The Strongest Hacker

v1 Chapter 461: Sad reminder GOD (Part 3)

Chapter 461: Sad reminder of GOD (Part 3)

Zhang Yang went to the third floor hall of Wenyu Club under the leadership of who. There are many people in this large hall at the moment, but these people are still a bit sparse for the whole hall, not far from the entrance of the hall There is also a six-layer cake on the table. Although it seems to be their birthday, it is obvious that all of them invited only some close friends, and almost no others, so there will be so few talents.

When Zhang Yang first stepped into the hall, he saw GOD and was drinking next to the bar on the third floor lobby, and the woman he had just chased had no idea where to go. After seeing GOD, Zhang Yangwei smiled and turned to say to those who said, "Then I will pass."

"Mr. Zhang invites Chapter 461 to urge GOD (the next three) to defecate." Who politely bent over and made an invitation gesture. Zhang Yang is also polite, and walked directly to GOD. The purpose he came today has no other purpose. The main purpose is GOD. Looking at Zhang Yang's back, why don't they know what they are thinking.

Zhang Yang walked over to GOD and paused. Zhang Yang decided to speak directly. As for what the GOD guy is thinking, Zhang Yang is not sure now. "A person is drinking booze? Just after listening to Lan Mo, they said your sister's birthday, I'll be here." Zhang Yang smiled strangely, and then said plainly.

"Boom" with a clear sound, GOD took the wine glass in his hand and drew it directly from his hand, and landed on the marble bar counter with a clear sound. Then he turned his head almost instantaneously, and he could put an egg with his mouth open. The expression on the face of the whole person could not be described as strange, as if Zhang Yang was not a person, but a ghost.

"I said, aren't you going to ask me to have a drink?" Zhang Yang almost laughed out, but he still resisted, Zhang Yang's heart was almost cramped with laughter, but his face was still one? *降薇The magpie seeks to bad ye Momo   emblem? Sad reminder GOD (next three) is that the facial muscles can not twitch endless.

"Ghost!" Suddenly a harsh scream rang out, "Wow", the unpredictable Zhang Yang was directly scared by the horrible scream of GOD and took two steps back. He will be placed next to the bar All the chairs were stupefied. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's reaction was quick enough, and he reached out and grabbed the bar to avoid the whole person from falling directly.

And screaming, the whole person of GOD jumped up from the chair like a rabbit, and then rushed directly to the entrance of the hall. The scream of GOD attracted everyone’s attention in the whole hall, everyone They all looked stunned as GOD ran towards the door of the hall, just halfway through, GOD's feet slipped, and the whole person rushed forward.

In front of GOD is the table where the cake is placed. When GOD fell forward, his hands immediately grabbed forward. The six-layer cake rack placed on the table was almost instantly caught by GOD. The six-layer cake was directly from the table. After tapping towards GOD, Zhang Yang immediately closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to look at it... GOD's reaction was too big, right?

"Wow", followed by countless noises, Zhang Yang opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhang Yang laughed out loudly. When GOD came today, he was wearing a gray casual suit, but at the moment the suit was already covered with cake, and even the hair on the head of GOD was Spread a big piece of cake.

The GOD that got up from the ground immediately caused a burst of laughter in the hall. It is estimated that because everyone is relatively intimate, these people did not laugh so much. "What's the matter? What's the matter? Brother." Who ran to GOD's side with anxious "pedaling", and asked him quickly to help him without considering the cakes on his body.

"It's okay, it's okay." GOD Fei stood up and ignored the cakes on his body, face, and head. He looked directly at Zhang Yang. When he saw GOD looking at himself, Zhang Yang immediately smiled at him. Then he picked up a wine glass on the bar counter and raised it to GOD.

"Fuck!" GOD exploded directly, then said quickly: "Sister, I'm okay, don't worry." After talking about GOD, he didn't care what the reaction was, and just wanted Zhang Yang to run over and stand In front of Zhang Yang, GOD looked up and down like an alien. He looked at Zhang Yang for a long time. It seemed that GOD had remembered something for a long time, and there was a sudden enlightenment on his face. He almost immediately wondered: " "

"it's me.

I said...Great God, your reaction is too big, right? "Zhang Yang pointed at the cakes on GOD strangely and said quickly.

