The Strongest Hacker

v2 Chapter 736: The art of negotiation (Part 1)

After Zhang Yang arrived in Moscow, he lived in the Chinese Embassy in Moscow and did not live in the hotel. The Star Group negotiating team led by Zhang Yang came to Moscow in secret. Most people did not know the news. ;

PS hour ceasefire agreement! China and India signed a PS-hour ceasefire agreement with the actual control area. The ceasefire agreement begins in the early morning and ends in the early morning two days later. Although the current conflict between the two parties may be extended to the middle and west sections, this negotiation is very important. Almost all such important matters are discussed overnight. Because 48 hours is too tight.

However, when the Russian staff and Indian personnel acting as intermediaries knocked on the door of Wang Xiaojing's room, Wang Xiaojing was yawning and wearing pajamas. Chapter 336 The Art of Negotiation (Part 1) looked at the outside with a confused face The staff asked: "Is there anything?"

"That Mr. Wang Xiaojing, is that the Indian side hopes to start negotiations as soon as possible. Do you think you can sort it out as soon as possible?" This staff member is estimated to have been struck by Wang Xiaojing's style, and is the main person in charge of the negotiations on the Chinese side. Can Wang Xiaojing not know the signing of the ceasefire agreement between the two parties? Of course it is impossible, but Wang Xiaojing is still this shape, it is clear that the man in front of him is intentional.

"What? Negotiation? Sorry, the negotiators in India ended the negotiations privately a few days ago, hurting my feelings. I have been feeling uncomfortable recently. I feel a little uncomfortable. I can’t sleep a bit. Insomnia, insomnia is not good, but the burden on my shoulders is important. If I am not good, what if I say something wrong and let your negotiators terminate the negotiations again? For your sake, I want to rest now Let’s start the talk tomorrow at 8 o’clock.” After finishing Wang Xiaojing’s words, the face of the Indian negotiating team next to the Russian staff had turned into pig liver.

The door was closed with a direct "snap". Several outside arts in Chapter 736 of negotiation (Part 1) were almost hit by the nose of Wang Xiaojing's hard-closed door. After stepping back a few steps, the Russian staff member shrugged and said, "Several, I think you should wait for tomorrow. You should have a good understanding of Mr. Wang Xiaojing's character in the last negotiation...

After closing the door, Wang Shijing only went to Shi Shiran. He naturally lived in a presidential suite. At the moment, he was not alone in his room. Basically, all the people in the negotiating group who could make up their minds were in his Inside the room. Among them, the staff in their fifties smiled and caressed their eyes, saying: "Minister Wang, is this not good?" Because Wang Xiaojing was the main person in charge of this talk, he was raised to a higher level before going abroad. He The current position is that the Deputy Foreign Minister is responsible for all matters of this negotiation.

"What's wrong? Why should they talk whenever they want? Just as we just discussed, you all go back to bed." Wang Xiaojing rolled his eyes and said.

Although Wang Xiaojing also came out of the organization, his character is sharp and angular, and he has not been smoothed by the life of the organization. Therefore, it was also surprising that he decided to let him be the chief negotiator of Wang Xiaojing.

The staff of several negotiating groups looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly. In the past, the strategies adopted above were tolerance and so on, so there was no such situation when negotiating at the international level, and they were all used to it. Now I suddenly changed the style of the person in charge, they really do not adapt, but they also know that the situation is different this time, and it has also been explained above, Wang Xiaojing is the main person in charge of the negotiating team, he has everything to say, they are just Help Wang Xiaojing pay attention to some details.

"Okay." After seeing Wang Xiaojing resolutely, a few people could only nod their heads and agree. They didn't have any opinions. Naturally, they would not have any opinions. In fact, they certainly hope that their country is strong, but after so many years I'm used to it, and it's difficult to change my status at once.

When several people stood up and went out one by one, Wang Xiaojing suddenly stopped and said one of them: "Old Zhao, do you remember to print all the things I just told you? By the way, print more copies."

"Is this really the case?" Lao Zhao asked, looking back at Wang Xiaojing with some laughter.

"Of course this is necessary, and failure will have to pay the price! Not to mention that we are normal consumption." Wang Xiaojing said with a serious face.

"..." Old Zhao was speechless, and finally nodded and walked outside. At the moment, Zhang Yang was stunned in the embassy, ​​listening to what a staff member was explaining.

At 11:30 the next morning, the two parties negotiated the meeting room with a "wow", the door of the meeting room was pushed open by a person, wearing a suit, but the tie was a little skewed, Wang Xiaojing walked in from the outside, embarrassed, Looking at the almost spitting eyes of all the members of the Indian talk group opposite, Wang Xiaojing didn't even change his face, and said haha: "That, sorry, sorry, recently I'm in a bad mood, the reason you guys should tell you, it happens to be At the Real Madrid game, I watched the game. Who knows that it is more than 3pm after watching the game, I overslept this sleep, sorry."

And these words, Wang Xiaojing's proficient Indian! Forget to say, Wang Xiaojing was born as a translator himself, proficient in mastering the languages ​​of seven countries!

The negotiators on the Chinese side and the Indian side were all somewhat unspeakable, if not in domestic form, it would be too tight, if not in absolute disadvantage. Brahhan couldn’t wait to rush up to punch the nasty face so he could understand why huār was so red! But now, even if he is fast in his heart, Brahman can only nod his head in a black face and sarcastically said, "I didn't expect Mr. Wang Xiaojing to be such a person who has no idea of ​​time."

