The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1066: Crushing the Archaic Relics

"That boy seems to be only seven or eight years old, he can regret the impact of this **** centipede!"

The leading beautiful woman didn't pay attention to the **** centipede, but stared at Yang Yu again. Seeing that Yang Yu used his fist to repel the **** centipede several times in a row, her eyes were full of wonder.


The other people's eyes condensed, and they all looked in Yang Yu's direction. Within a few minutes, their complexions became extremely exciting, and their eyes were full of surprise and shock!

"This is a human juvenile genius who can rival the cubs of the Celestial Primordial Beast, and his precious wing art is even more powerful!"

The old woman exclaimed.

"It's very powerful. In my impression, there are probably few that can compete head-on. One hundred thousand extremes is too difficult for the human race."

The middle-aged man nodded, equally surprised.

"Where does such a genius come from?" The headed girl's eyes flickered, staring at Yang Yu closely.

"Wait and ask, if there is no power to belong to, it can be pulled into our pure land!"

The old woman said with gleaming eyes.

"Yeah!" The others nodded again and again, thinking the same way, such a genius is important to every one!

On the battlefield between Yang Yu and the **** centipede, the corners of Yang Yu's mouth suddenly raised, and then a confident arc, suddenly bursting out of a terrifying golden light, like the sun.

Yang Yu's face was suddenly distorted, but he did not lose consciousness. Yang Yu's eyes became extremely enthusiastic, staring at the **** centipede with a cold smile on his mouth.


The anger of the gods resounded throughout the world, Yang Yu opened his mouth, and the shocking Kunpeng's scream resounded.

Yang Yu's figure also flashed suddenly and disappeared directly from the sky.

"Die, just direct electric focus!"

Yang Yu's body suddenly appeared again in the **** centipede's body, with a gleaming rune in his hand.


The **** centipede let out a beast roar, like a tiger roar that shook the sky and the earth, black rays of light shone out on the body, and terrifying energy erupted.

"Die to me!"

Yang Yu smiled coldly, the bright rune in the palm of his hand suddenly lit up.


As the runes flickered, beside Yang Yu's body, dark thunders condensed, exuding an aura of destruction.

"Lei Di Baoshu, kill me!"

Yang Yu waved his hands, and a series of buckets of terrifying thunder fell from the sky, directly blasting to the body of the **** centipede.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

The **** centipede binocular garden fierce, a hundred long-legged attacks came out, wrapped in black energy.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The thunder and the long foot collided, and the thunder exploded in an instant. The terrifying thunder and lightning dissipated after destroying the long foot, but it turned the **** centipede's long foot red.


Yang Yu glowed, and the energy and blood that swallowed flesh and spirit fruit in his body had surged. Now Yang Yu has reached a peak state, and his strength has increased several times. At this time, seeing the **** centipede resisting the thunder bombardment, the corners of his mouth hang With a cold smile.


Thunder is like rain, falling from the sky one by one, and the space is filled with black thunder, and the terrifying aura of destruction flows everywhere.

The pitch black thunder is the impetus of the ten fierce treasures of the Thunder Emperor's Sorrow.

The thunder at this time, under the bombardment of Yang Yu, was supported by the power of the blood in his body, like a rain of arrows falling on the battlefield.


The **** centipede waved its hundred feet solemnly, and the black light flickered, constantly resisting Yang Yu's black thunder.

A few miles away, a group of people looked at the rain-like black thunder above the **** centipede, their mouths twitched.

Several powerful beings could feel the aura of destruction in Yang Yu's attack, and their expressions were extremely wonderful.

In the 100,000 extreme realm, such a terrifying Thunder Treasure technique, and terrifying power, Yang Yu at this time is like a young Celestial beast showing his power!

"Is this a human child? This is only seven or eight years old? Can he crush a **** centipede comparable to a pure-blooded creature?"

The old woman looked shocked and kept shaking her head.

"This is a genius, and a true genius. Even if his current strength is compared to those evil evildoers who have already become famous, if they are all at this age, I am afraid that no one can compare!"

Another middle-aged man clearly understood a lot, and said inexplicably shocked.

"Be sure to win over this kid, at all costs!"

Several other people nodded and said, their eyes fierce.

"Who is this little brother?"

The headed beautiful girl looked at Yang Yu's back in the sky, her eyes flickering constantly.

Back on the battlefield, there was no exclamation from those people, only black thunders condensed next to Yang Yu continuously, and then bombarded down, repeating!

Under Yang Yu, the Hell Centipede's expression became increasingly ugly.

Although he has no face.

However, it can be seen from his broken long-legged carapace that the **** centipede can't be supported for long!


The **** centipede was terrified in his heart. After facing a thunderstorm, he ignored Gu Yangyu's thunderbolt. With a hundred feet rhythm, he crawled toward the boundless mountains at a speed like lightning.

After sturdyly withstanding four or five thunders, the shape of the Hell Centipede quickly moved away from Yang Yu, without looking back, desperately starting to flee towards the boundless mountain range.

"Want to run? Can I let you run away with the delicious taste?"

Yang Yu's eyes flashed, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, Kunpeng Baoyi vibrated behind him, and quickly followed Yang Yu with his figure.

A few seconds later, Yang Yu's figure stopped in front of the **** centipede, his fists were densely covered with golden Kunpeng treasures, and his pupils became golden.


Without speaking, a scream of anger sounded from Yang Yu's throat, and then Yang Yu's body rushed in the direction of the **** centipede with a golden light and shadow.

Under the golden light and shadow, no one even saw Yang Yu's clear appearance even from the group of people a few miles away.


A few seconds later, in the horrified eyes of the **** centipede, Yang Yu's figure appeared on the **** centipede's body, and his right fist bombarded the **** centipede's carapace, instantly breaking through a large black carapace.

"Die to me!"

Yang Yu snorted, his figure flashed again, and then Kunpeng fist shot out.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"


The body of the **** centipede twisted, and the painful roar continued on the barren soil, and the carapace above its body was broken, full of cracks like a spider web.


With another punch, Yang Yu's figure avoided the long legs of the Hell Centipede, flapping the Kunpeng Bao Wing and appeared above the sky, staring at the Hell Centipede below.

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