The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 2430: too slow!

The reward is very generous!

There are many warriors who have explored many places and obtained many opportunities.

Those places that are less dangerous are almost torn up.

In places with great danger, warriors with a low cultivation base dare not go, and if they go, they will die.

Therefore, when they saw this reward, they were all tempted.

These warriors of them are only the realm of Heavenly Dao, and there are even many low-level warriors of Heavenly Dao!

Just looking for a place, you can get a huge reward, why not!

Therefore, for a while, more than 10,000 people began to look for the location of the Taigu Houtu Temple...

Shaojue Battlefield is a somewhat remote place.

A woman with a cold and arrogant complexion.

Is facing chase.

In her hand, there is a very strange flower.

The reason why it is said to be strange is that the flower, like crystal, is transparent.

With an ethereal aura.

Behind, there were six or seven warriors chasing and killing her.

Among those martial artists, there is actually a half-step Proterozoic powerhouse, and all the others are all martial artists of the Ninth Stage of Heaven!

However, it is very surprising.

So many people chased this woman, but they didn't catch up.

Even the warrior of the half-step Proterozoic realm has been unable to catch up!

At most it can only maintain the same distance!

This is really shocking.

This woman is just the pinnacle of the Eightfold Realm of Heaven!

The speed is comparable to the half-step Proterozoic realm!

At this moment.

Even the speed of this woman soared again!

Widened the distance with that half-step Proterozoic realm warrior!

The half-step Proterozoic realm warrior was stunned.

This means that the speed of this woman burst out, and it can be compared to the realm of half-step Proterozoic!

"It must be killed! Otherwise, once she is allowed to refine this flower, her strength will greatly increase, I am afraid it will be a threat to me... If she retaliates, it will be unthinkable!"

The half-step Proterozoic realm warrior had a ruthless mind in his heart.

"Through the previous fights, it can be determined that her combat power cannot reach the half-step Proterozoic realm, but her speed has advantages..."

"Burning half a drop of blood... can increase my strength, enough to catch up with her, enough to overwhelm her..."

"The aura of that transparent flower is enough to restore me with all my strength! It will even break through to a new level! It's worth it!"

This half-step Proterozoic realm warrior immediately did not hesitate.


A breath suddenly burst from his body.

He burned half of his lifeblood!

He was already very close to the pinnacle of the half-step Proterozoic realm. At this moment, under the explosion, he had directly reached the pinnacle of the half-step Proterozoic realm!


Speed ​​up!

Even more than that woman!

That woman, indeed, has been a little tired from the continuous attacks!

"I originally wanted to keep those hole cards, maybe they can help the young man, now, it seems that I can only use a part of it first..."

This woman, in her heart, was bitter.

Of course it is this warrior who hates it!

And this woman is not someone else, it is Mo Lin!


Moline, no longer run away.

It stopped the figure.


The half-step Proterozoic realm warrior immediately stood in front of her.

"You know the current affairs well. However, now, it's a bit late!! It made me lose half of my lifeblood..."

The martial artist had a resentful look in his eyes.

If he hadn't consumed half of his lifeblood, maybe, once he refined the transparent flower, he would get even more improvement, and the qualitative change would be even greater!

Those other warriors also quickly pursued them.

However, they dare not get too close.

After all, the half-step Proterozoic realm warrior here burned half a drop of his life blood, and the breath was too huge and heavy.

They dare not compete with it!


All of them felt a hint of horror for no reason.

Including, that half-step Proterozoic realm warrior.

He suppressed his feeling for a while.

Immediately, some self-deprecating.

On the scene, I am the strongest, and I will feel shocked!

I am indeed a little stunned!


Mo Lin vomited lightly in her mouth.

next moment.

Two full black and glowing pills detonated instantly.

Each pill is equivalent to the full blow of a warrior in the first stage of the Proterozoic realm.

There are hundreds of such pills, Mo Lin!

All from Chu Feng!

The pinnacle warrior in the first stage of the Proterozoic realm was able to issue three consecutive peak full blows!

And this is hundreds!

Even if there is a warrior in the second stage of the Proterozoic realm in front of Mo Lin, I am afraid that it will suffer a big loss, be seriously injured, and even endangered!

"Do not!"

The half-step Proterozoic realm warrior, and the other nine heavenly realm warriors, all made a burst of shouts.

However, this shouting sound was instantly obliterated by a strong explosion.

The stump has a broken arm.

Flesh and flesh fly.


At this moment, this area is like an ocean of space turmoil and reincarnation.

Ten full breaths.

This restored calm.

However, this place was originally flat, but at this moment, it has sunk 100 meters deep.

There are circles of cracks and ripples in the space, rippling and recovering.

Moline, spinning in the air.

Immediately after reaching out, the two storage bags galloped into her hands.

"It's a pity that other people's storage bags..."

Mo Lin had a slight regret on her face.

The violent burst just now has blasted all their storage bags into the cracks in the space, and it must have been burned.


Moline carried two storage bags into a cave and covered it.

Immediately, took the transparent flower.

Just ten breaths.

Mo Lin's martial arts realm, shaken


The next moment, it directly improved a small realm!

Reached the peak level of the Ninth Realm of Heaven!

This is not over yet.


The breath climbed again.

Reached the peak level of the half-step Proterozoic realm!

Mo Lin did not stay long.

Immediately, left the cave.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't even break through to the Proterozoic Realm..."

"But fortunately, I met this hidden lotus..."

"Now my lore transformation has reached the peak of Dacheng!"

"You can leapfrog! Even in the Proterozoic realm, I can leapfrog! Even close to two small realms...but now I'm only half-step to the peak of the Proterozoic realm, but the most is to follow In the first stage of the Primordial Realm, you will fight in the middle and late stages!"

"It's too slow!"

Moline said to herself.

She is really dissatisfied with herself!


This scene also manifested itself on the Sky Mirror.

The unparalleled old lady Zhongsun was naturally very excited after seeing it.

ps: It will be delivered after the fifth watch, ask for a ticket~~~The climax is coming soon~~~Thank you for your support~~~

(End of this chapter)

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