The Strongest Husband in Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 980: Shocking the audience【four】

Yang Yu shrugged and looked at the Holy Spirit team quietly, without any intention of responding.

Naturally, the Holy Spirit didn't stay long, and the match between them and Shrek Academy was about to begin. They couldn't wait!

Soon, after the teams participating today submitted their list of players who participated today, the fifth round of the tournament officially began, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Because today Team Shrek will play against Team Holy Spirit, Tang Sect will also play against Tianlongmen, every game will be extremely exciting, and people are looking forward to it!

The first game was the Shrek team vs. the Holy Spirit team, almost gathered everyone's attention, including the participating teams!

They knew that the fuse that allowed them to escape was Yang Yu in the Shrek team. They wanted to see how strong this Shrek student who hadn't been any limelight in five years!

And Yang Yu's strength will also be an important determinant of whether they should leave Mingdu where they are.

Because, if Yang Yu can defeat the Holy Spirit team and is very strong, then they may leave Mingdu directly.

After all, there is no point in continuing to participate when the champion is hopeless. Moreover, Shrek Academy’s statement is not impossible. The Sun Moon Empire suddenly adjusted the competition system. The college catches it all in one go, this possibility is not small!

If the Sun Moon Empire plan is successful, it will definitely hurt the vitality of the Three Kingdoms. After all, these contestants and team leaders are the mainstays of the future of the Three Kingdoms!

Soon, when the time came to the start of the competition, a Soul Master of the Sun-Moon Empire stepped forward and soon came to the competition stage, shouting: "The individual contestants are now on stage."


Yang Yu smiled slightly, then looked in the direction of the Holy Spirit team and directly boarded the fighting spirit stage.

"Yang Yu!"

All participating teams watched Yang Yu's debut, all their expressions condensed slightly.

This one, the young man who was famous in the mainland in the last competition, has never appeared in this competition, and has not even been on the list, but today I can see Yang Yu appearing first, naturally all Looking forward to Yang Yu!

They want to see how strong this person is now after five years!

Yang Yu appeared on the stage with a very relaxed expression. He quietly looked at a black-robed man who had come up in the Holy Spirit team, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Both sides are ready to..."

The referee said, Yang Yu and the black-robed man of the Holy Spirit team didn't have any mouthpieces, because they both wanted to take action immediately and behead each other!

"Game start!"

After the referee watched Yang Yu and the black-robed men of the Holy Spirit team get ready, they shouted and then quickly lifted off.

The corner of Yang Yu's mouth raised slightly, and a pitch-black euphorbia appeared in his hand. Strands of thunder appeared at the same time as the euphorbia appeared, lingering beside Yang Yu!

"Today is your death date!"

Looking at Yang Yu, the black-robed man roared, and then the black robe on his body exploded directly. The whole person became bigger, white hairs grew on his body, and his body became extremely stiff. The nails grew more than ten centimeters longer, and a pair of fangs grew in the mouth.

And this man's martial soul turned out to be a white-haired zombie!


But after the black-robed man had just possessed his spirit and released his spirit ring, before he could activate his spirit skills, a figure surrounded by pitch black thunder passed in front of him and disappeared in a flash!

However, immediately after being thrown into the air, a pair of big heads with staring eyes has declared the end of the game!

The bright red blood gushed on the competition platform like a fountain, and instantly dyed the entire fighting platform red.


However, the pair of eyes all around looked at this scene, but they were stunned, and some could not react.

However, looking at Yang Yu, who was standing behind the black-robed man carrying the pitch-black halberd, with blood dripping on the halberd blade of the halberd in his hand, their breathing began to rush, but the whole game was still dead The usual silence, no one spoke!

Even Xu Tianran, Orange, and Jing Hongchen who were sitting on the high platform were completely silent, looking at Yang Yu's eyes, they were extremely heavy!

"what happened?"

Looking at Yang Yu, someone in the rest area finally recovered, and then his body trembled, and he opened his mouth in shock to look at his teammates next to him!

"Quick kill? A soul sage actually killed in a second?"

Looking at Yang Yu, at this moment, some of the leading teachers also regained their senses, looking at the black-robed man who had fallen in a pool of blood in disbelief.

"This guy……"

Looking at Yang Yu, everyone in Shrek Academy and Tang Sect was a little envious. After all, Yang Yu's operation was too domineering and shocking!

This is a soul sage, or a soul sage with white-haired zombies, and an extremely defensive soul sage, who was killed by Yang Yu in an instant. Could it be shocked?

"He can't leave Mingdu alive, he must be killed after the competition is over!"

Tang Zi looked at Xu Tianran and said, his expression was extremely jealous, and his whole body was faintly trembling.

In her message, Yang Yu was probably just a soul saint, but the method of killing the soul saint in seconds was still shocking. Orange's instinct told her that Yang Yu's threat was getting bigger and bigger!

"It will definitely let him die in Mingdu!"

Xu Tianran nodded, his eyes flashing with dangerous light.

This kind of threat can't be kept, just now he didn't even see how Yang Yu managed to kill the soul saint of Holy Spirit Team!

"Next person!"

Yang Yu stood on the stage, stepped directly past the place where the blood was, and then quietly looked in the direction of the Holy Spirit team, with sharp eyes.


The referee looked at this scene, his face a little bit awkward, because he didn't even notice Yang Yu was going to kill just now.

As a referee, his duty is to protect the safety of the players, but Yang Yu is here, he feels that he may not be able to protect the lives of the players of the Holy Spirit team.

"Go, don't give him a chance to shoot quickly, his strength is also the soul saint, even if you can't kill him, you must first consume him, and you will have the opportunity to kill him in the team battle afterwards!"

Dead Dragon Douluo looked at a girl in the Holy Spirit Team and spoke with a very serious expression.

The girl didn't speak, but her movements were extremely concise. She got up and walked directly onto the competition stage. She did not speak from beginning to end.


And Yang Yu looked at the players walking on the stage, his eyes flashed slightly, he didn't expect the Holy Spirit team to send this on stage so soon.

"Tang Ya!"

Within the Tang Sect team, Beibei, Xu Sanshi, Huo Yuhao and others all shook, and their eyes became heavy when they looked at the **** the stage!

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