The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 827: The game...more interesting [1]

Yang Yu disappeared in the Qifeng Mountains, but all these things were too familiar to Yang Yu, so at this moment Yang Yu didn't feel anything wrong at all, and his body quietly followed this force and left in the Qifeng Mountains.

Soon, Yang Yu's figure appeared in another space, a flaming sea, and the entire space was like a scene of the Fengshan Mountain Range outside.

However, in the Qifeng Mountain Range at this moment, there is not such a large phoenix sycamore tree, but a towering giant tree that completely occupies Yang Yu’s sight. A plant seems to be burning, and the fiery red light occupies the entire space. Phoenix wood.

The Phoenix Wood at this moment was as gorgeous and magnificent as a phoenix burning in a different space.

Yang Yu watched this scene quietly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his eyes stayed on the towering Phoenix Wu.

Yang Yu began to take a step, and directly walked in the direction of Fengwumu, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Fengwumu did not move, as if it were the most ordinary tree, and did not react at all to Yang Yu's appearance.

"Feng Wumu, how about coming out to talk, I believe that although ten thousand years have passed, you shouldn't know me anymore?"

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and quickly walked under the Phoenix Wumu tree, looked at the Phoenix Wumu tree canopy that was out of sight, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.


However, Fengwumu still didn't have any expressions, still standing like an ordinary tree.

"You should understand that there is nothing wrong with me coming to you, is it necessary to hide from me?"

Yang Yu watched Feng Wumu continue to speak, his expression calm, and there was no extra action.

"His Royal Highness Shura, haven't you entered the God Realm and left the Douluo Continent ten thousand years ago? Why did you appear in the Douluo Continent?"

Around, an old sigh sounded, and Feng Wumu's tree crown suddenly began to sway, and then, once a rather old voice rang in Yang Yu's ears.

"The God Realm is boring. Ten thousand years have passed. It is too boring to stay in the God Realm alone."

Yang Yu heard Feng Wumu speak, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised, and then shook his head.

Fengwumu, the sacred tree where the fire phoenix lived when Yang Yu used to flicker the sacred beast Fire Phoenix thousands of years ago.

Today's Fengwumu no longer needs to let the fire phoenix shelter, but when Yang Yu saw Fengwumu, he could clearly sense the breath of a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Therefore, now Yang Yu is here again, after the fire phoenix, this phoenix phoenix tree has also been targeted by Yang Yu.

A one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast, the sacred beast, the Fire Phoenix, has lived for countless years. Even if it is not as good as the Fire Phoenix, it can definitely bring Yang Yu a powerful soul bone and a one-hundred-thousand-year soul ring!

"It's boring, so to speak, are you here to play in Douluo Continent again?"

Looking at Yang Yu, Feng Wumu said helplessly.

Yang Yu appeared here, and he still looked like this young boy. After experiencing the incident where Yang Yu took the Fire Phoenix, how could Feng Wumu fail to see Yang Yu's intention?

"Hehe, you guessed it, I'm bored in the God Realm, so I naturally come to Douluo Continent to continue playing. This world is still very exciting."

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and then directly looked in Fengwumu's direction.

"His honorable Lord Shura, please tell me clearly, what is the purpose of your coming to me, just tell me."

Feng Wumu spoke. He knew he couldn't hide, and now he didn't waste any more time to bend around.

Once, when Yang Yu appeared for the first time, if Yang Yu said that he was a god, then Feng Wumu would definitely believe it, because who would believe the unrealistic things said by a stranger.

But now it is different. Yang Yu has appeared for the second time. Regardless of whether the words Yang Yu said for the first time were true or false, at least Yang Yu had become a **** 10,000 years ago!

Therefore, when Yang Yu is here now, he doesn't dare to have any extraneous thoughts. A Shura god, even if it has been in the shackles of millions of years, is useless, and he does not dare to disobey Yang Yu's words.

Moreover, facing the shackles of a million-year-old soul beast, he is already somewhat powerless, and may die at any time, so now that Yang Yu appears, he has not thought of resisting, but only has to fight for the greatest benefit for himself. !

"Have you guessed where I came?"

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and didn't point out his intention so quickly.

"I have already guessed it, I am afraid that your visit, Lord Shura, should be the same as looking for the Fire Phoenix master ten thousand years ago, right?"

Looking at Yang Yu, Feng Wumu said calmly.

"Almost, I'm here this time, the purpose is to make you my soul ring and soul bone, but you can rest assured that you will also receive the same treatment that the fire phoenix had ten thousand years ago."

Yang Yu smiled slightly. In fact, he also knew that Feng Wumu could guess his purpose of coming here.

After all, the appearance of Yang Yu must have come for the spirit ring again.

"Can I also go to the God Realm?"

Looking at Yang Yu, the crown of the Phoenix Wumu tree trembled, obviously there was a mood swing.

Falling from the Fire Phoenix into the Douluo Continent and dwelling in it, it gave birth to spiritual wisdom, and countless years later, it was also contaminated with some divine powers because of the Fire Phoenix, so he gave birth to the soul beast in this period of Douluo Continent. In the years since the beginning, it has been impacting the shackles of the million-year soul beast.

However, it was too difficult and too difficult. He even gradually smelled the smell of death, just like other spirit beasts faced the hurdles of 100,000 years. If he fails to succeed, he may face death!

Therefore, Yang Yu's appearance is not repulsive at all, and the possibility of even entering the God Realm made him ecstatic!

Because, perhaps even if it became a million-year-old soul beast, there is no hope of entering the **** realm at all. According to the rules of the world, a soul beast can never enter the **** realm!

"Yes, as long as you sacrifice to become my soul ring and soul bone, I will naturally resurrect you in the God Realm in the future."

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and did not show the slightest change. He must maintain this unpredictable image.

"If I can enter the God Realm, why should I choose not?"

Feng Wumu said, reluctantly: "There are only a few years left for the impact of a million years. There is nothing to choose from the guy who is about to die."


Yang Yu nodded, his heart moved slightly, but on the surface he just nodded quite satisfied.

"However, can I ask you a question for His Royal Highness Shura?" Feng Wumu said.

"Talk about it." Yang Yu nodded in response. ,

"Why do you agree to enter the God Realm to resurrect us? For you, this is completely unnecessary, right?"

Looking at Yang Yu, Feng Wumu asked curiously.

"It's very simple, because you guys make my game more fun."

Yang Yu spoke, his voice extremely flat.

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