The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 3243: Heroes gather

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest Wuhun with unlimited upgrades!

The loss of the Ten Supreme and the Nine Realms has formed a monstrous storm on the continent of God Realm.

But now, the storm seems to have escalated to the level of extinction.

No matter who is the hidden power in Pantian Forbidden Land, but this **** row of characters is completely a provocative war book to the top forces in the entire continent.

Moreover, the provocation of killing ten giants here is absolutely shocking.

All the people present, even if stupid, have already seen that the real secret of this forbidden space is far beyond their imagination, and it is definitely not something like an ordinary heritage treasure.

However, no one knew at all what was hidden in this forbidden area! ?

Time goes by ...

After a full breath, in the core hall of Dawang Island, a Supreme Master of Nine Realms received reports from various layers.

Even as the Supreme of Nine Realms, after reading the contents of the message, she was shocked for a long time.

Immediately after, he quickly passed the message on again.

Less than half an hour, all the retreats on Dawang Island received the same news.

All of a sudden, these giants were awakened!


"Who !? Dare to challenge my Dawang Island so much !?"

"Severed seven Nine Realms at once, three Supreme, this strength ....."

"What is there !? Why is it hidden in Pantian Forbidden Land !?"

"Whatever it is! Now, my Dawang Island must follow, otherwise, on this continent, why is my Dawang Island based ?!"

"Now contact the Nine-Floor, Pa, and other forces immediately, and prepare to go to war!"

"Huh! No matter who it is, no matter what its strength, if you dare to show up, fight!"


The sound of thunder sounded through all corners of the entire continent.

Suddenly, the entire sky of the Divine Land continually trembled, and the giants of powerful forces from all sides burst out into the sky, sweeping the entire continent and taking the world by storm.

The Pa clan, the Ascension Sect, the Ling clan, the Jiuzhonglou, the Pfa Sect, etc. are all exactly the same.

In particular, the powers of the Supreme and Supreme of the Nine Realms were damaged, and they were even more furious, and the number of awakened giants was even greater.

And all of this has gathered into countless news, including visions of the Supreme Blood Word, the Gate of the Forbidden Land, and so on, spreading the entire continent quickly.

All forces and practitioners in the whole world were shocked by this amazing news, and began to explore everything related to Pantian Forbidden Land.

"Oh my God, this is terrible!"

"Ten Supremes, and Seven Supremes! Who is this !?"

"What is hidden in Pantian Forbidden Land !?"

"I really want to check it out, maybe it is the best existence far beyond the whole land!"

"Hurry up, send someone to rush to Pantian Forbidden Land as fast as possible!"

"If this heaven is completely awakened, it will affect the whole world ..."

"This is a big deal ..."


After hearing the news about Pantian Forbidden Land, almost all the practitioners were horrified.

Such things have never happened in the Divine Land.

Although it is also known that Nine Realms has been lost in Pantian Forbidden Land, but it has never lost ten at the same time.

Moreover, this is obviously not the ordinary trial loss, but the intentional beheading.

The top 100 ancients, Supreme beings, and some powerful hidden forces, all see the extraordinaryness of this incident. Even if they are tens of thousands of miles away, they must send out their forces urgently and pay close attention to the matter. development of.

Time passed, an hour later.

Pantian Ancient City, not far from the gate.


Chu Yan and fierce Pluto Wang Yaoyao looked at the front of Pantian Ancient City, and the line of blood was very clearly in front of them.

Before they were taken away by the Mad Knife Extreme, they did not expect that such a terrible thing happened in a blink of an eye.

After a long shock, Chu Yan finally calmed down, took a long breath, and turned to ask.

"Lin Meng, what happened !? What happened in Pantian Forbidden Ground?"

This sentence, however, caused Lin Meng to frown and slowly shake her head.

"very scary!"

The words of the mad knife supreme, even the practitioners around him were startled.

This is a nine-domain supreme, even saying the word "terrible"! ?

"In Pantian Forbidden Land, we were fighting for a few inheritances, and suddenly a cry sounded, and then a strong force came."

"After that, this is what you see!"

"But I seem to see ..."

Lin Meng said here, his brow frowned again, it seemed to remember the scene at that time in Shihai, and then wanted to confirm.

"what did you see!?"

Chu Yan asked tightly.

"Xuetian Ancient Teaching!" Kuangdao Extreme looked up, looked at Chu Yan, and said with certainty.

Xuetian Ancient Teaching! ?

The faces of Chu Yan and the fierce Hades were changed together.

"Actually, it's a good thing!"

When saying this, Mad Knife Supreme looked up at Chu Yan, the dignity on his face was swept away, but he whispered with a smile.

"In this way, if you want to collect the corpse of Nine Realms, there should be a chance!"

Pantian Forbidden City has undergone tremendous changes, but what about it! ?

What does it have to do with her crazy sword and what has to do with her Lin Meng! ?

If it wasn't for her husband's relationship, she wouldn't have come in this ban.

"Well! That's right!"

When Chu Yan heard the words, he nodded gently, but the next breath seemed to think of something, and his face looked up to look at Mad Knife Supreme.

Suddenly found out, how this Lin Meng seems to start to see things change from his own perspective! ?

It feels strange.

"Look! Here comes Dawang Island!"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded in the direction of the city gate in the distance.

Hearing this voice, Chu Yan suddenly looked up and saw that the spiritual pattern composed of hundreds of spiritual patterns was large above the distant sky, releasing a giant light band like Caixiapilian, accompanied by a huge Xian Gong ~ ~ stands on the clouds and flies towards the ancient city of Pantian.

It is like a mountain that crosses the heavens and earth, and the squalling wind that is pushed sweeps the world and sweeps the world.

This huge fairy palace turned out to be a powerful Taobao, even if it was among the ancient Taobao, it was considered to be the extreme existence.

Moreover, Chu Yan saw three tall figures standing on the cloud fairy palace, and released a powerful breath, just like the **** of heaven, even if it was the heaven and earth spirit breath, they could not approach the cent.

This is .... Three Nine Realms!

"Oh my God! The Lord of the King Island, Lord Hengwang is here, and there are three Nine Realms!"

"So terrible! This time on Dawang Island, it is really angry!"

"This is the battle to destroy Pantian Forbidden Land!"


The crowd watching from below, all shaking their spirits, all looked at the cloud fairy palace on the sky, exclaimed.