The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1173: Great Battle Cave Tianfudi

"This... why is Xiao Xitian also counted in by him? Is he really a member of the Mending Pavilion, not Xiao Xitian?" A fierce beast's face was pale and shocked by what Yang Yu had just said.

"It has been determined that this unscrupulous monk is not a person from Xiaoxitian at all, but a genius of Mending Heaven Pavilion. Everything in Hundred Broken Mountains before was only fabricated by him!"

Before long, the news that the unscrupulous little monk appeared was instantly replaced by another news. The unscrupulous monk turned out to be the person of the Tianjiao Pavilion, not the hidden arrogant of Xiaoxitian, and he is now shouting in Dongtian City to give Patch up the Tiange revenge.

It didn't take long before another news came out. The bear boy appeared, fighting against the four great clans in the original land, cheating a lot of true blood, and now in the middle of the war.

Time passed, and the time limit was soon approaching.

"I've decided to officially start crusade against Xiling Beast Mountain, uproot them, and remove them from this cave world!" Yang Yu and others became impatient and left the cave city directly, preparing to teleport away from this place.

The turmoil was too great. It was only a young man who threatened to conquer an ancient sacred mountain and thoroughly level their foundation in this area. It was really a big event.

Dongtian Blessed Land is the foundation of Xiling Beast Mountain in the Void God Realm, because young disciples are usually here, limited to cultivation base and strength, there is no benefit to entering higher levels.

If this place is destroyed, waiting for Ruodan to drop the old nest of Xiling Beast Mountain in the Void God Realm.

Obviously, the impact is huge, not only in the virtual **** realm, but also in the real world. Everyone is discussing that many cultivators have quickly entered the virtual **** realm. They have to witness and see.

"Have you heard that a young man is going to destroy ancient sacred mountains like Xiling Beast Mountain alone, and smooth their foundation."

"Isn't it possible? Who can knock down a behemoth like Xiling Beast Mountain, who has stood tall for so many years, how can it be done by a child alone."

"Don't forget, this unscrupulous monk is said to be indignant. So far, I have never heard of him being defeated. Maybe he will really pierce the sky."


Void God Realm, Dongtian City.

Yang Yu went straight on the road, plunged into a golden passage, and ran directly to the Xiling Beast Mountain. The heroes in the rear were boiling, and they all followed. This is a big event that will shock the whole world.

The mountains are majestic and spiritual, this is a magnificent blessed land, there are auspicious beasts, there are spirit birds flying, clouds and mists are transpiring, and it is psychedelic.

This is the blessed land of Xiling Beast Mountain. There is a towering building in front of it, and a vast pure land has been opened up there.

With the arrival of Yang Yu, the beast shadows flashed in this pure land, endless masters appeared, all came out and were killed to the root base. If they did not work hard, it would not be the glorious Xiling Beast Mountain that could not stand still. .

"Xiling Beast Mountain, you should all be fierce beasts? Not bad, not bad!" Yang Yu looked at the powerful fierce beast in this pure land, his face became cold.

"You are killing yourself. Your human race cannot be our opponent in the initial ground and the cave world. You'd better leave me, otherwise you will definitely die if you are here today!" The face of the huge white tiger was very reminded. Sullen, looking at Yang Yu, white light exuded all over his body, and he swallowed with murderous intent.

"White Tiger, there are other fierce beasts. I think you all have very pure bloodlines. It's incredible. No wonder your Xiling Beast Mountain has always been so strong."

Yang Yu looked at this white tiger, very surprised.

"Why did you come here? If nothing happens, leave me immediately, or don't blame us for being polite!" Bai Hu's face was cold, and he drank coldly to Yang Yu.

"I'm here to avenge Butian Pavilion. Today, you Xiling Beast Mountain will be the first to be the first to be destroyed." Yang Yu snorted coldly, the same killing intent boiling over.

"Aren't you from Xiao Xitian? Why do you want to avenge Butian Pavilion?" Bai Hu's mouth had a mocking smile.

"Is your sister's brain sick? I've said it countless times when I was in Hundred Broken Mountains. I'm from Butian Pavilion. I said it countless times before eating your little white tiger. Didn’t you understand?” Yang Yu looked at this white tiger, very speechless.

"You're looking for death!" The white tiger's face became extremely gloomy, his body flew out, and a pair of paws patted Yang Yu's body.

"Send you on the road first, and then destroy you Xiling Beast Mountain later."

Yang Yu's face became cold, and he slapped the white tiger's paw directly with a terrifying aura.

"Boom!" Amid the huge roar, the huge white tiger actually flew upside down, with blood dripping on one of its paws, and its skin was open and fleshy.

"You die for me first!"

Yang Yu gave a low cry, and a blood-red long needle appeared in his hand. Kunpeng's precious wings flapped behind him, and he flew towards the white tiger with Yang Yu's body. The soul-killing needle in his hand was ready to shoot at any time.

"Not good, Soul Destruction Needle!" A black survivor's face condensed, and he quickly rushed into the sky, preparing to stop Yang Yu's attack.

"Dead!" Yang Yu's face was gloomy, the soul-killing needle in his hand had already shot out, and the target was the huge white tiger.

"Wow!" Black Legacy roared, his body flew by, and his heart was very anxious.


The soul-killing needle was like piercing the tofu, and the blood-red long needle pierced the white tiger's body.

Immediately, a blood-red brilliance swept out, blooming inside the white tiger,

"Ahhhhh..." Baihu's face was grim, and he fell to the ground with a rumbling, his breath quickly wilting.

"Next, there are other fierce beasts in Xiling Beast Mountain, you should eat very well!"

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and disappeared in place, rushing to the location of the beasts in Xiling Beast Mountain.

"Kill him for me, kill me all!"

The black legacy was violent, with an icy breath, roaring towards Yang Yu, as if he were desperate.

"A idiot," Yang Yu curled his lips and stopped directly. The Ancestral Dragon's precious technique was shining brightly in Yang Yu's body.

"Wow!" The Black Legacy was very angry, and the terrifying black brilliance sprayed out of his body, like black dragons, extremely terrifying.

Yang Yu knew that this was the primitive treasure of this black relic, a primitive treasure not inferior to pure-blooded creatures.

However, he unexpectedly encountered Yang Yu's abnormality. Yang Yu didn't have any extra actions, only the golden brilliance in his hand was more intense. Under Yang Yu's urging, he punched out.


Before the black remnant got close to Yang Yu, he felt a terrifying coercion like Mount Tai. Then, in his horrified eyes, his two claws burst directly, turning them into pieces of broken meat and rotten bones. Sprinkled above the ground.

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