GOD Bai Tan's face immediately ignited a blush, and Zhang Yang immediately rejoiced. I leaned. When I just faced that, could I look serious in my face? *  Sakura Looking forward 獾焀  Mu Dui Du Na Si You change to Che Che?br/>

It is estimated that it was hit by the strange expression on Zhang Yang’s face, and GOS couldn’t care about the cake on his body, but it was incredible, and the tone changed a little and asked: “I rely, how do you find me?” Although GOS face An incredible look, but Zhang Yang couldn't help but nod his head, and the evaluation of Anubis's group of animals was indeed correct. GOD is cool enough.

If other hackers encounter this situation, the first reaction may not be as exaggerated as GOD, but after recovering, the face will definitely be ugly. After all, a hacker has been found his place and he doesn’t know it yet. It's like a death sentence prisoner on the execution ground, not far from death.

However, although this guy of GOD is incredible, his face does not have any other look. This expression has only two possibilities. First, his heart is so big that he is so big that his life and death are not controlled by others. The second is to calm down, or to be confident, that GOD IQ cannot naturally be the first case, then there is only the second.

"How do I feel that you are not so surprised?" Zhang Yang asked with a curious smile instead.

"Nonsense..." GOD looked around, and then continued: "I have been mixing for so many years, and I have never admired anyone. You are one, gscsd is one, and you two are two big ones. I don’t feel too surprised when something happens.” After that, GOD hadn’t looked at Yang Yang in curiosity. He walked directly back to his position and sprinkled the glass on the bar with half a glass of wine. Get up and drink.

Zhang Yang didn't speak, just gave a thumbs up to GOD, and then said with a grin: "You bull! But, why did you react so much at first?"

"Fuck! If it were you, it would never appear in your mind, and something that could not happen in reality suddenly happened in front of you. You are just like me." GOD rolled his eyes directly and picked up The next bottle continued to pour himself a glass.

"Haha." Zhang Yang smiled triumphantly, and GOD looked up again to dry all the red wine in the glass, then looked at those who were standing not far away and said quickly, "I'll go for another Clothes, you wait for me." After he finished speaking, he walked directly to the side.

Zhang Yang didn't take it seriously, he just nodded, watched GOD go to the side and explained two things, and then walked directly outside the hall. When GOD left, who turned their eyes to Zi Zhangyang, Zhang Yang smiled and raised her glass of wine, who hesitated for a moment, and then walked up here with their legs raised.

Although Zhang Yang smiled, there were many thoughts in his mind. GOD is not easy! Absolutely not easy! This guy's nerves are more powerful than Zhang Yang's imagination. Although he was exaggerated at first, his performance was also admirable. At least from the perspective of Mou, Zhang Yang cannot do that.

"You... came to Zhang Yang, who hesitated and asked. "Oh, we are very good friends, very good friends, but I haven't seen them for a long time, he just looked at the door of the club. The girl spoke and didn't see me, so Binggang was scared. "Zhang Yang chuckled and explained to them roughly. He didn't know if they knew the identity of GOD, so Zhang Yang didn't elaborate.

"Oh this..." In response, why did they look up and down again, and she shook her head slightly to continue: "This really surprised me. To be honest, my brother was relatively lonely since childhood. There are too few and too few people who can get along with him. He hasn't had many friends since he was a child. I didn't expect to have a friend like are friends on the Internet?" Why did you ask tentatively.

"Yes." Zhang Yang did not shy away, just nodded with a smile, and there was a look like that on his face. "I said, he doesn't have any friends in reality. He holds the computer every day, and the computer is almost becoming his wife." Who complained.

"Oh? I think he was just enthusiastic about the girl. I didn't even pay attention. I told others that I like how you wear clothes." Zhang Yang's face looked strange and pointed to the one who had just been harassed by GOD in the distance. The girl said.

"Well?" Who looked over there, and then immediately smiled: "It is Wenwen, she is actually a pair of enemies with my younger brother, it is better." How did I listen to this uncomfortable what you just said? "

"Before your brother said this, the girl named Wenwen said, "What do you like about me, can I not change it? Then your brother said that." Zhang Yang said with a weird face. As he said, Zhang Yang made a silent silence for GOD in his heart. He can’t blame him for selling you, but he also wants to know your gossip! ! ! ! ;


