The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 483: Master Tao comes to face [four]

"not good!"

The juniors of the human race are all together at this moment. Although they can't play a big role, they stand together at this moment and can at least talk to each other in the face of the situation. After all, they can discuss some useful methods for the severe situation of the human race. indefinite.

But at this moment, in the place where Ye Fan, the Holy Prince and the others were sitting cross-legged, everyone's expressions changed in awe.

When Tai Koo Ancestor King walked over to look for Ye Fan, he would certainly not have good intentions, so the holy prince and others who were staying beside Ye Fan at the moment had their faces changed drastically.

An ancient ancestor king who came to be unkind was definitely not something they could contend with.

There is only one Dongzun, and the glorious record of Immortal Two Slaying Saint is destined to belong to only one person.

All at this moment, I heard that the ancient ancestor king was looking for Ye Fan, which caused the holy prince and others to change their colors and their expressions were extremely solemn.

"Is this the Human Eucharist?"

Soon, King Taikoo came to the gathering place of the juniors of the human race and looked at Ye Fan in the crowd. His eyes were extremely cold, and the fierce murderous intent in his eyes had no hidden meaning.

"What do you want to do? This is the Ten Thousand Races Conference, not the Murder Convention. With your attitude, how can the Ten Thousand Races Conference proceed?!"

The monkey spoke, and his eyes looked at the great ancient ancestor king very seriously.

"Holy Prince, you are also the Primordial Clan, why is it wrong to maintain Human Clan like this?"

The King Primordial Ancestor frowned instantly. If it were really said, the status of the Holy Prince was very high. At the end of the Primordial Era, the entire Big Dipper respected the Saint Emperor, and the speciality of the Holy Prince might not be much worse than that of the Emperor.

"The ancient human race and the ancient royal family didn't coexist peacefully. Where did so much blood and murder come from, there is no need to fight for life and death."

The holy prince spoke, and Ye Fan, who knew him well, did not approve of the current practices of the Primordial Clan. It was completely unnecessary bloodshed.

"Holy Prince, you still don't want to block the way. Everything today is the consensus of everyone from all races in the ancient times. You can't stand behind the human race?"

King Taikoo said with a heavy eye.

"You want to use the strength of the Saint Realm to bully the big and hurt my friend, I won't care!"

However, the holy prince opened his eyes coldly, staring at the ancient ancestor king, and didn't mean to let go.

"Holy Prince, then don't blame me for disrespecting you. The Human Eucharist and the only saint of the Human Race are both ridiculous ancient Eucharists. We want to kill that saint. Now we can only kill a Human Eucharist to force him out!"

King Primordial Ancestor spoke, glanced at the holy prince, then his eyes became cold and he looked at Ye Fan behind him.

The Ten Thousand Clan Conference, the only thing that still allows them to have some resistance now is the Eucharist of the Saint Realm. Knowing that this person is cut off, the negotiation with the Human Race will be much easier after the Primordial Clan!

"The Taikoo royal family deceived people too much. Do you really think that we don't have the strong, so just use the strong to bully the weak?"

The barbarian king roared in the distance, and Ye Fan, the great benefactor of the barbarian clan, brought the barbaric clan to annihilate an ancient family.

Therefore, now that Ye Fan is killed, he must stand up, because the practices of the Taikoo royal family are simply fish and meat other people, and it is completely unreasonable!

"The only saint of your human race hides in fear, just such a group of ants, and wants to fight us?"

Taikoo Ancestor King sneered and looked at Man Wang and others proudly.

In today's Ten Thousand Races Conference, can anyone in the Human Race contend with him?

"Hey, what you said is wrong. What is called the only saint, who are you looking at, can't we break through the saint?"

However, just as this ancient ancestor king spoke proudly, a very playful and indifferent voice sounded.

"Hehe, then I want to see how strong your new saint of human race is!"

The Taikoo Ancestor King smiled coldly, and Zhili turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

At this moment, there is a fat man standing there, who looks only 20 or 30 years old, but there is a fierce air between his eyebrows. The whole fat body is not bloated, but like a magic mountain. People and terror.

"Come, come, come here, Lord Tao, I will serve Chinese food here, Taikoo Zuwang, should it taste delicious?!"

At this moment, the fat man spoke and opened his mouth, looking very hungry.

"Not Human?"

Taikoo Ancestor King’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he could clearly feel the fierce power in the body of Lord Tao. It was definitely a creature transformed into a terrifying beast.

Fierce beasts were not unavailable in the time of the Primordial Clan, and among them were not uncommon.

Therefore, looking at Lord Tao at this moment, the eyes of the Taikoo Ancestor King became slightly solemn.

They despise Human Race extremely, because Human Race was the weakest in the ancient times, and they despise Human Race from the bottom of their hearts.

"Come here, Master Tao, let me have a taste of the taste of King Taikoo!"

Master Tao smiled indifferently, looking at the Taikoo Ancestor King, the puff fan in his hand was directly shot, and the swift brilliance was extremely bright, directly hitting the Taikoo Ancestor King's direction.

"Hmph, since you dare to stand on the side of the human race, the king doesn't mind killing you!"

Taikoo Ancestor King snorted coldly, and looked towards Master Tao with cold eyes.


Taikoo Ancestor King blasted out with a fist, his expression extremely cold.

He didn't put Tao Ye in his eyes, because he was a strong man in the five heavens of the saint, and he was also a middle-level expert, facing a newly promoted saint, he was not afraid!


However, in the next second, the gang wind fanned by Tao Ye Pu collided with the fist mark of the Taikoo Ancestor King, and his face changed drastically.


The gang wind swept across the void, and there was no horror or strong fluctuation, but it seemed to contain a sharp edge, and at this moment, the fists of the ancient ancestors had been cut into blood and blood.


But Master Tao stepped out at this moment, almost shrinking to an inch.

At the moment when he approached the Taikoo Ancestor Queen, he opened his mouth without any nonsense, just as if he had turned into a big mouth of blood, biting directly at the Taikoo Ancestor King's body.

And in this big mouth, only the black brilliance is circulating, and there are swallowing fluctuations in it!


Taikoo Ancestor King's eyes were icy, and the murderous intent came out, the other arm squeezed a fist, punching out a brilliant fist.



However, the big mouth transformed by Master Tao swept across the void directly, facing the fist mark of the Great Ancestor King, directly opened his mouth and swallowed it in.

Then, blood blossoms bloomed, and on the body of the ancient ancestor, there was a row of hideous tooth marks at this moment, and his left body seemed to have been bitten off by something at this moment!

And at the corner of Master Tao's mouth, wisps of saint's blood lay down, and in his mouth, he was chewing at this moment!

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