The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1308: Extraordinary 11 Puzzles

Chapter 11 Puzzle

In the airtight room, a few lights were burning leisurely.

There was a puddle of black liquid on a certain wall, which had solidified on it.

Everything in the room was full of strong blood, and they all revealed that something important might have happened here not long ago.

In the middle of the room, there was a table of Eight Immortals, and a box was quietly placed on the table of the Eight Immortals.

In fact, it is not a box, its size can be called a box.

"Baiyue Box?"

Han Fei immediately recognized what the box was, but the box was locked at this moment, and there was no way to open it.

And Han Fei was also very curious, why did this box appear in Liu Yi's house?

"How could he appear here."

When Zhang Liang said this, he subconsciously looked at Yang Yu, but Yang Yu's attention at this moment was all on the blood on the wall.

I saw Yang Yu standing there, his eyes never leaving the wall, Yang Yu raised his eyebrows when he looked at the slightly sunken mark on the wall.

"You said why did that person just shirk so much? Is she..."

"She might know something." Zhang Liang's reaction was very fast. He knew who Yang Yu was talking about, and he answered Yang Yu's words immediately.

Yang Yu turned sideways, looked at Zhang Liang in the dark, and nodded.

"Indeed, his attitude is too strange, he must be hiding something, and when you asked him just now, he obviously answered your words very smoothly. This is not something a woman who has just died her husband should have. which performed."

The expression on Zhang Liang's face was thoughtful, as if thinking of something.

After watching Zhang Liang think, Yang Yu stepped forward and patted the box.

"Take this thing back, maybe it's useful, just tell him we are for evidence! But when we go out, no one may be there."

Just as Yang Yu had expected, when the three of them came out of the secret room, there was no one in the room, as if nothing happened.

Only Liu Yi's lonely body lying on the bed seemed to tell how miserable his death was.

After bringing the box back to Zilanxuan, Yang Yu called Wei Zhuang over.

Zi Nu was also very interested in this box. After looking at the box, after a while, Zi Nu sat next to it and poured a cup of tea.

After pushing the teacup to Yang Yu, Zi Nu spoke up.

"You took this back from the dead man's hands? How to open it?"

As soon as Zi Nu's voice fell, she saw Wei Zhuang open the curtain and walk in. At this moment, Wei Zhuang was cold, as if he had just come from a cold place.

Wei Zhuang glanced at Yang Yu first, then set his gaze on the box.

Looking at the box, a strange color passed through Wei Zhuang's eyes.

Reaching out and knocking on the box, the originally sturdy box opened the moment Wei Zhuang's hand touched the box.

In fact, with Yang Yu's strength, he can open this box with no effort, but Yang Yu doesn't like the feeling of opening it by himself, he prefers to watch theaters.

Yang Yu thinks he has a little bit of nasty taste. He likes to see other people's eyes in surprise or other emotions.

And there was an unfamiliar symbol in the opened box.

"This is the Baiyue symbol, right?"

Zhang Liang's eyes were always on the box. Knowing that there are mechanisms in this box, it would be difficult to open it, but Zhang Liang really didn't expect that Wei Zhuang would have opened the box as soon as he shot.

Listening to Liu Yi's question, Yang Yu nodded.

"Indeed, it represents the promise of life and death."

The egg tower that had no expression when opening the box, after hearing Yang Yu's words, instead revealed a slight eyebrow raise.

He may not know why Yang Yu knows such things so well.

"It seems that this matter is also implicated in Baiyue..."

When saying this, Yang Yu's eyes were always on Wei Zhuang.

Indeed, the biggest doubt in this case is why Liu Yi died so bizarrely, and also died in his own home, which happened to have this box in his home.

Even if you don't think about it, it is impossible. Liu Yi's death has become a reality. The most urgent task now is to see where Liu Yi died.

Who died in his hands.

Looking at Liu Yi's back without looking back, Yang Yu raised his eyebrows and drank the tea in his hands.

"Princess Guren seems to have invited you to the theater recently, right?"

Since returning, Han Fei has been very busy and has never seen his dear sister a few times.

Hearing Yang Yu's reminder, Han Fei remembered that he and Princess Honglian had such an invitation.

Looking at the sky gradually gloomy outside, Han Fei's eyes hesitated.

"She has made appointments with you several times, do you have the heart not to go? And you may hear some information once you go.

In fact, in the true sense, Yang Yu and Princess Honglian only met once, but Yang Yu was still more interested in Princess Honglian.

After all, Princess Red Lotus, but Chi Lian later.

Once in the real world, Yang Yu was obsessed with the series of Qin Shimingyue for a while.

As for the few characters of Qin Shimingyue who impressed Yang Yu, one of them was Chi Lian.

Losing love has always been like a tragic character for Yang Yu. The family and country were destroyed to avenge and stay with his beloved, but the beloved has never seen him.

I don't know what the current Honglian Princess looks like.

Through the brief contact that day, Yang Yu just took a look at it. Princess Honglian was very generous in her actions and habits.

How else would you be loved by the general?

"What news?" Han Fei turned his head to look at Yang Yu, a little puzzled in his words.

In fact, his sister had always been asking him out to play things, but Han Fei had never thought about it, and he might have heard some information during the play.

After all, in Han Fei's heart, he always thought that his sister was a child who had nothing to do with the world and had never experienced any trouble.

"Recently, the rumors on the streets and alleys are very powerful, haven't you heard it? In the Zilanxuan, it is just a dead person, and it has already been raged. If you go out to listen to the drama, you may hear more interesting news. !"

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