The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 499: Human Race First Level【4】

For ten years, Yang Yu and Tao Ye crossed the starry sky, and the two passed through the eternal star field, staying for a short time, fighting for a year, and killing ten directions.

A semi-saint and a saint in the quadruple heavens, just two people like this almost broke the eternal star field saint king, and no one can compete.

Yang Yu and Tao Ye did not stay for long. In the last few months, Yang Yu and Tao Ye began to fight the Saint King in the eternal star field, fighting across borders, shaking the eternal star field!

A year later, Tao Ye stepped into the fifth heaven of saints, swallowing the flesh of no less than five saint kings, and became stronger and bigger.

But Yang Yu killed a Saint King Triple Heavenly Powerhouse in the semi-sacred state. After the battle was exhausted and the body of the God of War shattered, Yang Yu entered the saint state.

With this more glorious record of Slaying the Sage of the Two Immortals, the King of the Half Sacred Slaughter has stepped into the realm of saints.

In the end, Yang Yu and Tao Ye set foot on the starry sky and left, and Yang Yu once again survived the catastrophe of the ancient emperor's siege in the starry sky no man's land.

However, for Master Yang Yutao, all of this is worthwhile. They have broken through battles and conquests, and their foundation is extremely solid, and they will be infinitely useful in the future!

And now it’s ten years later, ten years after walking, Yang Yu and Tao Ye were very convinced by the starry sky, and walked lonely along the starry sky and ancient road left by the ancients, following the footsteps of the former sage, and embarking on the strongest. The road to trials.

The two of them stayed away from Beidou and crossed eternity. Crisis and **** battles continued along the way. They fought all the way.

The difficulties encountered, the horror of facing the strong are not known to outsiders, as strong as Yang Yu and Tao Ye also had several accidents and almost died.

The mystery in the starry sky, there are many hidden powers, Yang Yu and Tao Ye have met the Great Sage more than once.

If it were not for the system's assistance opportunity, Yang Yu and Tao Ye might have been killed by the Great Sage and buried in Starry Sky...

During the ten-year journey, the two of them didn't know where they came. They had seen the great sage of the Peng clan, the saint king of the living beings, fought the ancient sages of the ancient royal clan in the starry sky, cutting thorns and walking through the sun and the moon.

This is the ten years of **** battle and exhaustion between the two, and also the ten years that Yang Yu and Tao Ye have harvested. They have witnessed one strong one after another, and encountered thousands of secret techniques, which have transformed their strength and made their foundation more solid. .

On this road, Yang Yu and Tao Ye were so famous that all Tianjiao were terrified when they went from this direction to the ancient road of Human Race.

The journey was far away, and he walked in the star field for ten years. Except for the eternal star field, he did not see an ancient life star in the true sense, at most it was just a small world on a dead star.

Ten years of war, the baptism of blood and fire, made Yang Yu's heart as firm as iron, and he took his own path, his strength became stronger, and his ways of fighting and killing became more refined!

Yang Yu, cultivating himself, the second floor of Sendai, cultivating against the years, is a stepping into the flesh as a species!

Moreover, Yang Yu's physical body is also the carrier of Yang Yu's own Tao. In the physical body, there are countless portals, which contain endless physical gods.

To take the body as a seed is to open these portals and release the physical gods.

And Yang Yu's physical body **** hides his own Dao, the stronger his Dao, the more doors the flesh opens.

And the more the door opened, the greater the Dao in Yang Yu's own body became bigger and bigger, and he turned into Dao-like, powerful!

Now, Yang Yu has been in the starry sky for ten years and has stepped into the second heaven of saints. Although only two realms have been broken, Yang Yu's own combat power has increased far more quickly!

However, after a ten-year journey, after savoring the unique endless loneliness of the universe, Yang Yu and Tao Ye finally approached the point.


In the starry sky, Yang Yu and Tao Ye passed by one person and one beast, without any intention to constrain their aura, overbearing and fierce.

However, in the starry sky at this moment, there are many more ferocious than Yang Yu, Tao Ye and others!


Void trembling, two creatures stepped forward, and they were exactly the same. Those two pairs of eyes looked like eagles, equally jealous and proud.

But soon, a scent of incense drove from the starry sky, brilliance bursts, petals were all around it, and a scent of fragrance wafted in the universe, like a fairy deceased!

And this is just for the people who have just arrived. In the distant starry sky, there are still a few people who have stood proudly and are so powerful, as if they can suppress the universe!

"Get out of the way, dead in the way!"

In the starry sky, Yang Yu and Tao Ye crossed, their eyes were very cold, but at the moment behind them, a head of fire flew up, and there was a young man on it, carrying a scarlet sword, the might of the saint!

"Sure enough, after embarking on this road, there are really many people looking for death!"

Yang Yu smiled indifferently, his eyes looked back coldly, and the Zhan Tianji in his hand swept out.


A ray of light flashed and disappeared in the universe, and the wisps of Thunder Law escaped in the starry sky, but the horrible fluctuations still permeated the starry sky at this moment.

And the saint realm Tianjiao riding the Huo Peng had already turned into ashes, completely extinguished!


All around, everyone looked sideways, their eyes were either frightened, surprised, or indifferent, all of which were caught by Yang Yu's halberd.

Yang Yu ignored everyone and calmly looked forward.

In this universe, there is a magnificent giant city sitting in front of it, with a variety of weather, and the sound of dragons and phoenixes, lying under the stars and moon, immortal.

Everyone stopped here, no longer moving forward, looking at this ancient city from a distance, it has a vast atmosphere, flowing with immortal power.

"An ancient city under the stars..."

It is very majestic and mysterious. It is not located on a planet, but directly suspended in the cosmic starry sky. It is baptized by the stars, which shocks people's vision very much.

It occupies a very wide area, the city wall is like a mountain, and it stretches endlessly. The tower is tall and magnificent. A pair of thick city gates are closed, as if it can block thousands of troops and all the saints from ancient times!

The moon blooms down, the stars shine like a waterfall, and the silver-white galaxies hang down, making the whole ancient city look mysterious and magnificent. It can be described as a land of gods.

Four wilds, savage beasts roaring, different birds hovering, or body like a huge mountain, living feathers covering the sky, one by one dominates one side, all of them are ancient alien species.

The domineering horned dragon, the sacred deer with purple wings circling the thunder and lightning, the ancient bird that is eating the green scorpion, etc. are all mounts, and they all sit on top of the strongest.

In front of the ancient city, the heroes were silent, only ferocious birds and beasts neighed, extremely suppressed, the ancient city body was full of oppression.

Everyone felt a kind of vicissitudes and domineering, this giant city gave people the feeling of being very magnificent, as if it had existed forever, telling the ancient history of the entire human race.

"The time when this city was built and what generation it originated has long been impossible to verify. It is known as the first pass on the human race's strongest trial." Someone whispered.

There are many "small ancient roads" in the universe, all leading to the final main path of the trial. A node here is also like a dam, unifying the paths of the strong human races from all sides.

And here is the starting point, the first level of the human race!

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