Wang Xiaojing directly ignored Brahman's sarcasm, and Shi Shiran sat down on the table in the middle of the negotiation, swayingly opened his briefcase, and said with some surprise: "Yes, what is our topic this time? "?" "Poo", a Chinese female translator couldn't help but laughed, but she quickly covered her mouth and swallowed back the laughter. Several other major negotiators in China are also a little crying and laughing, this man, you are really early enough. Yesterday, it was said that it started at 8 o'clock today. As a result, they all arrived at 8 o'clock, but he did not come. This is good, Wang Xiaojing is The main person in charge, he didn’t come, and they didn’t have the right to talk about anything, so they could only accompany the Indian personnel to stare at each other with big eyes.

If it weren’t for the Indians, their faces were really wonderful, and they made their hearts dark, and they were almost numb, even if the chair was very comfortable.

"It's a discussion of "China and India are like an agreement to stop the border conflict." Abraham said with a urge to throw the teacup in front of him.

"Oh? Is this the problem? Sorry, I have no right to talk about this agreement. This is a matter for the Ministry of National Defense." Wang Xiaojing changed his face, and immediately stood up and left.

As soon as Brahham was dark, he stood up and asked angrily: "Mr. Wang Xiaojing! What are you going to do? Are you refusing to negotiate?" Wang Xiaojing turned around and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I said that the conflicting things don't belong to me Talk, if I remember correctly, the topic we are talking about is, "How does India compensate for China’s losses in this Sino-Indian border conflict, and the soldier’s pension", etc. As for how to stop the conflict, this is not Within my scope of work!"

"Okay, let's talk about this issue!" Abraham was annoyed. Nonsense, this compensation was discussed. Isn't the conflict stopped naturally? But Braham also knew that this was Wang Xiaojing's deliberate revenge on the matter a few days ago, but Braham had no choice.

"Wait." Wang Xiaojing stopped again.

"What?" Brahman was a little crazy, and he didn't understand. 〖China〗 is not a big country, is it known as a state of etiquette? How come such a thing came out? Ok, you want face, I will give it to you, wait for you three and a half hours, and wait, what else do you want to do?

"Before talking about this, will our Indian negotiating group's consumption in Moscow be reimbursed by the Indian government?" Wang Xiaojing sat back in his place and asked with a smile.

"What?!" Abraham thought he had heard it wrong and asked subconsciously. Wang Xiaojing didn't find it troublesome. He said it one word at a time. He seriously said the words he had just said to Abraham.

After confirming that he had heard it correctly, Abraham stared at Wang Xiaojing's eyes like he was watching a beast. Do you dare to be more shameless? Has anyone heard of the cost of negotiating a delegation from another country in the negotiation? Tmd did not appear in the negotiations during the defeat of the Allied Powers during World War II! At least there is no bright and forthright proposal!

How did you meet such a person?

Abraham felt that the blood vessels on his head were suddenly jumping, he was even fortunate, fortunately he didn’t have a heart disease, otherwise, it would be estimated that he was already lying in the hospital at this time, and he couldn’t do this. Already working.

There was a few minutes of silence in the whole scene. Abraham and Wang Xiaojing met each other. Wang Xiaojing didn't feel embarrassed at all, so he looked at Abraham with a smile, and for a long time, Abraham exhaled and said with hate: "Okay ! We are reimbursed in India! We can still get the money out."

"Ah, that's really great. Although our country's economy is developing, saving a little is a little, and it's always good." Wang Xiaojing nodded quickly, and then took it from the old Zhao next to him with a thunderbolt. A thick stack of things was handed directly to Abraham, Chen Ken said: "For your convenience, this is the detailed list I made, just refer to this."

The old Zhao next to him felt that if there was a crack in the ground, he would have wished to get in. That thing..., did he actually hand it to the Indian side? This……. Abraham has calmed down. When you meet someone like Wang Xiaojing, the more angry you are, the more he will get pregnant. After all, in this level of negotiation, remember to add personal feelings.

A click was heard, and other negotiators from India secretly glanced at Abraham, while the people on the Chinese side were a bit chilly. They couldn’t help but mourn for Abraham. This estimate Anyone who sees this list will be mad.

"Mr. Wang Xiaojing! Don't be deceiving too much! Are your delegation's toilet paper made of gold? A roll of toilet paper is priced at 10 US dollars?! And one of your delegation used 2,000 rolls of toilet paper?!" The roar came out, his hand clutching his glass, and the two people sitting near Brahhan in India looked at Brahhan nervously, or nervously at the hand holding the glass.

If Brahham couldn't help but toss the water glass over, the talks would not be discussed. Now the ending of the Sino-Indian border conflict is obvious. Regardless of the result, in the first wave of air combat, 122 of the most advanced fighters were lost, and even the enemy Mao did not hurt one. If it continues, the war damage will be How big is it? Aside from the honest fighter jets, India has only about 500 in total, and this time it lost a quarter!

And now there is a need to be vigilant in Pakistan! India’s air force almost dwarfed almost all of a sudden More importantly, they couldn't figure out how much of the "China" country had not come out. Not to mention the Air Force, the artillery with a range of more than 140 kilometers above the land alone is a sky that the Indian army can't surpass! 140 kilometers! This range of artillery exceeds the Indian Army's maximum range of artillery by about 80 kilometers! This... can't fight at all!

As for the navy, unless India wants to start a full-scale war, otherwise the navy is not a helper. "Then I think Mr. Brahan is a little angry, this, so, I think it's almost 12 o'clock, and it's time for lunch, or should we have a lunch and talk again? Are you quiet?" Wang Xiaojing asked cautiously Road.

Abraham shook his hand and he held back. Eat, eat you! Would you like to take a nap after lunch? Taking a deep breath, Abraham really threw the document in his hand aside: "No need to read this, we agreed, we paid one million dollars!"

If he drags on for an extra day here, the loss in India may not be one million, and Brahan will bear it! ! ! ! ;


