The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1172: Liquidation

With a flash of brilliance, he disappeared from the golden passage.

The initial boiling, everyone knows, the little monk is about to start thunder action again, it seems that he has some other tricks, ready to go to the world, to stir up the boundless waves.

Floating light and misty, stars retreating, Yang Yu has a strange feeling, as if traveling in the vast sea of ​​stars, traveling through the eternal time and space alone.

Unable to tolerate his reverie, the golden passage opened, and a new world appeared in front of him. He stepped on a huge boulder and raised his head to face the blessed land.

Initially, after a boil, everyone embarked on the return journey and reported the letter quickly, which was naturally a major event.

"What, the unscrupulous monk has appeared, and has entered a higher level of blessed land?"

"It's just a child who dares to be an enemy of all religions, yet so powerful. This is really an anomaly."

Whether it was in the virtual **** realm or in the ancient country, everyone was surprised when they learned of this situation. This is really not just talking.

The unscrupulous monk caused a great disaster, and now he dares to appear so blatantly.

Naturally, this was a great storm. People saw his brutality on 100%, knew that his combat power was terrible, and did not know how many people were paying attention.

"This guy, he doesn't stop wherever he goes, causing endless disturbances, what a scourge!"

In the Fire State Palace, a woman in red feathers and red feathers whispered softly. She frowned and had a beautiful face. She was only fourteen or five years old, but she was tall and undulating.

This is Huo Ling'er, who was laughed at by the little monk who was turned into by Yang Yu. He raised his brow slightly and was very interested.

"This little monk appeared?"

Amidst the vast mountains, a girl with purple hair was really cultivating, and she frowned when she heard the news of a servant outside.

"It doesn't matter if you show up, but I'm going to see what this unscrupulous little monk is planning to do!"

The purple-haired girl was Yun Xi, who was attacked by Yang Yu at the beginning. She had planned to stop Yang Yu at the exit of Baiduan Mountain. However, Yang Yu changed back to the original state, and she did not succeed at all.

Now that I heard the news of the little monk again, the anger in her heart was burning, and she was going to teach Yang Yu a lesson.


In the blessed world, Yang Yu saw nothing new. In this high-level realm, the aura is stronger, far better than the original, and very suitable for cultivation.

"Why is it no different from the real world? I thought the flesh had come in." He doubted again what was going on in this world created by the gods worshipped by the ancient ancestors.

Could it be said that one can abandon the physical body when practicing to the extreme, only the spirit is immortal, so it is called the God Realm?

"It's terrible, even the flesh is gone. What's the point." He shook his head and jumped off the boulder.

"Hey, an old medicine, pick it and see what its effect is." He rushed all the way, passing a Xiushan, and saw an ancient medicine rooting on the cliff.

Yang Yu leaped up, picked it, and ate it in a few bites, feeling that there was more energy in his body.

"In a world built with spiritual power, every plant and tree here corresponds to the outside world. Whatever it evolves into has no effect. The gods are really terrifying."

"The unscrupulous monk is here!"

In front of him, there was a city, not very big, but quite powerful, like a lying holy beast, exuding ray of light.

Many people in the city are looking around, and the walls are full of people.

The blessed land of the cave is huge and vast, and only through here can you go to one place after another. Otherwise, if you just walk, you will never reach the end.

Almost every big family occupies a piece of blessed land, which is far away from each other, and they all transmit through this city.

"This is Dongtian City." Yang Yu stopped and looked carefully.

The city is not high, but it is very old. It has not fallen since ancient times. It is built with spiritual power and is as stable as before.

He had learned from Niaoye that Dongtian City is a hub, and access to all the big caves is vital.

"The name of the city is consistent with this hole of heaven and blessed land. The suppressed cultivation base is in the hole of heaven. Well, I have opened up ten heavens, enough to push the entire hole of heaven and blessed land." Yang Yu muttered, bowing his head.

However, he was also a little bit looking forward to it, hoping to meet some real opponents, otherwise he would be invincible and ruined, and it would be boring to push it horizontally. He wanted to sharpen himself.

"I'm here in Dongtian City!" Yang Yu yelled, then stomped to the sky fiercely, followed a long distance, then jumped over, banged, and hit the ground.

The extremely hard rocky ground was torn apart, the whole street almost collapsed, and large black cracks appeared, showing how powerful he was.

Everyone was in a daze, this little monk was really ferocious, leaving the gate tower on his way, he smashed in like a huge boulder.

Yang Yu scratched his head. He thought someone would stop him, so he went straight ahead without wanting to cause such serious damage.

One side of the stone tablet floated, and a line of brilliant small characters appeared on it. The Void God Realm issued a warning to him, to the effect that if he dared to destroy Dongtian City, he would be expelled directly.

"..." Yang Yu's face turned black, and he was speechless. Didn't he just use his strength a little bit? As for using a stone tablet to remind him?

When many people saw this, they were in a daze, and then laughed. How could this kid always feel happy? Although he is fierce, he is sometimes funny.

Xiao Dudian walked forward sullenly, even careful about his steps. For fear that he might break the ancient city, he ran straight to the center of the city, where there were rune passages where he could choose.

"I know that there are various great religious forces in the city. Now I announce that starting from the Southern Meteorite Mountain and the Xiling Beast Mountain, each force will hand in ten pots of precious blood, otherwise I will personally get it!"

Yang Yu flew directly into Dongtian City, standing on the city wall, Yang Yu shouted loudly, and his voice spread throughout the entire Dongtian City.

"Nan Meteorite Mountain, Xiling Beast Mountain? Does the unscrupulous monk have something to do with these two forces? It's impossible, right?" A group of people looked at Yang Yu, very puzzled.

"South Meteorite Mountain and Xiling Beast Mountain are the help to siege Butian Pavilion. Many of the Butian Pavilion elders were killed by these two forces." An old man stood up, his face shocked and said .

"Now the unscrupulous monk has taken the lead against Nan Meteorite Mountain and Xiling Beast Mountain, is this to avenge Butian Pavilion?" The person next to him looked solemn and was startled by such speculation.

"The Rain Clan, Prince Wu's Mansion, Xiao Xitian, and those who participated in the siege of Butian Pavilion, all sent me precious blood, otherwise today I will destroy a few big forces first, and let you be completely lost in the cave Eligibility to stay!" Yang Yu's tone was cold, and his voice was very loud and angry.

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