The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1344: Sly

Chapter 47 The Detective

"I always carry weapons with me, so how could I be kidnapped again? If they kidnap me, I will beat them down one by one!"

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows when he looked at Princess Honglian, whose face was full of collagen, and said these words enthusiastically.

If this sentence were put on Chi Lian in the future, Yang Yu might believe it, but now...

He stretched out his hand and tapped Princess Gulian on the forehead, the smile on the corner of his mouth still remained.

"Okay, know that you are the best, and go back after dinner with your brother. The recent situation is indeed very unusual. You need to protect yourself."

Princess Red Lotus touched her forehead. After taking a look at Yang Yu, she turned to Han Fei and said, "Look, Yang Yu said that I can walk with you for a while, hurry up and take me to dinner!"

Only a long sigh was heard from Han Fei.

Then the three of them entered a restaurant together.

It may really be because there have been too many strange things recently, and all the businesses in the city have been affected.

So that when Yang Yu entered, he saw the little two hundred boring flies at the counter, until he saw Yang Yu and the others pass, he rushed over.

"What can some guest officials eat!"

Yang Yu did not rush to answer Xiao Er's words, but looked up at the second floor.

After looking around, Yang Yu continued to say: "Your shop is very deserted, isn't it a bad sign?"

Xiao Er is very clever, and instantly pulls his face and complains, "How can it be! This is all caused by this strange thing recently, otherwise our restaurant is one of the best in this city, and the signature dishes are all superb! Guest officer Don't be kidding!"

On the second floor, Yang Yu saw Mo Ya sitting by the window.

Raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, Yang Yu walked over and sat across from Mo Ya.

Princess Honglian, who was following Yang Yu, might not have thought that Moya could be seen here, her face suddenly changed.

After all, Princess Honglian didn't know the relationship between Mo Ya and Yang Yu, she only knew that Mo Ya was from Ji Wuye.

In the past two days, all the gifts that Princess Honglian received were basically from Ji Wuye, but Princess Honglian didn't want to accept it, so she was very anxious.

This kind of anxious feeling has already implicated the people around Ji Wuye, so the moment Princess Honglian saw Moya, her face immediately became alert.

This cannot be blamed on Princess Honglian's irritability, mainly because he is too disgusted with Ji Wuye's actions.

So that Princess Honglian saw it, but at that moment Mo Ya thought Ji Wuye sent Mo Ya to follow her.

"Why are you here? Ji Wuye didn't send you here, right?" Before Yang Yu could speak, Princess Honglian grabbed the white.

Mo Ya looked at Princess Honglian with some doubts, but quickly realized that why did Princess Honglian ask?

Then Mo Crow fiddled with the feathers in his hand, tilted his head and smiled at Princess Red Lotus.

"I'm not as boring as you think. Besides following you, I don't need me to act."

Mo Ya's attitude can be said to be very impolite, instantly angering Princess Honglian, but when Princess Honglian didn't do anything, she was stopped by Yang Yu.

Princess Honglian glanced at Yang Yu with some doubts, but still put down the weapon in her hand.

"Have you heard about that too?"

The moment he saw Mo Ya, Yang Yu thought that he might have come for something.

At this moment, Yang Yu and Mo Ya seemed to be playing a dumb riddle, and the two of them said things that each other could understand.

"Of course, otherwise you think why I have a leisure time staying here, I am very busy, OK? The boy Bai Feng has been sent out to investigate the news. If you have time, you can sit here and wait. , Maybe some good news will come."

After hearing Mo Ya's words, Yang Yu patted the seat next to him and motioned Han Fei and Princess Honglian to sit over.

Princess Honglian has a puzzled attitude towards what is happening now. She always feels that there is something weird in this matter, but she doesn't know what it is.

With this kind of psychology, Princess Honglian approached Han Fei's ear and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Isn't Mo Ya a person in the night? Why do you get along so happily?"

Princess Red Lotus was already trying to use the smallest voice, but he didn't think about one thing, that is, everyone present was basically ears and eyes, so everything she asked was heard.

After hearing Princess Honglian's question, Yang Yu looked sideways at Han Fei, wanting to hear Han Fei's answer.

However, Han Fei can be said to be a good Tai Chi, only to see Han Fei gently push Princess Honglian's forehead.

"Why do kids like to eavesdrop on adults so much?"

Princess Honglian, who was not satisfied with Han Fei's explanation, curled her lips and turned her gaze on Yang Yu.

After Yang Yu tapped his fingers on the table lightly, he smiled and said to Princess Honglian.

"The question you want to ask is why I know Mo Ya so well? I can tell you now because I am working with Mo Ya?"

Princess Honglian, who felt that her worldview had exploded in an instant, looked at Yang Yu in shock. She didn't quite understand why Yang Yu had to cooperate with Mo Ya, cooperation with Mo Ya, isn't it just cooperation with Nightfall?

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Princess Gulian managed to find her voice.

"But I remember that you didn't deal with Ji Wuye? How could you cooperate with Ji Wuye's men?"

When Princess Honglian said these words, her expression changed a little. She seemed to have thought of something, and then looked at Mo Ya.

It just so happened that Mo Ya's eyes fell on Princess Honglian's body at this time, and the two eyes met in the air.

Before Princess Honglian was saying anything, Bai Feng's figure had already appeared in front of the window.

Bai Feng was surrounded by little birds, and it looked like he was surrounded.

"How is it?" Mo Ya asked.

Hearing Mo Ya's inquiry, Bai Feng glanced at Yang Yu in silence.

"Why is he here?"

Originally, Yang Yu was planning to hear about Bai Feng's news, but he was called out unexpectedly. He raised his eyebrows weirdly, and said with a smile, "Just passing by."

After Bai Feng got this answer, as if satisfied, he lowered his head and looked at the little bird flying beside him.

"They told me that there have been a lot of walking corpses in the city recently. Every night, there will be murders, and then they will be divided and eaten. Among these walking corpses, they are basically people who have been buried recently."

Mo Ya fell into silence when he heard Bai Feng's words, tapping the teacup with his hands.

"Is someone instigated behind these things?"

Bai Feng shook his head silently.

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