The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 2431: How worthy of it? !

"Okay! Okay! Lian'er finally got a breakthrough, and almost broke through two small realms... The key is that she actually met Yin Lian! Lore Huayi, reached the peak of Dacheng ahead of time... This pair of her bloodline , It also has a huge stimulating effect..."

The old lady Zhongsun was filled with joy.

Of course, it is not just the absolute ones who paid attention to this scene.

There are some warriors in other states.

"This woman has absorbed a transparent flower and has improved so much. It has been a long way to go after 800,000 years of age, and it is too slow!"

"She is only over three hundred years old!"

An old man, at this moment, is almost coughing up blood.

The other warriors are also in constant shock.

Now, this era seems to really change!

Young Tianjiao, proud to show off one by one, will remain famous in the times!

"However, this woman is really crazy! She even dislikes her slow breakthrough..."

"Presumably, as Chu Feng's confidante, she will be Chu Feng!"

Several warriors are also talking about it.

These warriors outside the Shaojue battlefield naturally saw Chu Feng and Mo Lin.

When Mo Lin changed his appearance and concealed his aura, he could only hide from the warriors who had entered the Shajue battlefield too early.

They saw Mo Lin change his appearance and hide his breath throughout the process, so they still recognized it!

Among the crowd.

There are also many female warriors.

"If I were a confidante of Chu Feng, I am afraid that even if I improve three small realms in one day, I will not be satisfied, and I will feel slow... After all, Chu Feng is too enchanting, be him My confidante is really stressed!"

"Yeah, love him, of course you can't hold him back..."

"Of course these men don't understand women's minds, and they think that Moline is mad and arrogant... In fact, they are all true manifestations of their hearts..."

Many female warriors are full of worship, admiration, and love for Chu Feng in their hearts.

Cui Yuhong, the sacred mountain of the Nine Swords, is also amazed. Mo Lin's talent is really very strong!

Compared to her direct disciple, she is also stronger!

"My good disciple, you are practicing such crazy, retreat, I am afraid that it is also the kind of thinking of Mo Lin's girl... However, I am afraid that you can't catch up with Chu's cultivation speed!"

"Anyway, I also poke open the window paper for you. When you leave, don't have a crush..."

Cui Yuhong, inside, at this moment, instead of thinking of these.

As for the second-class force of Yuzhou, Hu's side.

The head of the Hu family had long known that Mo Lin was Chu Feng's confidante.

Of course, I also noticed.

"Wan'er, originally as a father, I thought that your strength was already on the top of the list of young dragons and martial artists, and your appearance was not inferior to any confidante of Chu Feng. You definitely have an advantage..."

"But, now, Wan'er, you really don't have much advantage among those confidantes of Chu Feng. You can only be regarded as an ordinary person..."

"I have done my best for my father. Next, it's up to you!"

Patriarch Hu, in his heart at this moment, is also a deep secret.

"Han'er, I hope you will work hard too! You, and Mu Yunrou, are actually interesting to Chu Feng boy. You have deep roots in love. You don't want to talk about it, but the father can still see it..."

Ye Nianjiang, at this moment, also thought of this in his heart.

In this area where the Nine Swords Saint Mountain is located, there is still a group of people.

This group of people, naturally, are members of the military refiner race.

There are not many people coming from the refiner race.

Gu Rou, Gu Nan, two siblings, and two elders at the seventh stage of the Proterozoic realm.

Gu Rou is really very beautiful. It can be said that she is standing here, almost leaving the female warriors with no color.

And Gunan, too, is also an absolute beautiful man, very dazzling.

At the scene, there are naturally many eyes condensed to them.

"Sister, brother-in-law, once he comes out, he will definitely be very tyrannical and crush the Quartet!"

Gunan has a smile on his face and confidence.

The brother-in-law in his mouth was of course Chu Feng.

"Gu Nan, don't talk nonsense. Mr. Chu can you see me..."

Gu Rou's face was flushed, and she was not confident.

Many warriors, especially those with extremely high cultivation bases, can hear these conversations.

After they heard it, they all felt speechless.

"Chu Feng, this kid, is not only talented against the sky, but also an enchanting strength, and even this ability to pick up girls is unparalleled in the world..."

Mo Chengfeng, the third elder of the Nine Swords Saint Mountain, couldn't help but smile and said slightly.


At this moment, Cui Zetian, the lord of the holy mountain, couldn't help but gossiping: "I see, Chu Feng is not taking the initiative to provoke the girl, or the woman is chasing after him..."

Cui Zetian's face is full of smiles.

Of course I know that my own disciple is so good.

"Yu Hong, when I look back, I will personally tell Chu Feng that the fertile water does not flow into outsiders' fields..."

Cui Yuhong gave Cui Zetian a white look, and said, "I can say it myself. My apprentice is also the best!"

In the distance in the void.

"That should be hidden lotus, a kind of heaven and earth treasure that is extremely difficult to refine..."

"The overlord of the Yuan Dynasty once obtained the hidden lotus, and it was also assisted by the top-level sky fire. It took a full 10,000 years to completely refine and absorb it, which caused some changes in the bloodline and made him cultivate An extremely strong body technique..."

The Lord of God, said slowly.

After hearing Li Chen, his expression was shocked.

"Then, this woman..."

Li Chen was shocked.

The Lord of Heaven said slightly: "This woman, the bloodline is not simple! It must be extremely compatible with this hidden lotus, so if you swallow it, you can instantly refine and become one."

"This hidden lotus is simply prepared for her!"

"This woman, on her way to martial arts, will be comparable to my son in the future!"

The Lord of God, with a slight smile and approval on his face.

"What... comparable to you..."

Li Chen, his face turned pale for a while.

Li Chen, cultivation base, in fact, far surpassed everyone in Longwu Continent present.

It's really not easy to make him look down.

But now, he is pale.

He deeply knew that the master in front of him was so talented and talented! How good is the exercise! What kind of background is the strength behind!

In Li Chen's eyes, in the Longwu Heaven Realm, there are only a handful of people who can be compared to the Lord Master!

Longwu Heaven Realm, that is the place where endless spiritual power is gathered and the strongest genius is born!

Longwu Continent is simply incomparable!

But, now, the Lord of Heavenly Swordsman, even gave this Moline such a high evaluation!

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