The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1440: Tianze's Death

After taking Princess Honglian out of the cave, Yang Yu discovered a very important thing. At first, Yang Yu thought that this was not done by Tianze at all, but when Yang Yu saw the person in front of him , Yang Yu was stunned for a moment.

And the opposite Tianze also saw it. Yang Yu now Yang Yu and Tianze are just the opposite pearls and looked at Yang Yu in a daze. He didn't know why Yang Yu stopped suddenly, but he could only rely on his own memory to move forward. Yang Yu looked over there.

"I thought it was not yours, but I didn't expect you to bump into my hand. Where did you hide the prince?" Yang Yu smiled politely at Tianze, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes easily. At this moment, the atmosphere around Yang Yu was cold, as if to freeze something.

Tianze was also a little surprised that he would see Yang Yu here. He was stunned for a moment, and then reflected. All his eyes were disdain for Yang Yu. Although, he had met Yang Yu some time ago, but Yang Yu Yu hadn't done anything, which gave Tianze an illusion that he felt that Yang Yu was just a military officer next to Han Fei.

Although Tianze didn't know why Han Fei had two military divisions, Tianze felt that Yang Yu must have Yang Yu's value, otherwise Han Fei would not bring Yang Yu with him.

Seeing Tianze’s somewhat disdainful eyes, Yang Yu raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t disliked Tianze yet. On the contrary, he was disliked by Tianze. Now Yang Yu faces a major choice, which is whether he wants to ask Tianze. The whereabouts of Prince Ze, still sent Tianze away directly.

"Look at me when I am in a good mood, you'd better leave Princess Red Lotus, or you may die in a while." Tianze first put his hands on the ground, and then got up like an activity Just like the muscles and bones, when Tianze moved his muscles and bones, a huge shadow came out from behind Tianze.

As soon as the tall figure came up, it looked like Yang Yu’s eyes were a little confused. Yang Yuren didn’t say who this person was, but Yang Yu didn’t say anything. The person was stunned. He didn’t seem to understand why Yang Yu appeared there. Here.

"Why are you here? What are you looking for?" When the person asked this sentence, he realized that he had asked the wrong question. After all, Yang Yu of the Wild Mountains and Wild Ridges would appear here, and it was all for Princess Red Lotus. , And they had already kidnapped Princess Honglian.

Yang Yu tilted his head to look at the man in front of him. He thought the current situation was a bit funny, but he didn't say it was too strange plot. Some things were like a trap.

Of course, Yang Yu didn’t understand why this trap fell here. At the beginning, Yang Yu didn’t think that Princess Honglian would be captured by Tianze, because the things in the original work did not happen in this world. Among them, what can be seen now seems to fit the cylinder,

Only this time, there was no Yan Lingji in the story, only Tianze was alone. Tianze looked at Yang Yu's appearance and did not react for a while.

She subconsciously thought that Yang Yu was not a threat to him, so she didn't take it seriously, but what he didn't expect was that Yang Yu suddenly acted after seeing him smile.

Actually, Yang Yu’s movements were not like hands, but simply moved his fingers. It was this simple movement that made Tianze feel a little suffocated in his breathing, and he didn’t know what happened. But he always felt that Yang Yu's action was not meaningful, and Tianze looked at Yang Yu with his throat.

Princess Honglian can't see anything now, so she can only tell by her voice what Yang Yu did. When Yang Yu started her hands, Princess Honglian subconsciously looked in Tianze's direction.

Princess Honglian felt that he heard a very familiar voice, but he didn't know what this familiar voice was. Just when the pet landed on the ground, Princess Honglian suddenly reacted. This voice was clearly the same as before. I hear it every day.

"Is the person who kidnapped me here?" Princess Honglian calculated in her heart whether it was lunch time, and then Princess Honglian found that it was already noon in the time she and Yang Yu had wasted.

Yang Yu patted Princess Honglian's arm so that Princess Honglian didn't need to be too scared.

Princess Honglian, who was in a panic, relaxed after feeling Yang Yu's movements. She looked forward. Although she was unconscious, she still insisted on looking for Tianze and the others.

Until now, Princess Honglian didn’t know who kidnapped him and came here. Although she has lived here for a long time, democracy has always been in a state of confusion. He doesn’t know what happened. He didn't know what happened at that moment.

Yang Yu looked at them calmly. The high school principal's actions were like watching a dead fish. Although this kind of person is not a pity for death, Yang Yu still needs the prince's indecent.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu's hand suddenly loosened, and Tianze, who was in a suffocating state, suddenly knelt on the ground.

Tianze finally understood that everything he experienced just now was controlled by Yang Yu. At this moment, Tianze looked up at Yang Yu in horror. He didn't know what kind of power Yang Yu had, but Yang Yu just showed The power that came out was indeed shocking.

"Now you can honestly tell me where the prince is. If I am in a good mood, maybe I will let you go." Yang Yu looked at Tianze and said.

Hearing what Yang Yu said, Tianze first looked up at Yang Yu, and then shook his head.

It seemed that Tianze didn't intend to cooperate with Yang Yu. Yang Yu laughed instead when he noticed Tianze's idea.

"I was originally worried. If you want to cooperate with me, what if I can't help but kill you? It seems that there is no need to worry about it now. Since you don't cooperate with me, you can leave."

After saying this, Tianze, who had a normal look, fell directly to the ground. His entire face was as gray. After twitching on the ground, he stopped moving. The figure standing next to Tianze saw what was happening at this moment. The sight was stunned.

To be honest, Yang Yu didn't plan to make a quick battle. He thought he had a lot of time, but then he discovered that the progress bar in this world had already reached the end.

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