The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 273: Charity? 【four】


In the barren ancient forbidden land, above an extremely ordinary mountain, the power of the holy land stood there blankly.

They have just arrived, but this Nanling Tiandi's dojo has torn the void and left!

How about playing Nima? !

They hadn't even had time to explore, except that Ji family Da Neng bombed the portal of Nanling Tiangong once, they didn't even have time to touch the wall of this fairy palace.

"what's the situation?"

At this moment, everyone looked dumbfounded, and they didn't understand the significance of this Nanling Tiandi Taoist Temple in the ancient forbidden land.

It has only been two days since they appeared, and then, the talents of their holy land disappeared just as they arrived? !

what is this? I have never seen such an inexplicable opportunity, on the contrary, it is like making fun of the world.

Just come out to make a bubble?

"This is not a chance at all, maybe it was something that went wrong when the Nanling Tiandi's dojo crossed the universe, and accidentally landed on a barren ancient forbidden place."

Da Neng from Jiang's family spoke, somewhat depressed.

"It's really possible this is the case. The Jiang Family shook his head helplessly, his heart filled with helpless brilliance.

The other powers are also looking at the empty void, in a daze, this possibility is the greatest.

However, only one person thinks otherwise.

That was the young girl Weiwei, but he saw Yang Yu picking the light beams on so many fairy flowers, and the resources he harvested were enough to support Yang Yu to cultivate the secret world of this human body!

Moreover, the girl Weiwei watched the Nanling Temple where Yang Yu entered.

Now that the fairy palace disappeared, Weiwei felt that it was most likely that Yang Yu had already harvested something in the heavenly palace, so that the fairy palace no longer needed to be in the forbidden land.

"Yang Yu, there must be a great relationship with this Nanling Emperor!"

Weiwei had bright eyes and many thoughts in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

Because she really didn't have the need to tell everyone, and if she said it, she would probably cause trouble to herself!

Yang Yu, at the time, she wanted to kill people in order to prevent her from getting a head. If the major holy places knew something by then, Yang Yu would know that she said it without guessing.

Weiwei is very smart, and it is absolutely unwise to forge a life and death enmity with a genius who may be related to the ancient emperor, so she stayed silent and had nothing!

Until all the great powers of the holy land began to leave, Weiwei had no intention to speak.

At this moment, in an unknown area in the barren ancient forbidden land, Yang Yu's figure suddenly appeared.

"Not in..."

Yang Yu's body was tense, and he was relieved to find that there were no people around except Gu Mu.

Yang Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart without colliding with the people of the holy places.

Otherwise, if he encounters the power of the holy places, he might not end well.

"Two days, now we have to hurry home, the harvest of this industry is enough!"

Yang Yu smiled slightly and was very satisfied with what he had gained in Nanling Tiangong. After taking a step, he began to quickly go beyond the barren ancient forbidden land.

This time, Yang Yu's speed was much faster. The place where he appeared this time was very close to the outskirts of the forbidden land. Yang Yu quickly left the restricted area and returned to the small town.

"Yang Yu?!"

However, just when Yang Yu returned to the town, a surprised voice interrupted Yang Yu's footsteps.

Then, Yang Yu turned around, looked at the group of people, and suddenly his eyes shook.

At this moment, the girl Weiwei is walking, and beside the girl Weiwei, there are more than a dozen people with her at the moment.

These dozens of people are of different ages, big and small, among them the older ones are already looking dying, while the younger ones are about the same as Yang Yu, but only eight or nine years old.

However, looking at these people, Yang Yu's heart is most shocked!

Because Yang Yu is very clear about who these people are next to Weiwei!

The protagonist of luck from the earth, covering the sky-Ye Fan, and his companions.

But at this moment, Ye Fan and the others beside Weiwei looked at Yang Yu with the same expression in surprise.

Because, along the way, they only saw people wearing ancient costumes, but Yang Yu had ordinary short-sleeved shorts, but the shoes were different from them.

At this moment, they are all very excited, are there earth people in this world?

Or is it that the boy in front of him, like them, is also from the earth across the starry sky?

"Weiwei, do you know this person?"

Beside the girl Weiwei, an old woman spoke with a cold tone

"Yes, a fairy seedling I met in this small town has a strong talent."

Weiwei spoke and nodded.

At this moment, I also looked at Yang Yu, and then at Ye Fan and others. The styles of clothing were too similar. Except for the different fabrics, they were almost all the same clothes.


The old woman looked at Yang Yu, then raised her brow, a little surprised.

"It turned out to be a life spring, but it is a good seedling, better than these uncivilized ones."

The old woman spoke, and after a shock, she became cold and proud again.

"Elder, can he go to Shake the Holy Land? He will definitely be a very powerful genius in the future."

Weiwei opened her mouth and looked at the power of this holy place.

Weiwei also turned her head and smiled at Yang Yu, with a close smile on her mouth.

"Oh, it's nothing more than a cultivator of Mingquan in a remote country. It's not suitable to go to Shake Light Holy Land. Shake Light Holy Land randomly choose a disciple. Isn't that a monster stronger than him?"

The old woman glanced at Yang Yu, her eyes indifferent and extremely disgusting.

"Elder, you can believe me, he is really a good immortal seedling. In the future, he will be able to turn stones into gold and bloom a powerful talent!"

Weiwei looked at the old woman and spoke very seriously.

The old woman frowned slightly and glanced at Yang Yu, her expression increasingly disgusted and unpleasant.

However, looking at the firm expression of the young girl Weiwei, the old woman still spoke, and said indifferently: "Since Weiwei intercedes, then I will give you a chance to go to the Holy Land with me, but wherever I go, the waste will live. It's very miserable!"

This powerful spoke, looking at Yang Yu proudly but indifferently, his tone was full of disgust and disdain.

As she said, if it hadn't been for a plea, she didn't even think of looking at Yang Yu more.

The nine-year-old Monk Mingquan, he really grabbed a lot of the Holy Land, really not worth mentioning, as common as rotten cabbage.

"Weiwei, the elder, thank you for your kindness. There are young and old in my family. They all need to be taken care of. I am also not interested in practice and can make a living. Therefore, I may not be able to go to the Shaking Holy Land."

Yang Yu did frown slightly, glanced at Weiwei indifferently, then bowed and refused.

He Yang Yu doesn't need this kind of charity recruitment!

He Yang Yu, with unparalleled talents, will have no problem at all in the future, even if he becomes the saint son of any orthodoxy!

Nowadays, they are generally rejected as shit, and only recruited as disciples because of others' pleading?

This is an insult to Yang Yu, trampling on his dignity!

Moreover, Yang Yu now needs to take care of Xiaonannan, so unless it is a tradition that can protect Xiaonannan, Yang Yu will never join it!

As for the Shaking Light Holy Land, Yang Yu is completely out of interest now.

Seeing him Yang Yu go to the dung, why doesn't Yang Yu regard him as a humble teacher!

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