The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 3175: Refining Demons

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Reincarnation! ?

Your own reincarnation! ?

Kuang Daojing, the Nine Stars map, and even the star giants before the old Mai Yi kneel, are all related to their reincarnation.

现在 And now, the drop of magic in front of him is actually related to his reincarnation.

So what is your reincarnation! ?

A thick curiosity rose in my heart.

怎么 样 What kind of deposit is that! ?

怕 Even after the loss, it will have such a great impact on myself! ?

什么 样 What kind of martial arts is that! ?

Or in other words, it is beyond the scope of martial arts realm! ?

All kinds of questions flashed through the sea of ​​knowledge of Chu Yan, and there was no answer at all.

There are ten people in the gods, and what kind of existence each one has, maybe only people like Emperor Xuantian will know.

There is one God of Warrior Armor, one is the old man in linen, and the other is the one in the map of Jiuyu.

现在 And now, this drop of magic is the sixth existence of the gods.

"As far as I know, the Dark Demon has nothing to do with the ten gods. It seems to be a unique existence!"

After the Empress Wu Xuantian was silent for a long time, she spoke.

也许 "Maybe it's a round! I'm interested now, who set up this round!"

"Who is it again, with such a big hand!"

Actually, the Emperor Xuantian still knows something, but she will not tell Chu Yan now.

I can now confirm that the appearance of the magic pill is by no means accidental, as she told Chu Yan ...

I'm afraid it's the beginning of something!

Next, just wait and everything will surface.

"How do you feel after the fusion of the pith !?"

I do n’t know when Liu Piaopiao has quietly flashed in front of Chu Yan. After surrounding him for several laps, he stood in front of Chu Weifan, crooked his small head, and stared at Chu Yan with **** eyes Asked.

"Uh ... it doesn't feel much!"

Wu Chuyan thought for a long time, and only shook his head.

I honestly didn't feel it.

Around the place, Fanchen, Hei Yao Mozun, Demon Wu, and Langyi formed a circle, all looking at Chu Yan like a monster.

I do n’t feel, what a ghost! ?

This is a drop of magic!

The black Yao Yaozun grinned his teeth and watched Chu Yan constantly rubbing his rear molars.

I forget!

There is no hope for the magic spirit, but there are so many Taobaos here, and any one of them is also priceless.

"You ... really don't feel it !? No feeling of dying !?"

Among all the people, only Liu Piaopiao's attention has been on Chu Yan, and he spoke a word, and almost died of Chu Yanqi.

What does it mean ... to feel dead! ?

"Did you know what !?" Chu Yan stared at him and asked directly.

"No ... nothing!" Liu Piaopiao quickly shook her head and flashed to the side.

I do n’t know if it ’s strange!

当然 Of course she knows, and she knows that no matter if Chu Yan is dead or not, the results are similar.

Even if Chu Yan really didn't die, but in the end, he still had to go to that place.

"Okay! Then I will try to help you now!"

Lu Chuyan looked at Liu Piaopiao, smiled gently, and then the magic breath in her body surged.

On the bluestone platform, a magic seal rose, squeaked, and turned into a trace of flying ash, scattered and flying.

Tamarix flutters with excitement and flushes, making the play fly to the sky, like a fledgling.


Finally, after fluttering a few times, Liu Piaopiao successfully ascended into the air, flying back and forth happily.

"Liu Piaopiao, shouldn't it be now, tell us how to get these Daobao !?" Chu Yan laughed

Fan Fanchen and Hei Yao Mozun, as well as the fierce Hades and so on, all stared at the sky with willow fluttering like birds.

"This ... this ..."

Alas, Liu Piaopiao stopped, but her face was reddish, and she looked a little embarrassed.

"It won't lie to us!"

Seeing her expression, Hei Yaoyao Zun was unwilling.

"Well, yes!" Liu Piaopiao nodded.

I go!

Hei Yaoyaozun and a group of people all twitched.

What is "um"! ?

Are you really good like this! ?

"But since he has mixed the magic essence, he can already communicate with some Taobao. Do you talk to them, there should be a chance!"

The word came to an end, and everyone's faces changed.


These Daobao were all in a sleeping state before, but now they are different, so you can have a good chat with them.

Generally, the treasures of the upper order are like this!

的 The chances of wanting to take over directly are very low. Most of them are bargaining when you recognize the owner, and you set up some contracts or something.

For example, after ten or one hundred years, return them to freedom, or do something for them.

However, most repairs don't care, because a hundred years, enough to slowly follow them.

"You really think we talk so well !? If you want to cheat, cheat !?"

But Chu Chuyan ignored the excitement from the crowd, looked up at Liu Piaopiao in the air, his eyes were cold.

Although the other person is the image of a little girl, Chu Yan knows that the young girl is ten times her age.

A powerful immortality, repressed like a mountain.

Killing the might, the breath of magic, the breath of destruction, all shrouded in willow fluttering to Liu, and instantly made her completely panic.

Actually, she herself is just an earth spirit of this **** ’s heaven and earth.

In the face of Chu Yan, even the existence of Hei Yao Mozun and fierce Hades, she has no power to fight back.

"You ... you can't do this! I ... I'm the earth spirit here, if you use strong against me, the prohibition and killing here will ..."

明显 She was obviously frightened, talking in her mouth, but she couldn't make it up.

Before she died, Chu Yan didn't have the magic essence, she didn't know anything, she could say anything.

现在 But now, after Chu Yan has merged the magic spirit, she can communicate with everything here, which is equivalent to knowing everything.

怎么 How to make this up! ?

Can't cheat completely!

"You ... what do you want !?" Liu Piaopiao finally realized the seriousness of the problem ~ ~ However, she knew it was her fault.

"I want this **** to be blessed!" Chu Yan said lightly.

How can I miss such a good place for cultivation?

"What !? You have to subdue this spirit!" Liu Piaopiao stared with big eyes and full of anger.

"Impossible! This spirit never yields to anyone! Never!"

This sentence was just a few words, Chu Yan raised his hand, waved his hands, Haotian sword, Jianmang Chongxiao, straight to the void around Liu Piaopiao.


The whole piece of emptiness exploded, and Liu Piaopiao was completely shrouded in the sword's realm. With a little movement, she could be twisted into 齑 powder.

"you you...."

Suddenly, Liu Piaopiao finally found her situation, her face pale.

"You're a bad guy! Bully the little ..."

Huh! Huh!

Jianqi trembled in air, and the realm of Jianyi was shrinking ...

"OK! OK! I promised!"

I squinted at myself, and there was nothing to be promised! ?

The key is that she finally found that her tricks were completely useless to this Chu Yan.