The Strongest Hacker

v2 Chapter 515: Zombie Cow Ghost (1)

Really TM lively. Zhang Yang dumbfounded at the various prompts on the phone, because the screen of the phone is too small, although the screen of the iPhone series is already the largest of all mobile phones in the world, it is still very small, so most of the concentrated information is Send it to Zhang Yang through the stars.

At the moment, Zhang Yang is connected to the server of a company in Moscow, but in less than a minute after Zhang Yang logged in, the firewall of this server intercepted hundreds of access requests and various A threatening virus. Obviously this is still the pond fish that has been affected. It is not the main battlefield B. It has changed its connection again. Zhang Yang has been connected to the Black League Forum. Zhang Yang has not been on the Black League Forum for a long time. After connecting to the altar of the 155th chapter of the Black League, Chapter 515 of the Zombie Cow and Ghost (1), Zhang Yang quickly registered a new account and logged into the forum. Now the Black League Forum can allow people to register casually, but registered members and invited members are essentially different. Members who register themselves can only return posts, check others' posts, and cannot post their own posts.

After logging in to this account, Zhang Yang entered the forum. In the instant gossip, Zhang Yang saw the news that many Russian official websites were invaded. Because of the mobile phone in Moscow, Zhang Yang didn’t want to check it. There are no tools in his tool phone, and there is no satellite base station relay signal nearby. The speed of the survey is relatively slow. Zhang Yang might as well know the previous information from the forum.

The red and bold posts on the top of instant gossip were sent by several people such as king and genc. Zhang Yang smoothly ordered a post and went in to quickly check Che Qilai. This post was written by King. Apparently, Little King was in the Russian country yesterday, not long after it was invaded, and it’s been over for a while. The thing happened about 3 o’clock in the morning. The specific reason is that there is no Chapter 515 in the KIN. Niu Gui (1) has written it, he should not know it.

At 3:10 in the morning, the website of the Russian State* was suddenly hacked, causing the website to be paralyzed, and quickly attracted the attention of many hackers. From the description of the little KI, when he passed, the hacker had already contacted the Russian state. *The technicians are working. The website was paralyzed because the hacker triggered a trap when he invaded the internal military network. When the hacker forcibly broke the trap, it caused the paralysis of the website server.

After that, the entire government network in Kyzyl was severely damaged. Is it true that the two sides are a small king? I don’t know the specific post. After reading the entire post carefully, Zhang Yang didn’t read the message below. . Zhang Yang quickly opened another instant update post.

At this moment, the entire Russian network has been completely messed up. It is not only the websites of the Russian State* that have been attacked, but now the websites of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian Ministry of Defense have been hacked, and other commercial websites have been hacked. There are countless losses, at least a dozen! However, Russia does not know where to come from a powerful helper. It has already snatched back the two websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense. The two sides are currently using these websites to conduct mutual offensive and defensive wars.

And from the perspective of the attack form of the attackers, the main means adopted by these people are viruses, strong virus attack and defense capabilities, as well as the ability to destroy the system, and a considerable understanding of the Russian national security network. Has hacked into Russia's national network, otherwise, it is impossible to even know Russian cybersecurity countermeasures.

After looking at Lu Yan below, suddenly the post was refreshed again, "king directly posted the latest official announcement from Russia.

"...Since early this morning, several major national strategic networks in Russia have been hacked by large-scale hackers. The terrorist attack on this network is still unable to determine the attacker, but the other party has stolen a lot of information. According to Our intelligence personnel analyzed that this hacking incident is inseparable from the previous large-scale network intrusion incidents in the world. The Ding Ross government urged the Russian people to call the police immediately if they have any informed information... In order to protect everyone Personal information is safe!"

This announcement is nothing, but how do you think it is not a taste? by! After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yang suddenly recovered. It is no wonder that it is not a taste. What does it mean that it cannot be separated from the previous large-scale network intrusions in the world? MB! It seems that several large-scale network incidents in the last year have been made by Lao Tzu, okay?

Zhang Yang almost lost his mobile phone, Nima, this group of old Maozi, Japanese! This time it really has nothing to do with Lao Tzu! Although it is said that the ID of gacad has been more commonly called the plague and disaster star in the hacker world, but this time it really has nothing to do with Lao Tzu.

