The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 274: Eggs in the Forbidden Land【1】


However, when Yang Yu's words fell, the mighty power of the shining holy land frowned and looked at Yang Yu with a cold eye.

She was a powerful person who gave an invitation, and she went to his sacred place to practice. This little devil refused?

"Huh, it's really a hairy boy in a remote country, dare to refuse the invitation to shake the light of the Holy Land?"

The powerful eyes of Shaking Holy Land were very cold, and after glaring at Yang Yu, he flicked his sleeves and left, his expression was not good.

Yang Yu looked at the appearance of this shaking light, frowned suddenly, and his face was a little ugly.

Now, Yang Yu didn't need to think about it, but he had offended the power of a sacred place inexplicably.

Yang Yu, who hadn't met in Nanling Tiangong, actually offended the power of a sacred place near his home.

"Yang Yu, why do you refuse? This is an opportunity to practice in the Holy Land."

The young girl Weiwei looked at the shaking power away, and looked at Yang Yu with a bit of blame.

"I appreciate the kindness, but I really can't stand it!"

Yang Yu looked at Weiwei indifferently, and after speaking, he turned around and left.

"Etc., etc!"

Weiwei did not speak, but Ye Fan and the others beside him couldn't wait to look at Yang Yu.

"You don't need to ask me anything, I can't solve your puzzles for you, or even if I tell you something, with your current strength, nothing can be changed."

Yang Yu did not stop, nor did he talk to Ye Fan and the others. After saying a word, he left directly.

"I'm helping you, why have I been blamed instead."

Weiwei looked at Yang Yu's back, feeling aggrieved.

She originally thought that Yang Yu was very talented and should go to Shake the Orthodox Golden Scaled Dragon in the Holy Land, but she didn't expect to be blamed instead.

Of course Yang Yu would blame him, although Weiwei was kind, but Yang Yu, who is now carrying a small girl, somehow offended a powerful man, and Yang Yu certainly wouldn't give her a good face.

Yang Yu didn't care about Weiwei, Ye Fan and the others, but the arrival of Ye Fan and others also gave Yang Yu a message.

A few months later, the demon emperor's tomb may be born.

Yang Yu, you should also need to participate.


"Little nun, brother is back!"

When Yang Yu got home, he opened the door and shouted.


In an instant, in the direction of the bedroom, Xiao Nuan quickly ran over in surprise and threw directly into Yang Yu's arms.

"Well, is it boring at home these two days?"

Yang Yu hugged Xiao Nun Nun and asked with a smile.

"Well, my brother is not at home, Xiao Nun is really boring these few days."

The little girl hugged Yang Yu's head, her little cheek stuck to Yang Yu's face, very intimate.

"I learned how to act like a baby."

Yang Yu scraped Xiao Nun's Qiong nose and said with a smile.


Xiao Nun did not speak, just nestled in Yang Yu's arms with a look of joy.

"Okay, okay, let's lean on you for another ten minutes, and then my brother will cook."

Yang Yu sat down directly on the ground, let out a sigh of breath, and gradually relaxed.

Two little ghosts, one big and one small, are walking very closely at this moment, as if there are only two of them left in the world, quiet and peaceful.


Three days later, Yang Yu entered the deserted ancient forbidden land again, but this time it was not for chance. The food at home was not enough. Yang Yu had to hunt down a few wild beasts and exchange some money.

"Xiangong, Nine Dragons pull the coffin, seems to have appeared on the same day, the deserted ancient forbidden place, it is really not peaceful."

Yang Yu stood on the corpse of a dragon elephant, holding a dark dragon sword in his hand, and sighed.

In one day, the movement in the barren ancient forbidden land was really big enough.

"However, this should be the case. The barren ancient forbidden land should be calmed down, and there should be no problems with life in this small town."

Yang Yu put away the corpse of the dragon elephant, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, very satisfied with the current results.

In the future, as long as he can maintain his own spiritual needs, there is no need to leave the town and leave the little girl alone.

"Go home, this time the food and medicinal materials should be enough for ten and a half months after they are sold."

Yang Yu took a step, walked out of the barren ancient forbidden land, ready to leave.


However, when Yang Yu passed a canyon, his eyes condensed slightly, and he seemed to sense that the time and space around him seemed to be slightly stagnant.

"What happened, just now, why does it feel like time has stopped?"

Yang Yu's eyes were solemn, and he immediately looked at everything around him.

When it comes to time, items with this power, whether they are treasures or rare, are definitely treasures at the heavenly level.

"Is it in this canyon?"

Yang Yu scanned the surroundings, and finally looked at a small canyon not far away from him, his eyes flickered.

"Hope is something good!"

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and stepped directly into the Grand Canyon.

Soon, Yang Yu flew down, fell into the depths of the canyon, and began to scan around.

"This is, an egg?"

Yang Yu's eyes condensed slightly, looking towards the depths of the canyon, an...egg that had fallen into the ground.

This egg is only the size of a basketball, but when Yang Yu looked at the egg, his eyes were indeed slightly condensed.

He instinctively sensed a powerful breath, a kind of egg that seemed to be powerful at the level of life.

"Is the fluctuation just because of this egg?"

Yang Yu took a step, and soon came to the side of the big egg and began to examine it.

"Life fluctuates, very weak, and the creatures inside are dying."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered, and after a few glances, he could sense that this egg was like a dead egg at the moment, and the creatures conceived in it had no life.


However, just when Yang Yu stood up and was about to leave directly, the egg suddenly flickered, and the feeling of time lag appeared again.

"Not dead yet?"

Yang Yu stagnated, stopped, knelt down here, and looked at the egg.

"Well... do you want to save it, a creature that may involve time comprehension is still very strong. If it is cultivated, it will be good to be a pet and a bodyguard for Xiaonan."

Yang Yu looked at the egg, his eyes flickered, hesitating.

However, in the end, Yang Yu took out an ancient medicine like ginseng.

This is the Medicine King that Yang Yu got in Nanling Tiangong, the essence of which is enough to sustain the top powerhouse.

Now it should be enough to rejuvenate this big egg, which has not yet conceived a birth, but is dying.

If it really doesn't work, Yang Yu can consume some of the resources he would have used for spiritual practice to restore the egg to life.

Just ask, the creatures in this egg don't be too weak!

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