The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 562: Battle Tianzong first stand! Chengxian R

Under the starry sky, all the races in the universe are boiling, and everyone starts to discuss the affairs of the Emperor of War on this day.

It can be said that in the entire universe, from this day on, apart from the turmoil on the road to immortality in the Big Dipper, it is almost the only major event!

At this moment, even if the emperor, Taichu and other Tianjiao have stepped into the peak of the Great Sage, their hearts are full of bitterness at this moment.

Really, the gap between Yang Yu and them hasn't narrowed, but has grown bigger and bigger, and now it has reached the point where they are completely depressed!

But injecting Ye Fan, Di Tian, ​​Ren Wang and others, at this moment, they are still on the other side of the gods, fighting in the Saint King realm.

It can be said that Yang Yu at this moment has truly become the first person of the undisputed young generation in this universe and this era!

Really, there is no dispute this time, because Yang Yu has already stepped into the ninth layer of the quasi-emperor, and only one step will enter the realm of the emperor, to a level that other Tianjiao can't really catch up!

And this time, no Tianjiao came out to say anything. They either became emperors before Yang Yu, or they were always held down by Yang Yu!

Dilu fighting for the front, Yang Yu is now truly the undisputed first person, the most powerful one to buy, even if all the other Young Supremes add up, I am afraid it will not be Yang Yu's opponent!

Because Yang Yu, who is the Emperor Quasi-Emperor, really slaughtered the emperor!

This is definitely a quasi-emperor nine-layer demon who can be treated like the Great Eucharist, who can be called the great emperor!

For a time, the whole starry sky was full of wind and clouds, and it entered the most boiling period!

In the Big Dipper Star Territory, a clue to Chengxian Road has appeared. Above the barren ancient forbidden land of the Big Dipper, a crack has emerged in the void, and fairy light flies out from time to time!

Moreover, Yang Yu's return from entering the quaternary emperor's ninth level has become a hot topic. Everyone is waiting and expecting Yang Yu to step into the realm of the emperor and become the next ancient emperor after the Qing emperor!

It can be said that Yang Yu, after becoming emperor, might be even more powerful than Qingdi!

As the master, Yang Yu stepped onto the ancient road of the human race at this moment, took Tao Ye, the sage of the purple mansion and others, and brought them back to the Big Dipper.

He has entered the quaternary emperor ninth level, and it will not take long for the great emperor to be born, and he is not afraid of any ancient supreme being born, so Yang Yu can already bring everyone back to the Big Dipper with peace of mind, and is not worried about it. What a crisis!

And Yang Yu's residence is in a small town outside the ancient forbidden area, a very ordinary small attic, nothing extraordinary!

However, no one dares to approach this small town during the day. Except for the ordinary residents in the small town, all living creatures, whether they are from the Beidou Dao or from the cosmos and all races, treat this place as an unbeatable one. The restricted area of ​​the big life restricted area!

Because Yang Yu's wicked name is also not weak, the Guangming tribe, the gold tribe, the primitive lake, etc. provoke Yang Yu, and the race of the Taikoo emperor was born, Yang Yu has no mercy and no fear of slaughter!

Therefore, most people are very afraid of Yang Yu, and they are more afraid of Yang Yu!

However, Yang Yu spread throughout the universe with Dao Yin soon, and established his own Dao lineage—Zhan Tianzong!

There is no sign, but for all creatures, this is indeed an opportunity!

Because Zhan Tianzong recruits people, the intention of Zhanhuang is obviously to achieve a super orthodoxy. In the future, it may be an ancient emperor-level emperor!

However, Yang Yu's idea is obviously not for the orthodoxy, his purpose is the power of faith!

The road to Chengxian opened. Before the dark turmoil started, Yang Yu calmed everything down. He could definitely become a faith-level emperor. For Yang Yu who is now optimizing his head with a god, the power of faith is very important for him to quickly become immortal. Help!

However, Yang Yu is still just a quasi-emperor, and he has no appeal, and no strong person has responded to Yang Yu.

And Yang Yu didn't mean to recruit people now. Everything was waiting for Chengxian Road to open and Yang Yu calmed down the dark turmoil.

Therefore, even if some people are now inquiring and looking for ideas to join the Zhan Tianzong, there is no way, because Yang Yu is not hiring people at all.

Today's Zhan Tianzong, there are only Yang Yu, the sage of Zifu, the sage of Yaochi, Taoye and Chi Lin'er.

However, everything is just a matter of time!

After that, both the Big Dipper star field and the cosmic starry sky fell silent, because in the entire universe, everyone began to pay attention to one thing-the opening of Chengxian Road!

On the way, although there were many episodes, such as Ye Fan's big marriage, the relocation of the Terran of the Big Dipper, and the orthodox of the Archaic tribe, they did not have much impact.

Because, in today’s Beidou, the cracks in Chengxian Road have become bigger and bigger, which is almost equivalent to tearing apart the entire sky above the barren ancient forbidden ground. The fairy light is overflowing, and there are also ancient emperors and ancient emperors. His blood and stumps fell out of it, terrifying!

And fifty years after Yang Yu returned to Ye Fan's wedding, not long after Ye Fan's wedding, a barren ancient forbidden place, monstrous fluctuations swept the world!

Chengxian Road is about to open, and the laws of the Immortal Dao are becoming more and more intense, and the special energy is shocking!


However, before the opening of Chengxian Road, within the barren ancient forbidden land, Emperor Ruthless was born, destroying the entire barren ancient forbidden land, all collapsed, and sinking into the abyss of the barren ancient forbidden land with the Jiu Miao Immortal Medicine and an ancient monument. Inside.

"Is it really her?"

And outside the barren ancient forbidden ground, Yang Yu, who was holding the little girl and watching the Ruthless Emperor do all this, let out a little helpless laughter.

However, after the Ruthless Emperor sank into the abyss, Yang Yu handed the little girl to Chi Lin'er at this moment, and then left the Big Dipper domain, tore the starry sky, and entered a starry sky without any creatures and ancient stars of life. under.

Chengxian Road is open, and Yang Yu should start making final preparations and breakthroughs at this moment!


And within the Big Dipper Star Territory, the ancient forbidden land collapsed, but Chengxian Road was completely opened because of this, and a monstrous might swept out of it, mighty power!

Chengxian Road.


The sky broke and the earth broke, and the big cracks in the fairyland released a dazzling light. Rocks, dead wood, rubble, etc. splashed together, and then turned into fly ash. In the depths, the chaotic energy was shaken away, revealing a huge Xiongguan.

It is not made of piles of stones, it is completely condensed by law. Many great sages and ancestors of one party will tremble when standing in front of the crack, and they cannot stand at all.

Except for the old monk who couldn't move, everyone else fled, the road to immortality appeared, the right time, the right place, and people waited!

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