The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 3272: 1 pot stew

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes were staring closely at the cascading Qian Ying above the jade coffin.

The brazen and shirtless man and the fat and thin old man are staring at the Emperor Xuantian to perform a great skill, which is absolutely rare for them.

It is even possible that I could only see this time in my life.

Therefore, they are all concerned about someone breaking into the White Jade Palace.

At least they all know that Chu Yan brought back a bunch of spirit arrays, even if the Taoist realm had only crying.

Moreover, there are still a few Taoist realms in this continent. Who will come to this place without any problems! ?

At this time, outside the White Jade Palace ...

The two figures appeared above the sky. At the moment they appeared, the sky and the sky suddenly sank, as if the two men were as heavy as a mountain, and even the sky could not bear their power.

The heaven and earth worshipers of the two great forces who were guarding outside were all in a breath, their spirits trembled slightly, and they looked up.

"See Elder Elder!"

I waited for everyone to see who the two were, and hurriedly saluted.

They are no one else, but the Nine Realms of Jiuzhong Lou and Dawang Island, come in person!

If it was not for Chu Yan's relationship, these two nine-domain supreme would never come out of Pantian forbidden land.

I must know, now in the forbidden ground, the fighting is in full swing, and the two major forces leave, which has a natural impact.

However, in order to deal with Chu Yan, Jiuzhonglou and Dawangdao both thought it was worthwhile, so they sent Nine Realms at the same time.

At this time, the Nine Realms of Dawang Island standing on the left, the cuffs have been broken. Looking at the break, it is obvious that it was chopped by the spirit soldiers.

Even the sleeves of Nine Realms can be shattered. It can be seen how fierce the battle they experienced before.

"What are you doing here !?"

I saw these people around here, and the two Nine Realms asked.

"Oblame to the elder, before ..."

The people below did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly entered the Zhongnan Supreme and Shengongxi just now and told them what to wait for here.

It doesn't matter, it immediately made the two Big Nine Realms angry at the same time.

"Waste! A bunch of waste!"

"That good abacus from Zhongnan, I'm afraid he has taken Chu Yan away now! You are still waiting silly!"

This sentence came to an end, and all the practitioners present were full of shame.

This principle, why do they not know, but the other party is the Supreme Master, what can they do! ?

On the continent of God's Land, martial arts are respected. Even if they can see it, they dare not disobey each other.

楚 Chu Yan was afraid that he had been taken away, but they could only wait here, waiting for the two Nine Realms of their own power to come, and then make plans.

"walk into!"

The Yi word came to the ground, two Nine Realms rushed in, and other practitioners such as King of God and King of Heaven followed suit.

"Hmm !? This is ..."

As soon as Xun entered the heavenly blessed place, the faces of the two Nine Realms changed instantly, and the other practitioners even straightened their eyes.

I saw the sky and the ground, and when I looked at the places I passed, all the dense arrays were filled with various spiritual arrays, layered together, as if wrapped with countless quilts, completely impenetrable.

Not far away, the Supreme Master of Central and South China, at this time, under countless restraints and killings, as if a lone boat in the fury of the angry sea, it would be blasted into powder at any time.

The robe of the cricket was completely broken, her shawl was exuding, her eyes were red, her condition was extremely embarrassing.

Many practitioners in the presence of Ning have never seen such a terrible Nine Realms, and even this scene completely peaked their cognition.

Is this still standing at the pinnacle of the mainland, like a god-like existence? !!

How could this be! ?

Just when everyone was wrong, the Zhongnan Supreme in the stormy sea also found their arrival and hurried in a hurry.

"Two people! Come and help me, open a passage, otherwise everyone will die here!"

The words sounded, all the practitioners present were pale, and even the two Supreme Masters of Nine Realms were all in shock.

Because all of them know that Zhongnan Supreme is right!

The ability to push a Nine Realms into this state is enough to show that the spirit array here is very powerful. Moreover, this is not a two-seat building, but a sky-high building with three layers inside and three outside ...

That Chu Yan, there are so many spiritual arrays! ?

Now, they have no time to think too much, because now they are also caught in it, only to break the road.

"Fast! Everyone joins hands! Go all out!"

The two Supreme Masters dared to hesitate there, and if they dragged on some time again and let the Central South Supreme Master exhausted, their hope of going out would be even smaller.

The next moment, everyone shot at the same time, all kinds of attacks and killing moves, Taobao forbidden signs, as if the meteors were sacrificed, and Qi Qi blasted to the opposite spirit array.

The two Nine Realms are even more powerful and terrible. The shots are countless thunderous powers, and the entire White Jade Palace trembles suddenly.

Fortunately, there are a large number of spiritual arrays in the current Baiyu Palace to strengthen its defense. Otherwise, the three Nine Realms shots alone will be enough to destroy the Baiyu Palace several times.

Suddenly, the sky was furious and the thunder was violent.

Various attacks, Daobao, Lingbing, flying all over the face.

This extremely staggering confrontation has been going on for a full hour, and there is only a trace above the sky.

The trance is this trace, which makes the eyes of Zhongnan Supreme and others bright.

"Come on, rush out!"

With a loud roar, the three Supreme Masters came first, followed by a large group of practitioners.

However, they did not wait for them to approach the trace at all, and the spirit array instantly recovered, releasing a monstrous thunderbolt and blasting into the crowd.

Huh ... ah ...!

The screams of fierce screams came together. A dozen celestial beings and more than 20 celestial beings did not have time to dodge, and they were blasted into fan powder ~ ~ It's a good Chu Yan, but they are able to Seriously hurt me, but I will kill you! "

Zhongnan Supreme is covered with blood, his heart is filled with anger, his eyes are all blood red, and he emits scarlet killing.

"Don't think about it, hurry up, I think the atmosphere is different there, Chu Yan, they should be in that direction, hurry up, kill it!"

Another nine-domain supreme person who saw his power, died and was injured, and his whole heart was bleeding.

修 These practitioners are not radishes and cabbages, they are all the vertical and vertical forces cultivated by Tianzun Realm. This death is a dozen or twenty, which is a considerable loss to that force.

And the direction he was pointing at was the location of the ice platform behind the White Jade Palace.

When I heard the words of the Supreme Master of Central South China, Shen Gongxi was secretly rejoicing. To all of them, he hated Chu Yan the deepest.

如果 If Chu Yan can be killed today, it will be a great event for him.


Everyone rushed towards the direction of the nine realms.

In that direction, the shirtless man, the fat and thin old man who is watching Daqianshushu, and the extreme knives, suddenly turned around and saw the group of people rushing in, and suddenly his face sank, and his murderous spirit rose. .

When they are watching, they dare to be disturbed! ?