The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2145: Road 1 north

Wu Chuyan asked the little white bear to protect Situ's fat man, his body flashed, and he rushed to the crowd of the Ming people.

The black marsh lion scorpion follows behind Chu Yan. Every time the scorpion tail flicks, there are dozens of Hades, and his body is pulled open by him.

Xun Chuyan simply didn't like the ordinary Ming people, and specifically sought out those ancient Ming strong ones.

After Xun was bombarded by him for seven or eight times, dozens of ancient Minglings remained, only to wake up and form a special battle line, surrounding Chu Yan.

This battle line is extremely complicated, and it requires fifty ancient strong men to urge at the same time.

However, after Chu Yan killed seven or eight people, the remaining forty Guming played, and the battle array power was weakened by more than 30%.

In a round of nine-person attacks, the nine-person **** caused some trouble to Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan, who had red eyes, pulled out the Haotian sword directly, and the whole body of the sword broke out. With only three swords, the battlefield's dark mist was cut into pieces.

With one more sword, the heads of eight ancient malignant powers flew, black blood flowed, and the corpses fluttered to the ground.

Wu Jianguang has passed, there is no one enemy, Haotian Sword mighty, full of play, scattered sword energy, so that all the other powerful members of the Nation within a thousand steps have been affected, and people have been divided.

Chu Yan, holding a Haotian sword, looks like a human killing a god. Wherever he goes, the flesh flew and the black blood filled the sky.

In less than a hundred breaths, more than forty Gu Ming, all died on the spot.

All the chopped corpses are mixed together, and it is impossible to distinguish who is who, and the flowing black has dyed Wanjiang Square into a black red.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In Chu Chuyan's heart, the killing intention was like tide, which could not be suppressed.

Wu rushed into the air, and the sword tornado turned into a sword tide, like a sky full of sword light, sweeping the sky, and the sound of the sword howling was shaking.

Numerous corpses were thrown from the air, and above the sky, black blood rain began to pour down.

After an hour, Wan Jiangzong finally quieted down!

At this point, besides Wan Jiangzong, the hundreds of thousands of disciples who were lucky enough to survive were only Chu Yan and his Yin.

The entire Hades million army, plus fifty ancient Hades strongmen, and the elder Moxian, did not have a living.

On the side of Lu Chuyan, the only one who lost was Situ Yang!

一座 One of his nine black altars was overwhelmed and completely destroyed.

It ’s not Stuart ’s fat pattern. What ’s the problem? It ’s just that the nearly-desperate Hades who had been killed just now attacked the Nine Heavenly Sky array and attacked the sky. Birth day!

With more than one hundred thousand warriors of the Nation, most of the power of feeding milk, whether it is Lingbao, Lingbing or Emperor Martial Arts, was mostly hit the sky array.

Even some Elders of the Underworld slammed into the large array of spiritual curtains directly, even if their heads were bleeding, there was no restless crazy impact.

Compared to the physical collapse, the group of ancient abyss behind them is much more terrible.

With a skin, like steel, an imperial hand, and a spike, like a meat grinder, wherever he goes, the underworld powers are turned into powder, and the spirit is directly swallowed by those ancient demons, one by one.

This kind of ghost and spirit disappeared is the most feared way of death of the Hades.

Therefore, this extremely asymmetric war only fought for half an hour, and the terrified hundreds of thousands of Hades army immediately gave up and attacked the Nine Heavy Sky Array.

Under the frenzied attack of the puppet, one of the nine large array altars was finally destroyed.

"Jiu Ming, good job, let them clean the battlefield!"

Wu Chuyan waved his hands and ordered the next row of Jiu Ming and Gu Mo.

In the Battle of Lingyun Pavilion, Chu Yan searched out a large amount of wealth from those ancient ancient strong men.

The wealth they robbed when they attacked the Zongmen forces in the outer land continent was extremely amazing. Even Chu Yan was shocked.

So, this time, Chu Yan naturally won't be cheap Wan Jiangzong, and quickly let Jiu Ming clean the battlefield.

With the last experience, Jiu Ming took the ancient demon, starting with the elder's body first, then the ancient Ming strong, and those Ming elders, none of them were missed.

Quickly, thousands of stored jade charms arrived in Chu Yan's hands.

Xu appeased a few words, and the surviving disciples of Wan Jiangzong, Chu Yan took the fat man and little white bear, left Wan Jiangzong directly, and went all the way to the north.

Lu Chuyan's goal is, of course, the headquarters of the Ming clan!

I flew all the way, after one day and one night, Chu Yan arrived at Mingshan!

I didn't choose to kill the Mingshan directly. Chu Yan stayed for one night in the largest city of the Ming people, Minghuang City, which is closest to the Mingshan.

Among the huge and luxurious restaurants, Chu Yan, who has been easily tolerated, opened an upper room.

The continuous killings, Chu Yan and Jiu Ming, consume them all.

So Chu Yan was ready to adjust her interest rate and prepare for another fight. She would kill Hades and seek her mother.

At night, after adjusting the breath, Chu Yanpan sat in the room and took out thousands of stored jade charms in Luocha space.

一 Tomorrow's war, facing the Hades headquarters, is likely to fight the Cangxue Shengdi.

Therefore, Chu Yan must prepare well.

Zhu Yan was pleasantly surprised that among the thousands of jade symbols, Emperor Jing was countless, at least it was also trillions.

Qi Guang is a string of Mo Yu's stored jade charms. There are as many emperors as there are ten hills.

Although Star Coins are used in the Shifang Starfield, Dijing can also be used. In this case, Chu Yan need not worry. After reaching the Shifang Starfield, he will worry about money again.

Next, look for various high-level spiritual soldiers ~ ~ to equip them with Jiu Ming.

In the battle of Wan Wanzong, with the ancient abyss of the best imperial soldiers, the combat power was significantly improved.

Therefore, Chu Yan took out all of the jade amulets that could be used, and all of them were assigned to Jiu Ming.

With these spirit treasures, the combat power of Jiu Ming and Abyss Ancient Demon has at least doubled.

Chu Yan, including the black marsh lion scorpion, gave him a defensive spirit treasure. I am afraid that even the emperor should not easily break his defense.

I am most pleased with Situ Yang and Little White Bear.

All the top-level materials that can make spirit patterns and spirit arrays were given to Situ Fat, and those demon crystal cores not less than the number of emperor crystals were also given to little white bears.

With these things, the strength of the two, it won't be long before they will skyrocket again.

The next morning the next morning, Chu Yan took the little white bear and Situ Fat, out of the imperial city, and flew straight towards the Hades mountain.

Less than half an hour, hundreds of millions of miles, the Mingshan shrouded in the sea of ​​bloody clouds, appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This battle will be Chu Yan's last battle in a foreign continent.

The opponent of this battle is also the strongest enemy that Chu Yan has encountered since cultivation.

Patriarch patriarch, Holy Emperor Realm, Cangxue Shengdi!

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