The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1343: Zombie Siege

Chapter 46: Zombie Siege

That night.

The watchman was holding a gong in his hand and a hip flask in his other hand, and walked towards the front with blurred eyes.

There was a dull sound from afar, it seemed that it was the sound of someone walking.

The caller turned his head.

But he saw a man with a rotten face and rushed towards him.

A scream cut through the long street.

Three days later.

"Have you heard, Chengnan Tailor Shop is dead again." The woman who was buying vegetables with the basket was gossiping to the vegetable seller.

After hearing the words of the rich man, the vegetable seller standing on the street leaned in mysteriously.

"Is it wrong? I heard that many people died in these two days. I said that I saw a moving corpse at a convenient time in the night and then they were killed! The heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney were all shed!" With this sentence, the vegetable seller frowned, as if he had imagined the scene.

All of the surrounding atmosphere had frozen for a while, and a sense of shady climbed on the backs of the two people.

Behind them, two people walked slowly over.

"Recently, the rumors in the streets and alleys are too overwhelming? I heard that there are walking corpses in the city?" Han Fei raised his eyebrows when he looked at the panicked vendors on the street.

After Yang Yu, standing next to Han Fei, heard Han Fei's sigh, he looked around curiously.

Had it not been for Han Fei to mention Yang Yu, he would not have noticed that there were a lot fewer hawkers on the street today.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yang Yu looked at the compass in his hand, "Is it a zombie? It should be there."

When Han Fei heard Yang Yu's words, he looked at Yang Yu in disbelief. He originally thought that Yang Yu would not believe it.

But Yang Yu's reaction made Han Fei a little strange.

"Loss? What is that? What have you lost recently?"

This loss is not the other loss, Yang Yu curled his lips speechlessly, and cast his eyes on the surrounding vendors again.

Taking a step forward, I looked at the rouge boxes on the vendors.

The one who sells rouge is a little brother who looks quite young, and he should be in his 20s.

"What do you want to see! I have basically the latest colors here. Are you going to buy them for your wife at home?" Due to a strange incident in the city recently, many people have stopped going out, and the income of vendors has decreased a lot. Today, finally, there is a time to open.

Yang Yu picked and picked at the rouge stall, and took a box of red.

Look down and smell it.

Then Yang Yu looked up at the little brother opposite.

"Cinnabar?" Yang Yu raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

The little brother looked at Yang Yu with a surprised look. Maybe he didn't expect that Yang Yu actually smelled something added to the rouge.

Then the little brother nodded and took the rouge back.

"Cinnabar can be toned. This color is the reddest color in my stall, so I chose to use cinnabar as the main color."

After listening to the little brother's explanation, Yang Yu nodded.

His eyes wandered around the little brother's stall twice.

"Choose a color that is not red for me. No wonder your stall can exist here for so long. It turns out that there is a way to survive!"

Standing on the side, Han Fei hadn't made a sound.

When he heard Yang Yu's words, he gave Yang Yu a strange look.

Han Fei then set his sights on the red rouge of the vendor.

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" The little brother scratched his head a little, and smiled at Yang Yu.

Looking at the little brother’s very straightforward smile, Yang Yu also burst into a smile, put the rouge in the little brother’s pocket, and said: "Don’t go out tonight, don’t take out this rouge, believe it. Good things will happen to me."

He took out the Korean currency from his pocket and threw it on the stall, took a rouge in his hand, and Yang Yu left the vendor's territory.

Looking at the currency on the stall, the little brother widened his eyes in surprise, and leaned his head forward and shouted: "More! Come back and I will give you the money!"

However, the little brother's call did not receive Yang Yu's response. He watched Yang Yu disappear from the corner of the street and completely left his sight.

After walking for a while, Han Fei kept looking at Yang Yu as if he wanted to ask something.

Yang Yu noticed Han Fei's gaze and stood still, looking sideways at Han Fei.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Is it true that what happened recently? How do you think you believe it so much, and why does the vendor who sells rouge use cinnabar to make rouge? Isn't cinnabar a poisonous thing?"

Yang Yu discovered a problem, that is, Han Fei’s points of concern are always somewhat different from his points, and sometimes Yang Yu that Han Fei pays attention to is not the same thing at all.

Just when Yang Yu wanted to answer Han Fei's question, he saw a fiery red figure running in the distance. Why did Princess Honglian run out of the palace again?

I saw that fiery red figure came to Yang Yu's face.

Standing in front of Yang Yu, Princess Honglian was still breathing unevenly.

"What a coincidence, did you meet you here?" Han Fei frowned upon hearing Princess Honglian's words.

Then Han Fei spoke with some worry, and said, "Did you sneak out of the palace again? It hasn't been very peaceful recently. You are now a live target when you come out?"

Since Ji Wuye was assassinated in Qinfang that day, I don’t know who disclosed the news, saying that Qinfang was haunted, and that the people who assassinated Qinfang were actually the people who killed Ji Wuye in the past and asked him for his life. Up.

In the next period of time, the entire King City was basically panicked, especially since other things happened in the past two days. The corpses walking in the middle of the night would appear on the streets and tear people to pieces.

Although it is daytime, I have to take precautions, otherwise major problems may occur.

"I just ran out sneakily and went back soon. Why are you so anxious? Besides, I am not looking at you when I come out!" After saying this, Princess Honglian looked up at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Your brother is right. The current situation is a bit dangerous. It's better not to go out and walk around. Then it's not good for a little girl like a flower to be kidnapped?"

When saying this, all Yang Yu's voice was full of smiles.

There is indeed something wrong with the recent situation, but Yang Yu still believes that Princess Honglian will not be kidnapped. Who kidnappes Princess Honglian in such storms is really looking for death.

[Seeking recommendation tickets, asking monthly tickets, asking for rewards! ! ! ! ! 】

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