The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 327: Panlong Pavilion

Watching the two industry fires rising, Chu Yan's eyes became extremely eager, staring intently at the tenth red star above Suzaku.

These two fires are the last two, and they are also slightly stronger after Chu Yan's perception of the gods.

Suzaku Wuhun, without any hesitation, swallowed up the moment the last two fires appeared.

Then, under the hot eyes of Chu Yan, the tenth red star of Suzaku Wuhun finally lighted up ...

Buzz ...

The tenth red star emits a dazzling red light, completely covering up the light of the nine red stars in front.

Like a blood-red dazzling star, the whole practice room is illuminated into a blood-red world.


The next moment, the light exploded, and the outline of the tenth red star lit, all the red light converged and returned as the ebb ...

Everything calmed down ...


"It's only half lighted !?"

Chu Yanteng leaped from the ground, staring at the red star lit only in the lower part of the air, his face full of depression!

Chu Yan, who had wide eyes and couldn't believe it, looked at the red star for a full ten seconds, and finally his eyes became dark and his whole body relaxed.

With a helpless smile, Chu Yan shook his head slightly, feeling very disappointed, Chu Yan's face was speechless!

"Okay, isn't it just another five Jiuxingye fires? Big deal, all the Yuanshi are all thrown in!"

Subsequently, Chu Yan clenched her hands, gritted her teeth, looked at Suzaku Wuhun in the air, and made up her mind.

Although the 200,000 yuan stone is a lot of wealth, Chu Yan certainly won't be willing to Yuanyuan in order to promote Suzaku Wuhun to the full star.

Big deal, come again and stop the robbery!

After calming down his mood, Chu Yan glanced at Suzaku Wuhun again, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

This time, I knew at least the final conditions for the Suzaku Wuhun to ascend to the starry sky. Chu Yan believed that it would not be long before the Suzakuwuhun would rise to the starry sky. By then, he would have two starry beasts. At the same time, You will get a "Destiny Soul Skill".

Moreover, judging from the difficulty of Suzaku Wuhun's promotion, it must bring Chu Yan's "native soul and soul skills" better than Baihu Wuhun.

After that, Chu Yan suppressed his excited mood, sat cross-legged, and began to temper his vitality.

Flying all the way to the Hongye Empire, Chu Yan's foundation has been cultivated and solid, so Chu Yan now seizes all the time to temper the vitality.

After all, each increase in vitality is a huge improvement in strength for yourself.

Time passes, one night passes ...

In the early morning of the second day, Chu Yan and Gao Lingshan left Gaofu and went all the way to Ruyang Wangfu.

The streets in Ruyang County are extremely wide, and the five carriages in parallel are not crowded. At this time, the shops are busy opening on the city streets, and there are already many pedestrians on the streets.

"My son Chu, I didn't expect that your strength was even stronger than Jia Qing. Maybe this year's imperial list battle, you can enter the top 100!"

Along the way, Gao Lingshan chatted with Chu Yan from time to time, looking extremely excited.

"Jia Qing ranked ninety-seventh in the last imperial ranking battle. Although the ranking is only at the end, it can also be regarded as a talented master of the top 100, and you have just beaten him with a single sword. I see ... you are much stronger than him. "

After hearing the words, Chu Yan smiled softly and said softly.

"Hope, I will do my best this time!"

"Right, son Chu, where did you come from?" Gao Lingshan asked.

"I came to the Kingdom of Luoyang!"

Chu Yan said.

"Ah? Kingdom of Luoyang !?"

I heard that Gao Lingshan was a little surprised. She originally thought that Chu Yan would come to some big countries. But she did not expect that it came from the Luoyang Kingdom, which belongs to the small and medium kingdoms. You must know that among the more than one hundred kingdoms of the Red Leaf Empire, the Luoyang Kingdom has 80 Can't go in.

What surprised Gao Lingshan even more was that a small kingdom like the Kingdom of Luoyang would have an amazing genius like Chu Yan!

Chatting along the way, it didn't take long for the two to reach the main entrance of Ruyang Wangfu.

Ruyang King's Palace is the Hongye Empire, the residence of the Prince of Zhenbei. It has a magnificent power and palaces. It does not show the prominent identity of the Prince of Empire.

"Song Chu, you should have the qualification token for the imperial ranking?"

Gao Lingshan asked.

Chu Yan's eyes were glancing at Luo Ze's young warriors entering the palace, and when he heard Gao Lingshan's words, he took out the token and handed it to Gao Lingshan.

"It's great. I'm qualified for Lingpai. I can go in and out of the palace at will today. Otherwise, I need to test and repair. It's really troublesome!"

Gao Lingshan laughed.

Chu Yan nodded, looked up, and saw a row of red armored soldiers standing in front of the gate of Wangfu, holding gold guns, repaired to be above the heavens and the fifth heaven.

Those young martial artists who wanted to enter the palace either took out their tokens or released a cultivation atmosphere in front of an old man in a red robe, and basically all got through and smoothly entered the palace.

Chu Yan followed Gao Lingshan and successfully entered the palace with his qualification token.

Following the golden palace road in the palace, through several palace buildings, Chu Yan came to a small building in a garden.

This garden is so huge that it looks like it is in the field outside the city, in the open, in the eyes, the lake pavilion is beautiful.

At this time, several hundred tables of tea cases were lined up in front of the small building in the garden.

Before many tea cases, there were already some young warriors sitting on the floor, talking and laughing with each other, a lively atmosphere.

"Look, that's Shi Xuan, the genius on the 47th place in the Top 100!"

After Gao Lingshan and Chu Yan found two leaning cases and sat down, Gao Lingshan jabbed with a finger and said to Chu Yan.

Along the direction of the jade fingers, Chu Yanning looked at it. The young man in the yellow robe sitting high in front of all the tea cases swept his senses, then nodded

"This person is very powerful!"

"The purple robe is the 76th Qingtian sword" Sun Li "; the one wearing soft black armor is the 59th blood butcher" ", and the woman next to him is The 66th-ranked Yunhua fairy "Xiao Yuner", and the 86th-ranked Luo Zhen at the far corner. "

With the introduction of Gao Lingshan, Chu Yan looked at them one by one, and nodded slightly.

These people are stronger than one. Although they also found Chu Yan who has just arrived, they are just supervising casually and don't care.

The infamous Chu Yan, in their opinion, is just an ordinary young warrior, of course, not on his mind.

It didn't take long ~ ~ A figure of Chinese clothes walked into the garden, his triangular eyes swept around, and his face was full of smiles.

This person was exactly 97th in the emperor's list yesterday against Chu Yan, Jia Qing!

As soon as he appeared, he saw Chu Yan and Gao Lingshan, and smiled away immediately. He was about to come over, but was stared at by Gao Lingshan, scared his neck and turned to the other side.

After seated, he saw the intimate state of Gao Lingshan and Chu Yan, burning with jealousy, and a pair of triangle eyes, shooting two cold lights, and flickering.

With the arrival of young warriors, most of the tea cases were filled with people.

At this moment, the figure of the yellow robe above the first came up slowly, holding the jade cup, and chuckled.

"Everyone, everyone is welcome to come to the banquet of" Panlong Pavilion. "Xiao Xuan, on behalf of Ruyang Wangfu, toast you all!

The words fell, and the young martial artists present stood up and responded loudly.

At this point, the Panlong Pavilion Banquet is officially started!