The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 482: Arrogant ancestor [3]

At the sacred place of Yaochi, many people stood up in a hurry at this moment. The strong human race, the creatures of the ancient royal family, looked at the scene in front of them, and their eyes were extremely solemn.

The dragon girl is dead, and an ancient emperor, a descendant of the ancient emperor's blood, was crushed and killed by Chi Lin like this, the situation is really amazing.


The ancestor king of Wanlong Nest was furious in an instant, and a fierce murderous intent broke out.

The ancient emperor died like this!

With a single shot, even before everyone recovered, the Dragon Girl had become a headless corpse.

"The **** guy, he killed the ancient emperor in the battle, you **** it!"

In an instant, the ancestor king of Wanlong's Nest was furious, and his cold murderous intent flashed in his heart.

"The skills are not as good as humans, and in the first battle, she meant to fight for life and death. Is it possible that in this case, I still have to keep my hands?"

Chi Lin'er snorted coldly, there was no jealousy at this moment, and she was not jealous of the reprimanding and murderous intent of King Taigu.

"Damn you!"

The look of the Great Ancestor King in Wanlong's Nest suddenly became cold, and there were strands of cold murderous intent in his hands.

"Everyone, now your great sage is stopped by Dongzun, are you sure you still want to target my disciples in the Jade Lake Holy Land?!"

The sage of Jade Lake snorted coldly, and in the void, the pressure of the West Emperor Tower was permeating, and several Primordial Ancestor Kings in the Wanlong Nest had been locked.

"Is the ancient emperor who killed me in Wanlong's nest a bit too much?!"

The Great Sage of Wanlong Nest also spoke Bing Han's voice at this moment. He was obviously fighting against Yang Yu, and wisps of killing intent were permeating.

"She herself has the heart of life and death, and then my sister can't hold a blow. Who is to blame for death?"

Yang Yu sneered, looked at the Great Sage in Wanlong's Nest, and said nonchalantly.


The eyes of the Great Sage in Wanlong's Nest were cold and stern, staring at Yang Yu, revealing his murderous intentions.

Dragon Girl, that is Wan Long Nest's hope in the future, but they are the only super genius who can fight for the path of proof. Now that she is dead, how can Wan Long Nest give up.

"Don't learn from Primordial Lake. If you are not as skilled as a person, you are dead. If you think that you are the blood of the ancient emperor, you will have a high self-esteem.

Yang Yu smiled sarcastically and looked at the Great Sage of Wanlong's Nest and said indifferently: "In this battle, your ancient emperor in Wanlong's Nest is too arrogant. Have you never heard of the ruthless emperor? A mortal has become The most stunning and talented ancient emperor ever!"


The face of the Great Sage in Wanlong Nest was cold, but he didn't know how to show off his power and deal with Yang Yu.

The destruction of the pristine lake has been a lesson for the past, and now the great sage of Wanlong's Nest is really afraid to take risks.

"Don't think about what you are doing, you Wan Long Nest provoked all this by yourself. If you dare to hurt my sister, Wan Long Nest... is the next primitive lake!"

Yang Yu said, his tone was extremely harsh and cold, without leaving any affection.

When it comes to his relatives, Yang Yu has no idea of ​​digging pits, only coldness and murder are pervading!


The Great Sage Wanlong's Nest shouted angrily, his voice was full of rage, but he never did anything.

Because he dare not!

Next to him, the great sages of the Golden Race and Huolin Cave were also persuading this great sage that there should be no accidents during the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

Now that Dongzun is restricted by them, this is the best situation. As long as Yang Yu does not take action, they will not be afraid of anything. No matter how strong the great sage of Jiuyou is, it can't be better than the great sage level of the ancient royal family. The strong.

In the end, the Great Sage of Ten Thousand Dragons Nest did not speak, and below, the Great Sage of Ten Thousand Dragons Nest also turned gloomy and silent, and returned to the side with the corpse of Dragon Girl.

Chi Lin'er didn't say anything, she went directly to the side of the saint Yaochi and began to wait quietly.

The Ten Thousand Clan Conference is not over yet, and the situation is not clear. The true powerhouse of the Primordial Clan has not yet arrived.

Towards the evening, outside the Yaochi Holy Land, the drums of those responsible for welcoming the strong rang again, and at the entrance of the Yaochi Holy Land, an ancient ancestor king descended.

This ancient ancestor king didn't protect anyone who came, he just descended directly into the venue alone, with extremely cold eyes.

"Is this the Yaochi Holy Land? There was once a great emperor comparable to the ancient emperor?"

The Taikoo Ancestor King came with very cold eyes, and a powerful force was permeating. He did not have the slightest fear of the human experts around him, and was looking at everything unscrupulously.

"Um... the same pressure as the ancient emperor soldier, is this the ultimate imperial soldier of the human race? It is special, I don't know if I can lend it to the holy to observe and observe?"

This ancient ancestor king was pacing, walking around, unscrupulous.

At this moment, he opened his mouth, and the words spoken made all the people's faces condensed, and their eyes were extremely heavy.

In the sacred place of Yaochi, it is a kind of provocation to even bluntly say that you want to observe the West Emperor Pagoda, and it is also a signal at this moment!

When the Taikoo Ancestor King appeared, he was just a protector at the moment, and did not do anything deliberately, but now that Hajime has been so unscrupulously provocative as soon as he arrives, the strong human race understands that this is a signal that the Taikoo royal family is about to officially start.

However, no one responded to this Primordial Ancestor King, and no human powerhouse refuted anything. At this moment, each of them looked extremely heavy.

"Hehe, it's really boring, it's a huge human race, and there isn't even a saint who can speak."

This ancient ancestor king gave a cold snort, his eyes were extremely ironic, and there was no euphemism in the words.

""I heard that your human race has a saint-level ancient sacrament, where is it? Let me have a look! "

Taikoo Ancestor King looked indifferent, and after proudly turning around the venue, he began to speak coldly, with a clear purpose.

However, no one responded to him. Ye Fan's holy shell had already been put away. As the only saint except Dongzun, he was afraid of becoming a target of public criticism!

"Well, have you run away because you are scared?"

The Taikoo Ancestor King waited for a moment, then shook his head, his irony and disdainful attitude became more intense.

Not far away, where the juniors gathered, Ye Fan's expression was very cold at this moment. This ancient ancestor king was too arrogant, almost stepping on the human race to show off his might.

"If he continues like this, I can only sacrifice the holy shell and kill him!"

Ye Fan's heart was cruel, he wanted to kill people, and he didn't want to watch this great ancient ancestor continue to be so arrogant.

"Hey, since that saint-level Eucharist has left, then forget it. It's a pity not to have a few words with him."

Taikoo Ancestor King's expression became cold, and then his tone of voice revealed a sorrowful voice: "However, I have heard that there is also an outstanding Saint Physique talent among your human race. I can take a look at this junior first!"

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