The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2341: Mysterious Taoist

One ... two ...... three ...

A group of holy emperors, countless great emperors, and the emperor Wu Di, all eyes stared at the back of the enchantment, and the bear monster beast sipped one by one and swallowed one demon fruit directly.

Almost every golden fruit is swallowed, and everyone's eyes will twitch.

This is ... the fruit of the devil!

The bear demon who doesn't know where it is, won't treat these precious demon fruits as wild fruits! ?

In the blink of an eye, the demon beast swallowed nearly twenty demon fruit.

This made all the strong men present, all stunned, straight away .....

"Stop ... oh, shut up!"

"Courageous beasts, retreat to this saint immediately!"

"Don't move the Demon Fruit!"


A group of Holy Emperors suddenly responded, growling and yelling.

Although their knowledge of the sea was still a little tremor, they did not respond at all, but they all lost their eyes for a moment, and their eyes became red.

This scene is too weird for them!

Even the disappearance of the stone forest, the hundreds of demon fruit trees revealed, are a little dazed!

Twenty Demon Fruits have disappeared in full, and these Demon Fruit trees that have grown for millions of years have suddenly responded. Above each tree, the dazzling light rises into the sky, turns into a defensive restraint, and wraps itself. .

Hundreds of demon fruit trees, all in an instant, completed self-defense, want to stop the demon bear, pick their own fruits.

Huh! Huh!

The monster seemed to be stunned by the sudden emergence of the defensive spirit array on the demon fruit tree. After a while, he lifted the huge bear's paw and patted it on the defensive cover of a demon fruit tree in front of him. Two beeps.

"Not good! That monster ..... attack everyone!"

Tian Can Shengdi first responded and yelled.

However, the roar fell, the eyes cast in all directions, but all looked at the idiot's eyes.

attack! ?

How to attack! ?

I did n’t see that after the enchantment of Lingfeng, but now the enchantment is not broken, and everyone ca n’t get in. What else can you do besides staring! ?

"The owner of this war beast, I don't know where he is, can I come out and see you! In the Xia Sheng Tian Pavilion, the elder of Long Yu Branch Pavilion, will have the right to God!"

Among the several emperors of the Holy Emperor, Yin Tianquan's eyes turned around, and his gaze continued to glance around the bear demon. When he quickly found something, he stood straight out, bowed his hand slightly, and spoke to the void in the sky.

This word came to an end, all the strong players, all together!

War Beast Master! ?

Could it be said that this monster has a master! ?

Countless eyes, looking at the bear monster, then, one by one face, at the same time showing a stunned color.

That's right!

A monk who can't be repaired by a superior monster emperor can't be more powerful than the powerful emperor who is present, and can break through the enchantment and enter the tomb of Huangquan.

Behind it, there must be a powerful master, otherwise, just facing the threat of a group of holy emperors, that monster cannot be without any reaction.

Even when the bear demon turned his head to look, there was a slight disdain in the bear's eyes.

"If it is not convenient for you to show up, ask Daoyou to look at the face of my Holy Pavilion and leave the fruits of the demon, thank you very much!"

This sentence sounded, carrying the power of the Holy Emperor, shaking the void, like a muffled thunder.

The other hand raised its palm again, ready to attack the monster in the defensive hood of the demon fruit tree. Hearing this word, the bear's paw stagnated and stopped.

"There is a play !?"

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes flashed.

And Yin Tianquan, who was standing in front of her, also lightly raised her mouth, smiled slightly, and showed a proud color on her face.

The name of the Holy Pavilion, as long as it is in these ten squares, who dares not give face! ?

"Mr. Tao, old Minister Nine of the Heavenly Pavilion, Heavenly Relic ... Holy Emperor! Please give me a thin noodle ..."

Pulling the word “Shengdi” out of the long sound of the Heavenly Candiful Emperor, he also stepped out and walked to Yin Tianquan. He arched his hands and spoke to the void in the enchantment.

"Taoyou, in the lower Jiujia Mountain, the three elders of the Presbyterian Church ..."

"Taoyou, down ..."

Each emperor stood out constantly, reporting the famous post toward the void in the enchantment.

Everyone was in their hearts, secretly guessing the identity of this mysterious Taoist.

Even when the Golden Spirit Peak enchantment was intact, he could use the power of the sky to directly shuttle in and pick up these demon fruit.

These cultivations are very likely. The cultivations have reached the demigod, and they are enshrined by some forces.

Therefore, Yin Tianquan and their holy emperors all spoke very politely and did not want to have a direct conflict with this mysterious Taoist.

Including the Yintian Right of the Holy Pavilion and the Holy Emperor of the Heavenly Remnant, every saint emperor lowered his identity and did not dare to be too arrogant.

"Oh !? That monster, close up!"

Yin Tianquan's eyes swept away. When he saw the demon bear standing among the hundreds of demon fruit trees within the enchantment, he no longer acted, and immediately looked happy.

Sure enough, everyone looked up, the monster that was still attacking the demon fruit tree defense spirit array, both palms have been lowered, his face turned slightly, looking outside the enchantment, a group of proud emperors Big brothers, seem to be hesitating.

This scene, in the eyes of the saints, is naturally very surprising.

"Haha, let me just say, there is a holy pagoda from me .... Um !? No!"

Tian Can Shengdi laughed loudly, his chin was slightly raised, and he just said a word, but he didn't say a word. Suddenly, the smile on his face solidified instantly.

Huh! Huh!

Two more dull flapping sounded, the magic fruit tree trembled that day, and the fruit's defensive cover was almost completely sunken.

That monster beast has shot again! ?


The roar of the bear shook the earth, and it resounded through the void. The defensive cover of the fruit tree was instantly broken and the spirits were scattered. It was directly broken.

The huge monster, howling, pulled out both palms ~ ~ and pulled out the last few demon fruits on the tree, and threw them into his mouth.

Immediately after that, the monster beast uprooted the ten-meter-tall devil fruit tree in front of everyone.

The demon surged and wrapped the fruit tree, but in a flash, the fruit tree disappeared in front of everyone.

Hum ...! Hum ...! Hum ....!

The appearance of this scene caused the other demon fruit trees around to tremble with fear, and various spiritual powers poured out from the tree, blessing the psychic shield of the tree.

Outside the enchantment, all the saint emperors saw this scene, all with a stunned expression, and stood straight on the scene.

They never thought that this demon bear would not only have to pick the fruit of the demon, but after eating it, he would even pack the demon fruit tree directly and take it away.

This is simply to kill everything!

According to this method, don't say that leave the demon fruit, I am afraid that even a leaf will not leave them!