing by!

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