The Strongest Hacker

v2 Chapter 698: Don't compare with brother, you can't hu

The hall of the entire auction venue was a dead silence, everyone mentioned that these batches of cultural relics were tagged with the Starry Sky Group, but no one would end up with such a gun, this... isn't it nonsense? Give up, actually give up? I depend! Almost everyone looked strangely like this, Zhang Yang almost laughed to death, 16 billion US dollars, put aside 5% of the prize, which is 620 million, and the rest $15.4 billion! Why doesn't Zhang Yang want it?

Are those cultural relics useful? This US$15.4 billion, equivalent to more than RMB100 billion, is enough to promote all the poor children in the country so that they can have free books and free meals. Why not? Zhang Yang really wanted to buy it, but no one thought about Chapter 798. Don’t compare with brother, you can’t be hurt (on), Matsui will be so ruthless. After all, Zhang Yang wouldn't mind laughing at the money. ;

Even if it is used to build an aircraft carrier, it can make four or five ships. Using the money of the little devil to get the little devil, this kind of thing is of course happy to be publicized. Regardless of the outcome of the incident, Zhang Yang has made it clear that he gave up. Although the auctioneer standing on the podium was surprised, he soon announced the news. Matsui opened his mouth, although it was a bit weird, and felt that some elements of conspiracy were included, but in any case, Matsui could not have any objection to this result. If you don’t pay, do you think... can you get out of this island? ?

After coming out of the auction venue, most people are discussing this matter. In fact, most people are discussing a person. That is publicity. Everyone thinks that he is inevitable, and who knows this is accurate. Japanese money, you have to disgust Japan. This is a trick... Everyone never thought that Zhang Yang would give up, so Matsui would be a good trick, and if he knew the result long ago, Matsui would rather not pay such money without buying back those national treasures.

However, this result is acceptable. Although the money has been spent, don’t compare with Chapter 798. You can’t hurt (Part 1) at least the money donated by the people has a place, those in the country He shouldn’t be embarrassed. The Japanese sometimes have narcissism. Anyway, it’s something that looks very heavy to outsiders. People comfort themselves and call it refreshing, and they can’t say Japan. It should be said that every country has This problem.

There are not only these rich people on the island, but also many reporters. Although these reporters are not allowed to go to the auction site for auction, after the auction is over, everyone can still hold a press conference directly, and the Lux auction house obviously wants to This time the matter was publicized, so only so many reporters were allowed to come to the island.

The first to hold a press conference was naturally the official website of Lux Auction House, and many of the media present were live. "This auction ended successfully, and all the gold items were auctioned off. Of course, the main event I believe everyone knows what. The results of this auction I think will be beyond everyone’s expectations. The final auction of these cultural relics The winner is that the Japanese government obtained these cultural relics at a price of 16 billion US dollars. At the last moment, Mr. Zhang Yang gave up what is said to be understanding Mr. Matsui's courage."

The main board member of the Lux auction house, a middle-aged man in his fifties, stood on the podium and said to the reporter below. This news caused an uproar at the press conference. These reporters were also guessing outside. They all guessed that there was no second possibility, that is, the Star Group auctioned the batch of cultural relics, but did not expect the courage of the Japanese government. It was so big that these things were bought back at a horrible price of $16 billion.

"Next I announce the second news."

The organizers of the Lux auction house, the reporters under the smiling **** spoke. "Uh this news, I was shocked when I first got it, but I have accepted it now. That is, the owner of these items just told me that in order to thank Mr. Zhang Yang for participating in the auction of the things in his hand. In Qingxi, which is far more than the actual value, he is willing to donate 10 billion dollars in it to the Star Group."

This news directly drives the following reporters crazy. Isn't this person SB? We all understand that you donated 5 billion US dollars. Why did you donate two thirds? The heads of these reporters immediately went crazy, can it be said that there is anything too nasty? Because seems unlikely this matter! Isn't this nonsense?

"Uh, here we have asked Mr. Zhang Yang to give a speech on this matter." The main board of the Lux auction house gave Zhang Yang a face, no face, nowhere, just a large distance from the island where the naked eye can see The fleet is there. Although they say they all have backgrounds from various countries, ghosts... they dare not fall down with an aircraft carrier battle group.

And the organizers of the Lux auction house also believed that if Zhang Yang thought someone threatened him, the US fleet would not mind throwing a bomb on their base. Zhang Yang has money. Zhang Yang paid for helping the US government destroy old ammunition. What does the US government have to do? More importantly, there is still cooperation between the two parties.

"Thank you Mr. Havel, huh, here, I would like to thank these cultural relics first. As for the name, I won’t say it. Everyone knows it. Thanks for his generous donation of $10 billion to the Starry Sky Group. Of course, in return, I will take this gentleman to leave here. In addition, for this donation, I have just discussed with the senior management of the group here. The Star Group will make up this tens of billions of dollars, about 70 billion RMB. An integer of 100 billion RMB, and then the Star Group will establish a poverty fund. The Star Group will build Hope Primary School in all areas of the country where the economy is backward and education is not universal, no matter how many students there are in this place." pause.

Then Zhang Yang continued to say: "At the same time, this fund will set up offices in all cities in the country. The Star Group will cooperate with the Civil Affairs Bureau. As long as the students are in poor conditions and he is willing to study and wants to study, the Star Group will be responsible. All his school and miscellaneous expenses and living expenses from elementary school to university! That is to say, Star Group will replace his parents and raise this child until he graduates from college!"

