The Strongest Enchanting Special Forces King

Chapter 3401: how is this possible? !

"The strongest enchanting special forces king ( find the latest chapter!

Chu Feng's kendo is the eleventh-level peak kendo!

This kendo, even the cramped spirit, felt the phantom flickering, a little painful!

The scabbard made a long sound!

In this long-sounding sound, the old master of the ancient city of Hongyuan had an insight into kendo! Ultimate cohesion!

Moreover, all artificial will has been eliminated!

In other words, this is the purest sword intent! Jian Yun! kendo! The geometry of these three!

Martial artist, if he gets the sword intent, sword rhyme, and kendo contained in this long-sounding sound, he can directly absorb it! You can directly pave your way to Kendo!

All kinds of inheritance, useful book records, possessing wine glasses, fusion with long swords, suppression with stone tablets, etc., various methods!

The premise is that there is a certain kind of carrier!

These carriers, without exception, are supported by entities!

Because only in this way can it be preserved for a long time without being damaged or disappeared.

Phonology can also be used to carry inheritance!

However, it is not easy to store for a long time! After all, phonology will be compromised, and over time, it will even be compromised to consume nothingness!

Therefore, no one uses phonology to carry inheritance!

No one even considered using this method!

But now, what is in front of you is carried by phonology!

With the sound and rhyme to bring his life's kendo insights, this is also enough to reflect the strength and confidence of the old master of Hongyuan Ancient City!

In fact, the same is true!

Whether Chu Feng, Weak Shui, Meng Huo, and others can clearly perceive that the kendo inheritance carried by this rhyme has not been damaged in the slightest! Very complete! There are even some true powers running through it, it can be said that it is equivalent to more true power initiation inheritance!

And this kendo inheritance has reached the level of half-step twelve kendo!

It takes only half a step to enter the twelfth level of kendo! ! !

This is so much stronger than Chu Feng's kendo!

Chu Feng is now the eleventh-level peak kendo!

Haven't snooped the threshold of level 12!

If Chu Feng absorbs and refines these kendo inheritance, it will definitely be beneficial...

Even if it is weak water and misty fire, both of them are even a little envious.


This kind of kendo is also extremely useful to them!

"This hasn't completely passed the test yet, it's actually given such a kendo inheritance..."

"How powerful is the inheritance behind..."

Chu Feng said softly.

In Chu Feng's heart, this was the first consideration.

Menghuo and weak water were even a little speechless.

I'm afraid that the kendo inheritance left by the old master of Hongyuan Ancient City is nothing but ordinary in Chu Feng's eyes...

In fact.

In Chu Feng's heart.

It's so average!

Because the kendo of the old master of Hongyuan Ancient City is to suppress kendo!

And Chu Feng is fearless kendo!

Kendo is different!

Therefore, if Chu Feng wants to refine it, it will probably affect his kendo road!

For Chu Feng.

He does not intend to accept it.

He wants to realize himself and step to a higher level!

"Lao Meng, Weak Shui, this kendo inheritance, you two, who wants it?"

Chu Feng said.

Menghuo and weak water suddenly recovered.

"Chu Feng, this kendo inheritance is"

The two said almost in unison.

In their hearts, they actually think that Chu Feng should give it to Huangfu Dieyi or Chu Nian'er!

Chu Feng shook his head.

"Even if they have absorbed it, it is difficult to complete the refining quickly!"

"And you, the martial arts master, have enough martial arts insights, you can absorb refining, faster and smoother!"

Chu Feng said directly.

Chu Feng, Weak Shui, and Menghuo have been together for a long time, and they all know each other!

There is no need for weak water or fire to speak out, Chu Feng also knows what they are thinking.

Chu Feng, now, is actually dispelling these thoughts.

"In addition, your status in my heart is equally important!"

"You guys need it more now, don't you?"

"Do you want to be thrown away by me?"

Chu Feng said.

Meng Huo suddenly cursed: "You brat, you want to get rid of us! Don't think about it!"

Weak Shui also said, "Chu Feng, you are crazy!"

"Since you don't want it, give it to Lao Meng! He is the body of a fire spirit, and he has never condensed his body. If he cultivates the kendo, it will be of great benefit to condense the physical body and gain new life in the future!"

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Okay!"


Chu Feng, with a thought, Gu Yuan's heart world released a powerful suction.

The sound and rhyme that carried the inheritance of kendo quickly entered the Gu Yuan heart world.

To outsiders, it seemed like Chu Feng had swallowed and absorbed it.

But, in fact, at the Gu Yuan Heart Realm, it has already condensed to the top of Menghuo.

Meng Huo took a deep breath, and he held his fists deeply at Chu Feng and the weak water spirit, the body of the spirit condensed, and even the eye sockets were somewhat moist, but he still restrained forcefully.


He directly blocked the and reached where he was in the Gu Yuan heart world, and began to refine and absorb it!


Chu Feng looked at Qi Ling again.

At this moment, the spirit of the instrument was completely stunned, and felt that the phantom that he had condensed was even a little shaken, some turbulent, and some drifting away!

"Stupid~ Force, now, go to the next level!"

Chu Feng said.

Qi Ling was shocked to the extreme when he heard Chu Feng's words.

"how is this possible?!"

"You have absorbed and refined the kendo inheritance left by the old master, how could it be like a okay person? Have you finished refining?"

Qi Ling's voice trembled.

It even ignored what Chu Feng called him "stupid~"!

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "Now enter the next level. Didn't you hear?"

There is no need for Chu Feng to give any respect to this spirit.

Want to kill yourself, do you need to respect him? !

Qi Ling suddenly came back to his senses, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a sword repairman!"

"Furthermore, Kendo has reached level 11!"

Qi Ling, when he said these words, even though he was extremely insidious, he still had an uncontrollable shock.

After all, Chu Feng is only five thousand years old! Kendo has reached level 11! ! !

This is simply a super scary talent!

Qi Ling stared at Chu Feng and continued: "However, your kendo is so terrifying, haha, I'm very happy!"

"After all, a person's energy is limited! God can't care for the same person too much!"

"Your martial arts talents and kendo talents are so terrifying, other aspects of you, haha, for example, the soul, must be average!"