The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 564: Tu Huang Zhengdao【1】

The Emperor of War, too strong, and really overbearing.

In the face of so many ancient emperors and primordial emperors, as well as the ancient supreme, it is a shocking move to dare to crush by one person!

After all, no matter how strong the ancient supreme is, it is nothing more than that. If you really want to liquidate it, are you afraid that the ancient supreme and the Taigu Emperor will kill Yang Yu first, and then go to the road of immortality?

"Zhundi Nine Heavens?!"

Wan Longhuang frowned immediately, and looked at a direction in the starry sky very heavily.

"After only two hundred years, you have become a great monk of the Zhun Emperor Nine-layer Heaven?"

The Emperor Yuan was also in horror. Facing the evildoer Yang Yu showed at the moment, even the Emperor of the Primordial Emperor felt incredible.

Really, after two hundred years of cultivation to become a quasi-emperor, the Chaos Body, known as the strongest physique, is not as enchanting as Yang Yu!

Moreover, the gap is not even a little bit!

"Dear fellow daoists, how about killing this junior first, otherwise I feel that he will become an emperor in all likelihood, and it will not do anything for us to do in the future. It will definitely cause serious consequences after he becomes an emperor!"

This time, the Emperor Wanlong spoke, his eyes looked at the Lord of Samsara, the Emperor of Longevity, Shi Huang and others with extremely heavy eyes, his eyes extremely heavy and serious.

"It's really a lot of trouble."

This time, they were already ready to go, and the supreme power that had alarmed the entire universe broke out. These people suddenly hesitated.

Especially for those ancient supremacists who had left behind even after the failure of Chengxian Road, their brows were deeply frowned at this moment.

If they continue to proclaim themselves when that time comes, but Yang Yu has become an emperor, then I am afraid it will do great harm to them!

"It is necessary to kill him, the ancient golden emperor died in his hands, and that is only his clone. Today, he will really be like the Great Eucharist. After breaking through the emperor, he will be even more terrifying!"

Yuan Huang spoke, his eyes were extremely serious, and his heart was full of seriousness.

Yang Yu is a big threat. Whether Chengxian Road can be opened is still unknown. If it fails, then Yang Yu must die!

They must not let Yang Yu become the emperor!

"Yes, all of you come here, I will cross the catastrophe now, wait for me to become the emperor, and put everything down!"

However, Yang Yu's extremely indifferent voice came. In the deadly starry sky, Yang Yu's figure emerged, and his eyes became extremely cold and sullen.

The dozens of ancient supreme and primordial emperors are indeed very strong, but Yang Yu can overcome the catastrophe now. After becoming an emperor, standing in the same field, Yang Yu has never been afraid of siege and bullying by more!

Therefore, Yang Yu has a very strong confidence and is not afraid of the ancient supreme at this moment.

"Well... this junior is arrogant enough!"

The Lord of Reincarnation spoke, and his eyes looked at Yang Yu sternly.

"No hurry, advance the army to become immortal road, even if it fails, it doesn't matter. At that time, it just lacks some vitality. I feel that this kid should be enough for a few Taoists to eat!"

Shi Huang also spoke, looking at Yang Yu and others calmly, his eyes extremely calm.

"Shi Huang is right, this younger generation is not in a hurry to solve it, now marching into Chengxian Road, if it fails, this is a good blood meal!"

Changsheng Tianzun also replied, and said very approvingly.

"What if he starts to break through the realm of the Great Emperor now?"

However, Emperor Yuan and Emperor Wanlong frowned and said, still wanting to kill Yang Yu first!

"That’s right, it’s not as good as the three dao friends from the ancient mines of the early days to help us suppress this junior. The road to Chengxian has been penetrated, and then three dao friends will be invited to go together. If the ten fails, How about the life essence of this junior being enjoyed by the three fellow Taoists first?!"

It was another ancient supreme who opened his mouth, the supreme abandoning heaven who came from the age of mythology.

"This is a good thing, no effort is needed, but all have the best results!"

Another ancient supreme spoke, but the supreme light and dark, the breath is very powerful and enchanting!


Emperor Yuan and Emperor Wanlong nodded their heads, if Chengxian Road was really broken, they were not afraid that they would not be able to catch up.

Therefore, Qitian Zhizun's proposal is very good.

However, the ancient emperor Qilin didn't speak, staring at Chengxian Road, he didn't even care about the other two ancient emperors.

He and Yang Yu have no grudges, and he proclaims himself to become a fairy road, so naturally he has to fight in!

The latest, Emperor Yuan and Emperor Wanlong left the Big Dipper Star Territory, and the other supreme all roared into the road of Chengxian instantly!

For a moment, everything became clear. Most of the ancient princes were fighting on Chengxian Road, shouting and killing, and the fluctuation was shocking!

But the Emperor Wanlong and Emperor Yuan left at this moment and entered the unmanned starry sky where Yang Yu was preparing to overcome the catastrophe. They were about to kill Yang Yu!

"This is a good job. When this junior is killed, the result of Chengxian Road will almost come out. Whether it is successful or not, we have no loss, and if it fails, we still have a quasi-emperor. The essence of life can be enjoyed, and there is no problem in self-proclaimed again."

The Emperor Yuan said coldly, walking forward among the stars, looking at Yang Yu who was alone in the sky, smiling indifferently.

"A junior, I don't know how high the sky is and the earth is thick, and he has been dying twice, and now it is indeed time to die!"

Wan Longhuang stared at Yang Yu as well, his eyes became extremely sharp.

They are the Primordial Emperor. Now that the two are born together, they come together to kill the back of a quasi-emperor Jiuzhong, what else would they be afraid of? !

"Hehe, I thought of fighting with you two, but I didn't expect that you would come out so quickly. It's really unbearable."

Yang Yu spoke calmly, looking at the two Taikoo emperors calmly, his eyes were extremely flat.

Taikoo Emperor, is it strong?

It's all rubbish!

Yang Yu's clones have all been slaughtered, and now even if the two come together, they are all rubbish!

"Huh, it's still the same as before, but you haven't seen the situation clearly this time?!"

The Emperor Yuan sneered and looked at Yang Yu indifferently.

"Before we were waiting for Chengxian Road, it was impossible to be born early, but this time, you are facing two Taikoo emperors, are you really so arrogant and dead?"

Wan Longhuang also sneered, staring at Yang Yu with a pair of purple eyes.

"seek death?"

However, Yang Yu smiled playfully, staring at Emperor Yuan and Emperor Wanlong and said, "In my opinion, it is you two who are looking for death!"

"When you become a blood eater and are swallowed by us, you may not be so arrogant!"

Yuan Huang's Wanlong Emperor spoke coldly, a coercion broke out, and he was ready to take action!

"Also, just as before, today Emperor Tu proves Dao!"

Yang Yu smiled indifferently, the Zhuxian formation, Zhuxian's four swords and the battle halberd all appeared, held by Yang Yu!

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