"Finally...I represent all the poor students in China. Thank you Mr. Matsui for your generosity." Zhang Yang smiled and said the last sentence, and then walked off the podium without waiting for the reporters to ask questions. This time, there were CCTV and reporters from various TV newspapers. When Zhang Yang said this, the following reporters were in a commotion after a short period of consternation.

All reporters laughed and crooked. What is news, this is news! Everyone's face is a little weird. Although Matsui is not at the press conference, he will definitely see the news, but he doesn't know if he will be admitted directly to the hospital.

And CCTV even sent the news set up by Star Group Zhang Yang directly to the country. Although this time is the news broadcast has ended, there are still other news programs on the news station, and for the first time CCTV has been broadcast like foreign media. This urgent news!

100 billion RMB education fund! what does this mean? This means that as Zhang Yang said, those children who cannot afford to go to school will be able to start school! And don’t worry about life and other reasons! Because the Star Group will be responsible for everything!

Although the social security system in China cannot be improved, in fact, there are still large sums of people who cannot be taken care of by the social security system. At least millions of children in the country cannot go to school because of family reasons. It's terrifying. In modern society, with the economic development today, there are still so many children who can't afford to go to school. It can be seen that with a large population, not all are good.

But overall, the country is still much better than India. As the world's two largest population countries, India's population has surpassed China, but for children like L who have no money to go to school, India has tens of millions of domestic Only one-tenth of India, this work has been done well. The Star Group completely resolved this last batch. The 100 billion RMB fund does not mean that the money will be spent all at once. It is impossible to spend so much money in the early stage. That is to say, the Star Group will take out this money separately and then use it as an investment. For example, after the initial investment, there are still tens of billions of RMB left. The Star Group will buy them their own company's stock, or some investment, used to make money, so that the profits will be injected into the account of this fund.

So that the fund will be permanently operated! After all, such charity work needs to be done for a long time, and only solving a group of poor children cannot solve the fundamental problem.

The news announced by Zhang Yang was like a huge storm. It spread throughout the country in a short period of time, and the reputation of the Star Group in China has almost reached a peak. When Star Group does charity, no one will gossip at all. The reason is that because Star Group is too rich, it is impossible to make any money following this name, and more importantly, Star Group never promotes in this regard, but spends How much did you lose?

Let's say that the Starry Sky Technical School, a completely free school for training skilled workers, invests at least 10 billion yuan per year. Now the Star Group's investment in education is almost catching up with that of the country. At least the Star Group is completely free of charge. A company has done what a country needs to do. What else do you want?

The upsurge of this incident on the Internet has almost squeezed several major portals, especially the Star Group website, which has been crowded by countless netizens. It is difficult to access. the reason? It’s very simple. Zhang Yang’s last sentence was too disheartening. Many people on many forums simply made this sentence into their own personal signature. It seems that they are all thanking Matsui, but...thanks to Tai Nima Dramatic.

Because of this incident, many Chinese people actually remembered the names of foreigners. There is no way, they donated $10 billion at once, although most media reported that this person was afraid of coming out. What happened, so he wanted to use Zhang Yang's power to leave the island, and finally he did leave with Zhang Yang on the aircraft carrier Lincoln. A total of 15.38 billion US dollars, Zhang Yang directly gave this person Que Yi, the remaining 15 billion, 10 billion was donated to the Starry Sky Group, and 5 billion US dollars was given to Anthony as their development funds.

If one day, someone knows what Zhang Yang has arranged afterwards, I am afraid it will be completely dumbfounded. Ghostblade, they know that Zhang Yang’s choice didn’t blame Zhang Yang for giving these things back to the Japanese government. Instead, he gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up. In Anthony’s words, their original words are, boss, you are too talented. We just mixed up with you.

Things worth 1.5 billion US dollars can be exchanged for a full ten times, and the money is also justly invested in domestic education. These people are not dissatisfied. However, they are not suitable to come forward, they can only be mixed with Anthony temporarily. Although Zhang Yang did not achieve the desired result, they are not dissatisfied with Sun Yixiang. In the words of Yixiang, Yixiang is my son. Look Although he didn't buy the little devil's things, he made the devil pay a bigger price.

More importantly, these costs finally fell into their own pockets. After Zhang Yang returned to China, the State Council sent someone to contact Zhang Yang as soon as possible. After all, Zhang Yang has already announced so high-profile, can the State Council not take the initiative? I am afraid that no matter which country's government has a subsidiary company such as Star Group, they will all be happy.

"I need the full cooperation of the civil affairs It is not the Ministry of Education's business to need the funding of these poor people. The Ministry of Education cannot know this, only the Ministry of Civil Affairs knows it. After a director who came to deal with this matter, Zhang Yang said this to him.

"Mr. Zhang, please be assured that the Prime Minister has already confessed that no matter what your requirements are, we will fully cooperate here." The director said seriously.

"Nhaha, then trouble you, after all, the civil affairs department is relatively clear about the information of these people. However, I have to state that we may not be able to prevent all incidents of corruption, but I want to guarantee this to the greatest extent. It happened." Zhang Yang nodded and said. Many people's ministries are not unaware, but they have no power to manage it. They can only count it and save it.

"Mr. Zhang, please be assured! We can't guarantee that we can put an end to all, but the Prime Minister and the Chairman personally explained that as long as it is found once, all the personnel involved are thoroughly investigated, regardless of his background." Star Group does for the country Let's not mention how much contribution, others have contributed so much, if this happens, if you don't investigate thoroughly, who will dare to donate in the future? ! ! ! ;