However, at this time, Zhang Yang really couldn’t jump out and compare with the other party... It’s inconvenient for him to come here. If you know that Zhang Yang feels that if he participates in it, it will be even more chaotic in a moment. Zhang Yang is curious. He wanted to know who exactly made this scene?

More importantly, Zhang Yang was afraid that after he joined in, if it was used by some interested people, wouldn’t it be a tragedy? After thinking about it, Zhang Yang looked around, then turned off the browser, picked up the phone and called GOD. King got limited information, but it was more appropriate to ask GOD. Zhang Yang's phone is a confidential phone. They now have diplomatic immunity and the right to use confidential telephones, so someone in the Russian government will not say anything when they see it.

The phone was quickly connected, and when GOD picked up the phone and fed it, Zhang Yang opened it quickly. Asked: "What's the situation?" "Russia?" Zhang Yang's thoughtless words made GOD stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted. "Nonsense, isn't it Russia?" Zhang Yang was speechless.

"I don't know, I think it's hilarious. This time it's all masters, but why do you remember calling me, you can't watch it from the computer yourself?" GOD asked in surprise.

"Nonsense, I am in Russia. Starry Heavy Industries came here to participate in a military equipment exhibition. I followed it. This is not just news. I didn't know it before." Zhang Yang explained helplessly.

"Are you in Russia? I depend on it. Didn't you figure it out?" GOD yelled and couldn't help asking. "What IQ do you have, if I come up with it, will I still call to ask you?" Zhang Yang couldn't help crying.

"Yeah, I said, I don't know, where are you? Isn't Russia's equipment and weapons show over?" GOD asked strangely.

"I'm in Lower Tagil. It's a secret exhibition of table tennis equipment." Zhang Yang looked around and then said.

"Wait... where do you say you are?". GOD's voice snapped up an octave.

"Xia Tagil, what's wrong?" Zhang Yang was puzzled.

"Lower Tagil? Inside a military base? Was there a terrorist attack on Lower Tagil yesterday?" GOD asked several questions one after another.

"Yes." Zhang Yang frowned and agreed. "Can you accept mail over there? Give me a mailbox and I'll show you something." GOD said nothing, just opened. Ask Zhang Yang for a mailbox.

"Yes, wait a minute, I will tell you a mailbox." Zhang Yang promised, thought for a while, and then told GOD his unusual mailbox.

"Then I will send the mail to you, we will talk about it later." After GOD wrote down, he urged him to hang up the phone.

Zhang Yang frowned, and about two minutes later, he received a reminder of a new email. Zhang Yang directly logged into the mailbox and threw a pile of spam into the recycle bin before finally opening it. The mail sent by the concave.

The content of the annual file is very large, and it is a little slow to open. After about tens of seconds, Zhang Yang only saw the content.

"This was accidentally obtained by me this morning. It was an accident, you know, but I didn't expect you to be in Lower Tagil. I was originally going to watch Lao Maozi lively." The beginning was a word from GOD, and The following is obviously a chat record. The eyes that looked at this chat record glared round.

I rely on! After reading it, Zhang Yang couldn't help but called it out directly. This is not true, is it? It really didn't happen in my memory! The document sent by GOD should be a dialogue between terrorist organizations. The general content is to attract the attention of the KGB by using network intrusion and then attack a military base in Nizhny Tagil, let Russia blame it. . Originally, GOD didn't know much about letting Russia bear the blame, but Zhang Yang understood it immediately.

At this moment, there are leaders of several Asian countries in this military base. Although they are not the heads of states, they are definitely heavyweights. If these people have an accident, TMD, Russia will not become a scoop if they are not blamed. It is impossible to fight, I am afraid that Russia will have to pay the price of bleeding!

The problem is that TM is not the key, the key is that Lao Tzu is still in this base! After reading it, Zhang Yang directly called the phone back. "Rely, is your information accurate?" After the call was connected, Zhang Yang asked directly.

"Day, can I make you play with such a big thing." GOD said hurriedly. "I said, what is the situation on your side?" Zhang Yang paused and explained the secret military exhibition to GOD immediately. Just after Zhang Yang explained it, a sudden "boom" made a loud bang, and a sudden explosion came from outside the hall. The loud explosion made Zhang Yang squat down. ! ! ! ;


