The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2226: Don't you dare?

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One bottle of 5,000 points. After three bottles, don't get points. Supply unlimited!

This is basically the rhythm of the big sale of jumping off the building. Is n’t the main palace owner of Xuantian Temple not at home? ?

Not only the martial arts in the audience, but also the owner of the palace of the palace, all looked embarrassed, and could not believe it.

You know, a bottle of "Xuantian Spirit Liquid", don't say it outside, even if it is in the inverse of the Shinto. People in the other two palaces want to find a few bottles of Xuantian Palace, they have to buy real gold and silver Limited quantity.

But today, how did this Xuantian Palace suddenly become so generous! ?

The next moment, the entire trading hall exploded instantly!

"Who, borrow two thousand points and pay you two thousand five next time ..."

"It's over. There aren't enough points. Whoever joins me, half a bottle!"

"Go out now to exchange points, is it still time !?"

"No, no, sell a bottle for blood!"


Among the hundreds of new members, up to now there are more than 5,000 points, less than three.

Therefore, most people can only look for people who are familiar with it. They want to piece together or temporarily exchange some points to get a bottle.

Trading hall, instant chaos .....

However, Ge Hong, who provokes this chaos, has a lot of jokes on his face, all of them facing Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan did not have to worry about insufficient points at all, and directly took out 5,000 points to redeem a bottle.

After removing the bottle cap, Chu Yan's eyes flashed after she swept her consciousness, and she opened the mouth and poured the "Xuantian Spirit Liquid" into her mouth.

This bottle of Xuantian Spirit Liquid, a total of ten drops, as soon as it entered the mouth, it turned into ten small air currents, straight into the sea.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

When Xuantian Lingye entered the sea of ​​knowledge, in the direction of Wuhun Mountain, the five roads soared to the sky, and the instant burst, the roaring beasts roared, and the earth-shaking world of Chu Yan was trembling.

At the same time, the five deities and beasts, like five galloping thunders, rushed to the ten Xuantian spiritual fluids that had just entered the world of consciousness.

That way, like a group of hungry wolves, drooling towards a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

However, the five deities Wuhun just left Wuhun Mountain, and two blasts exploded in the direction of the tower hall in the distance.

boom! boom!

The Holy Rakshasa deity and Jiu Ming turned into two black cloud waves, and from the other direction, they also rushed away towards ten Xuantian spiritual fluids.

Hum ....!

Immediately afterwards, the holy spirit pattern above the sky was also a masterpiece of golden light, directly casting a pillar-like golden spirit pattern light, like a golden gun descending from the sky, piercing a celestial spirit fluid.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

In Chu Yan's knowledge of the sea world, except for the blue Tianlian, several big brothers almost all shot at the same time, and began to madly grab the ten Xuantian Spirits.

A group of big guys fought hard and rushed into a ball. Ten Xuantian Lingye were not enough.

In addition, the unicorn martial spirit directly used the space martial arts spirit, grabbed three Xuantian spiritual fluids in one breath, and then transmitted in time and space, and instantly disappeared on the sea and sky.

The other big guys only grabbed one, and it was not missed.

Chu Yan ’s godly body floated in the sky of the sea, watching the big brothers who grabbed the Xuantian Lingye, and yanked, his eyes twitched.

what's the situation! ?

Is this Xuantian Spirit Liquid so good? ?

This is the first time that Chu Yan has seen his Wushen Wu Wu Soul, as well as the Holy Rakshasa and Jiu Ming, while competing for the same natural treasure.

Even if it was the Five Soul Stones, it didn't seem that the Five Gods Beast Wuhun was so excited.

"It seems that this Xuantian Lingye is really good!"

Only to the big brothers of all parties, back to Wuhun Mountain, back to the tower hall, the whole hall, the sky and the sea, only when Chu Yan was left, Chu Yan gradually reacted, his mouth slightly raised, and smiled.

Uh ...!

The next moment, Chu Yan returned to the physical body, and when he looked up, he saw the Emperor of Thunder and Thunder, and Ge Xuan, Fan Tianhua, and other Xuantian Temple, with a few pairs of eyes, staring at themselves.

"The emperor Chu Yan, young and young, won the position of Emperor of the Demon Palace, so that one bottle is enough, or no more bottles !?"

Ge Hong looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face, giving a very kind feeling.

"How can I get more bottles!"

Hearing Ge Hong's words, including Master Hu, Emperor Ziyun and several other big brothers, his face changed instantly, and it seemed to understand something!

Emperor Ziyun quickly turned his head and looked at Master Hu. The two looked at each other, and at the same time saw the anxiety in the other's eyes.

These people in Xuantian Palace are really good at calculating!

"Chu Yan, these people in Xuantian Temple think ....."

Master Hu quickly turned his head and looked at Chu Yan.

However, before saying a word, Chu Yan directly raised her hand and stopped Master Hu, shaking her head slightly, and a pair of eyes flashed with dazzling light.

"Chu Yan, aren't you afraid ?!"

Ge Hong naturally saw it. Master Hu wanted to stop Chu Yan, and immediately started to stir up.

"Don't dare !?"

Chu Yan turned to look at Ge Hong, and at the same time glanced at the four bottles of Xuantian Spirit in front of him, smiling slightly.

Just now, Chu Yan redeemed one bottle, and several new members, collected points, and redeemed five bottles.

Ten bottles of Xuantian Spirit Liquid, four bottles remaining.

"I feel, four bottles of Xuantian Spirit Liquid, a little .... less!" Chu Yan said indifferently, and said softly.

This word landed, the entire trading hall, a moment of silence!

Everyone turned around and looked at Chu Yan, his face full of sorrow.

what! ?

Chu Yan even said that four bottles of Xuantian Spirit Liquid, also ... less! ?

You know, this Xuantian Lingli, ordinary warrior, even the ultimate martial spirit, can use up to three bottles.

The most shocked person in the audience was Ge Hong, of course, but the smile on his face was just a flash, and it turned into a full-faced laughter.

"Ha ha ha, little !?"

"Good! Very good! Chu Yan, this Xuantian Spirit Liquid is worth 4,000 points a bottle. As long as you can drink today, I will take as much Xuantian Palace, how ?!"

Ge Hong's face was full of drama, which was really what he wanted.

Just now I was thinking about ~ ~ How to make Chu Yan trap, who would think that this Chu Yan jumped into the pit himself.

In this case, don't blame yourself, throw a few stones by the way, and come down to the ground. How can such a good opportunity be missed.

If this Chu Yan can be abolished, it will not only revenge the Master, but also wreak havoc on the face of the Demon Palace, absolutely killing two birds with one stone.

Upon hearing Ge Hong's words, Chu Yan shook his head and turned his gaze, looking at the Thunder Emperor not far away. The expression on his face was obviously waiting for the Emperor Thunder to make a speech.

After all, Ge Hong's identity is nothing more than a church owner.

"Today, Ge Hong represents the emperor's palace master. What he said was my decision of Xuantian Palace!"

Shen Lei, the Holy Emperor, groaned a little, glanced at Ge Hong, looked at Chu Yan, and spoke directly.

"Okay, Xuantian Palace, really great!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Xunlei, the corner of Chu Yan's mouth raised slightly, and he directly praised.

(= Remember in a second)