The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 53: The Abyss of the Four Seas, Peerless Dra

"Is there any problem? Hasn't the goal been found?"

Looking at Yang Yu, Er Gouzi spoke, asking very suspiciously.

"I found it, but there are some problems. I'm afraid this trip is really dangerous."

Yang Yu frowned, looking at Er Gouzi with some solemn eyes.

"Ancestral Dragon Tomb, can you not smile? The three innate chaotic creatures are dead, but no one has ever gone to their burial place. This is because it is extremely dangerous."

Er Gouzi spoke with a heavy tone.

Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shiqilin, the three innate creatures of Chaos, they are all dead and buried in the Three Realms.

However, no one can get anything from it.

These three creatures are very strong, absolutely the strongest existence under the saints.

The dangers of the three major phoenix burial sites may be that the quasi-saints enter them to explore, and they may not be able to obtain benefits.

As for the saints, they are not interested. They have all the benefits that should be derived from the three beings.

But now, what Yang Yu is going to is the Ancestral Dragon Tomb, the tomb of the most powerful creatures between heaven and earth, naturally extremely dangerous.

"More than that, there is not only danger in the Ancestral Dragon Tomb, but also a strong auspicious omen. I can gain something from it, but it may be very difficult."

Yang Yu frowned, he can only think so much about the horror of the power of the hungry ghost.

"How did you tell?"

Er Gouzi muttered, looking at Yang Yu speechlessly.


Yang Yu shrugged, and after a few words, he directly began to cross the sea and head towards the Abyss of the Four Seas.

Now that he had planned to explore it, Yang Yu didn't need to hesitate anymore.

Opportunities are obtained in great danger and cannot be avoided!

Soon, Yang Yu and Ergouzi flew for a long time, crossing the entire East China Sea, and arrived at the place where the Abyss of the Four Seas is.

"This is the Abyss of the Four Seas?"

Yang Yu's face was extremely surprised, looking at the surrounding space, shocked in his heart.

Because the water element here is extremely rich, and it is the innate water element, not the water of the five elements.

"This place is a place where the four seas converge. Doesn't the entire four seas extend from this place?"

Yang Yu sensed the rich aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding heaven and earth, and sighed.

"No, the four seas have no source. They existed since the birth of heaven and earth. The special place of this place should be due to the tomb of Ancestral Dragon."

Er Gouzi spoke. Although he has been in the primitive secret realm since he was born, there is a lot of information in the inheritance.

"Let me see how extraordinary this Zulong Tomb is!"

Yang Yu's pupils flickered slightly, and the six gods' eyes directly bloomed with brilliance, and a ray of light swept out directly, piercing through the sea and submerged into the sea below.

Yang Yu's hand was constantly moving, and he was calculating something.


However, without waiting for Yang Yu to perform anything, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded in the sea below, and Yang Yu's eyes disappeared directly in it.


And Yang Yu's fingers suddenly stopped, frowning deeply.

"It can’t be calculated. This is the place where the Ancestral Dragon sleeps. It is the common burial place of the Ancestral Dragon and the ancestors of the former dragon clan. It is the real place where Ten Thousand Dragons sleep. See through."

Looking at Yang Yu, Er Gouzi directly shook his head, curled his lips and said.

"Somehow I saw something."

Yang Yu’s eyes flickered, and the six gods’ eyes had the power to seek good and avoid evil, so naturally he had this ability. Yang Yu just saw something!

Below, there is a big tomb, so big that it can bury a piece of sky!

Moreover, he saw countless dragon shadows, five-claw golden dragons, Wushuang black dragons, monstrous magic dragons, etc., each of them in the big pit.

These dragon shadows are all creeping there, their eyes are confined, but their bodies glow, as if they haven't died yet, they just sleep in them.

"How, dare to go down?"

Er Gouzi spoke and looked at Yang Yu with a playful look on his face.

"Naturally go down!"

Yang Yu's eyes were gleaming, with bright light.

In the big tomb below, he not only saw Wanlong sleeping, but also saw a divine dragon that looked like an emperor, exuding the emperor's power that rushed straight into the sky!

And beside this Emperor Wanlong, there is a pair of divine armor and a bright bead!

"Dragon King of the East China Sea is really right. In this Ancestral Dragon Tomb, there is really a peerless divine armor!"

Yang Yu's heart shook, looking at the waves of the sea below, slowly firming down!

"Let's go, come and break this Ancestral Dragon Tomb today, I want to see how dangerous it is!"

Yang Yu had bright eyes, and his figure flickered directly, breaking through the water and entering the sea.


However, in the next second, Yang Yu and Er Gouzi all gasped, looking at the scene in front of them, their faces became extremely shocked.

Under the sea, it almost became another world.

Except for some sea water on the sea surface, there is no sea water in the entire sea in this area.

Because, beside this, a huge abyss appeared, vast and scary, and Yang Yu stood on this abyss, almost as small as an ant.




And beside the abyss, countless seawater poured down, all poured into the abyss like a waterfall.

But the abyss below is still bottomless, there is only infinite darkness, and no sea water can be seen.

"This handwriting..."

Yang Yu looked at him, shocked, there is such an abyss in the bottom of the sea, it is shocking to the world.

"This is the handwriting of the Ancestral Dragon Tomb. The Ancestral Dragon Tomb is his resting place. This abyss of the four seas was definitely created by him. It is not the source of the four seas, but the gathering of the four seas, which is indescribable!"

Er Gouzi spoke, looking at the Abyss of the Four Seas in front of him, equally shocked.

"Below is the Ancestral Dragon Tomb!"

Yang Yu was shocked for a long time before calming down. Looking down at the Abyss of the Four Seas, he could clearly sense the ups and downs of the monstrous dragon.

"The burial place of Wanlong, the place where Ancestral Dragons slept, I am afraid there are many earth-shattering secrets, and there are probably countless crises."

Er Gouzi opened his mouth, he could see the chaotic air that was pouring down from the Abyss of the Four Seas, and it was also hanging down to the Ancestral Dragon Tomb, which was extraordinary.

"I'm afraid, this Ancestral Dragon Tomb is even more terrifying than the Primitive Secret Realm. Among them, there are absolute crises, but there are probably many dragon inheritances!"

Er Gouzi spoke with a move in his heart.

The ten thousand dragons buried among them, not to mention their heritage, the dragon corpses alone are a great treasure to him!

"Let's go, no matter what crisis there is, all will be destroyed!"

Yang Yu let out a low cry, his eyes were extremely firm, and he plunged directly into the Ancestral Dragon Tomb under the Abyss of the Four Seas.

[Various requests! ! ! ! 】

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