The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 826: I'm going to fool again [2]

"In addition, there may be more difficult assessments that require luck, strength, and your wisdom. However, this level of assessment will generally appear in the assessment of the upper grades.

At the same time, the upgrade assessment is not only a matter for each of you, it is also related to our class. Our class also needs to be upgraded, and this upgrade assessment needs to be completed by you. "

Everyone still understands what Wang Yan said before, but the students at the end of the class that he said about upgrading were a little confused. What is a class upgrading?

Wang Yan said indifferently: "Each class is a whole, and the whole class cannot be upgraded. What is the use of students upgrading?

Class upgrading is actually an assessment of me and Teacher Zhou Yi in a sense. When upgrading a class, we need to select three to seven students from our class to participate in a special assessment.

According to the completion of the assessment, we determine the level of upgrade of our class and complete the assessment task perfectly. Then, our first class is 100% upgraded, and all students who pass the personal assessment can enter the second grade to continue their study.

However, if the degree of completion is not perfect, then the number of people should be reduced according to the percentage. In other words, even if all of you pass the personal assessment, but the class assessment only gets a score of 90% , Then, among all the students who have passed the assessment, the 10% of the students with the lowest score in the assessment will be eliminated. "

Everyone immediately understood his explanation, but they were all dumbfounded.

The students who originally thought they would be able to relax and take a break after the holiday were all surprised from ear to ear.

This is especially true for those students with a higher level of cultivation. They think that they will have no problem passing the next year's assessment, but they did not expect that there will be a class assessment.

Wang Yan smiled slightly, seemingly gentle, but actually contained a hint of abruptness: "I think, if any of the students who are selected to participate in the class assessment makes a mistake, the whole class will remember him."

"Back then, I also graduated from Shrek Academy. I will tell you my experience. In our Shrek Academy, in fact, it is the happiest and most exciting time to start a new year of learning through the upgrade assessment every year. .

And every year when the holiday is about to come, for most students, it is the moment when **** descends. Unless you are unwilling to stay in the academy, you know what to do when you return. "

"I'll just say this, get out of class is over. Go back and pack up." Wang Yan waved his hand and announced the end of get out of class.

All the students in the first grade class were stunned. The original excitement was gone. Single-handedly singled out a hundred-year soul beast. Is this what two-ring students can accomplish?

Although the vast majority of them possessed a hundred-year spirit ring, how many people had their hundred-year spirit ring obtained by hunting spirit beasts themselves? Not to mention there are class assessments.

"Upgrade assessment, the two perverts in our class are definitely not a problem, but what can the others do!"

Everyone in the first grade class has a difficult look. Their strength is still very strong, but they have never been able to fight against spirit beasts. Their spirit rings are hunted by others with help, so this upgrade The assessment is simply **** difficulty for them.

"Well, do you want to be with me this month?"

Wang Qiu'er and Yang Yu looked very calm. At this moment, Wang Qiu'er turned to look at Yang Yu, who was sitting next to him, with a pair of beautiful eyes flashing with a hint of expectation.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time. I can only go where I am going this time. This month, we are going to be separated."

Yang Yu shook his head. He couldn't walk with others where he was going, otherwise it would be troublesome and would have a big impact on Yang Yu's plan.

"No way?"

Looking at Yang Yu, Wang Qiuer's eyes were a little lost, but she also understood that there must be something important in Yang Yu's direct refusal, and she was not good at talking.

"It's only a month, it's okay, we can all come to school early then."

Yang Yu smiled slightly and said to Wang Qiu'er.

"Want to come to the college in advance?"

Yang Yu and the Lan Susu sisters behind Wang Qiu'er immediately asked excitedly.

"How about this, let's all come to the academy ten days in advance, just gather at the church, and then go to Shrek City for ten days together?"

Yang Yu heard that Sister Lan Susu also came to join in the fun, and after a moment of silence, stood and spoke.

He can obtain the spirit ring for more than ten days, and he can return to the academy in advance.

"it is good!"

Wang Qiu'er smiled, and the loss in her eyes disappeared.

"Then say it like that, absolutely can't go back!"

Lan Su Su and Lan Luo Luo also seemed very excited. Being able to play with their peers is really more comfortable than staying at home. What's more, being able to go home for more than 20 days is enough to reunite with their parents. The rest of the time can be reconciled. Friends are noisy, then this holiday is really complete.

"Let's go, then go to Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong first. I just want to say to Wang Dong that I won't go back to Clear Sky School this month."

Yang Yu nodded, then stood up and walked in the direction of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong.

One night, a group of people gathered for a dinner. After playing for a long time, they returned to the dormitory and began to rest. On the next day, the Shrek Academy students began to leave Shrek one by one!

And Yang Yu also left Shrek Academy at this moment, rushing forward, and arrived at the destination of his trip-Qifeng Mountain Range at the fastest speed!

It was the Qifeng Mountain Range where Yang Yu flicked the Fire Phoenix into the first spirit ring 10,000 years ago!

And in this Phoenix Qi Mountain Range, Yang Yu knew that there was another existence, the one hundred thousand year old soul beast that the fire phoenix lived in-Phoenix Wumu!

And Yang Yu stood outside Qifeng Mountain Range again!

Qifeng Mountain Range looks like a very ordinary mountain range outside.

However, there are countless maple trees growing on the mountain, and these maple trees have never changed their color with the seasons. All year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter are all red as fire!

And Yang Yu was standing at the foot of the Qifeng Mountain Range, looking at the gorgeous Qifeng Mountain Range, with a hint of playfulness in his heart!

Thousands of years ago, the Fire Phoenix flickered away, and this time even its lair-Fengwumu Yang Yu didn't intend to let it go.

In the Qifeng Mountain Range, the maple leaves resemble fire, and the maple leaves above the maple trees are clustered together, and it is like a flame rising.

And above the mountain range below, countless maple leaves have already been covered, even the fallen leaves are still as red as fire.

Yang Yu had walked in it for nearly half an hour, and finally came under a very tall cliff.

On the way, Yang Yu didn't meet the soul beast again, so at this moment, looking at the cliff in front of him that seemed to be stained red with blood because of something hit to death, the corner of Yang Yu's mouth raised slightly.

This... is the destination of his trip!

Inside this cliff, is the place where the one hundred thousand year old soul beast Phoenix Wumu he obtained the first spirit ring this time is located!

Yang Yu paced to the bottom of the cliff, pressed his palm directly on the cliff, and then began to beat with a strange pattern.


After a full ten minutes of percussion, in front of Yang Yu, the blood that stained the cliff suddenly became bright, and then it landed like a divine light, enveloping Yang Yu.

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