The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 828: Mutations! 【two】


Feng Wumu looked at Yang Yu, heard Yang Yu’s words, was silent for a long time, and then laughed and said, "That’s right, for an existence like you, if you live too long, you may really be bored because of it, although I’m not Can’t understand this attitude..."

At this moment, Feng Wumu was a little bit angry and jealous.

Their soul beasts, in order to survive again and again, struggled with their lives between life and death, almost never without danger.

But even so, their lives still have an end, and there is still an end that can be seen!

So for Feng Wumu, hearing the nonchalant and playful meaning in Yang Yu's words, he was really jealous, and there was also a anger in his heart. Why can't the soul beast enter the gods and get eternal life?

However, he can only not be angry, can only be jealous in his heart, and will not show it.

Because now, in front of him is an opportunity to enter the God Realm, and in Feng Wumu's heart, there is almost a 100% chance to enter the God Realm!

Therefore, Feng Wumu will not show any strangeness now, and he can definitely enter the God Realm in exchange for a period of silence, why not do it?

What's more, he hadn't had a good life for a few years, and the catastrophe of the million-year soul beast was about to come in a few years, and he had already had a premonition of death.

Therefore, he has no choice now, and is willing to make the choice given by Yang Yu!

And this choice is to become Yang Yu's soul ring soul bone, enter the God Realm in the future, and gain eternal life!

Yang Yu smiled slightly and looked at Feng Wumu and said, "If you think about it, let's start."

Yang Yu smiled slightly, looking at Fengwumu, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Okay, I have nothing to think about now, anyway, it's an old guy who is dying."

Feng Wumu spoke, speaking in a very flat tone.

"Okay, let's start, my second spirit needs your spirit ring and spirit bone."

Yang Yu smiled slightly, and then immediately released his ultimate imperial body spirit, the golden ultimate imperial soul bone flickered, and then Yang Yu's second spirit ring of the broken **** halberd appeared at this moment!

"it is good."

Feng Wumu opened his mouth, and didn't mean to refuse at all, looked at Yang Yu quietly, and then started to burn directly in Yang Yu's line of sight!

The phoenix wood, which was originally like a phoenix with a divine flame, immediately began to turn into a bright flame, burning and disappearing at a speed visible to Yang Yu's naked eyes.

However, on top of Feng Wumu at this moment, a spirit ring gradually emerged, and all of Feng Wumu's burning power had now converged into this spirit ring!

This spirit ring looked like a one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit ring, but the red color was like a fire, rising ragingly.

Not a deep and intimidating blood red, but more like a sacred and gorgeous fiery red, the entire spirit ring releases a terrifying wave!

Fengwumu is not a one-hundred-year-old soul beast, but ninety-nine million years, and in a few years it will be a million-year-old soul beast like a Tianmeng ice silkworm.

This spirit ring, just talking about the age, may not be too much compared to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King Tang San absorbed. For Yang Yu, it can definitely bring a terrifying improvement!

At this moment, Yang Yu was quietly paying attention to this change. Seeing the soul ring that was gradually forming after the burning of the Phoenix Wood, a ray of brilliance rose in Yang Yu's eyes!

For Yang Yu, with the existence of the soul beast level close to the million years, this kind of unexpected joy was definitely something Yang Yu did not expect.

But now watching this scene, looking at the Phoenix Wood spirit ring that is no longer a hundred thousand year old spirit ring, Yang Yu once again had an idea in his heart.

The soul bone of the Golden Supreme Imperial Guard is very strong, but even if it is born from a mutant golden soul beast, no matter how it goes against the sky, it is only the soul bone of a thousand-year soul beast!

The soul bone of Fengwumu is different. If the soul bone of the Golden Supreme Imperial can swallow the soul bone produced by Fengwumu and evolve into a million-year-level soul bone, it will give Yang Yu the second spirit bone The enhancement brought by the original soul bone might be against the sky!


Yang Yu's eyes flickered, watching Feng Wumu's spirit ring and spirit bone floating, he directly sat down cross-legged, and then began to prepare to absorb the spirit ring and spirit bone.

Sacrifice does not require Yang Yu's system to be able to absorb any level of spirit ring, so now the huge spirit power contained in Fengwumu spirit ring is almost integrated into Yang Yu's body at an extremely gentle and terrifying speed. Did not bring any pain and difficulty to Yang Yu.

But Yang Yu didn't stop. He urged the original soul bone of the Golden Supreme Imperial Guard at this moment. Several of the formations directly exploded with powerful devouring power. With the help of the spirit power of Fengwumu, he began to use gold to the extreme The imperial soul bone swallows the soul bone of Phoenix Wumu!

Yang Yu's purpose was simple, to inject all the power of the Phoenix Wumu nearly a million-year-old soul bone into the golden ultimate soul bone, instead of fusing two soul bones.

Because what Yang Yu needs is the power of the Golden Supreme Imperial, and does not need any ability that Fengwumu might bring to Yang Yu!

Soon, Yang Yu's spirit power began to soar, and the terrifying spirit power swept Yang Yu's body, and Yang Yu's torso bone began to change at this moment. The infusion of the power of the Phoenix Wumu spirit bone made this piece of the original thousand-year level. 'S soul bone began to evolve and began to become more and more dazzling.

At this moment, Yang Yu's entire first half of his life seemed to have turned into a golden glaze body, with red and golden brilliance shining in Yang Yu's body.

If it was just a sacrifice, then Yang Yu didn’t need a long time. His spirit power directly hit the fortieth level after a day and a night. Under normal circumstances, he should stop and the sacrifice would officially end. The spirit power will be integrated into the Phoenix Wumu spirit bone.

However, Yang Yu at this moment did not show any signs of stopping, because the devouring of the golden ultimate imperial soul bone has not yet ended, and the huge soul power has been injected into the golden ultimate imperial soul bone at this moment, and the Phoenix Wood Soul The strength of the bones all began to catalyze the progress of Yang Yu's soul bone!

The golden ultimate imperial soul bone is the original soul bone of Yang Yu’s second martial spirit. At this moment, with the huge soul power and the soul power of nearly a million years of soul bone and soul ring, Yang Yu’s The second spirit of the body is undergoing an evolution and mutation that Yang Yu can't control!

Yang Yu doesn't know what it will look like in the end, but Yang Yu knows that this evolution and mutation is a good thing, because this force is making Yang Yu's second spirit of the body become stronger and stronger!

In this way, after ten days have passed, Yang Yu's eyes opened, and wisps of surprise filled Yang Yu's eyes...

[The two shifts will continue for a few days. After the National Day holiday officially ends, I will resume the four shifts and then I will be able to resume the four shifts every day! ! ! 】

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