The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 385: Blue Water

"This ... This is Qingshui swallowing the python !?"

Chu Yan flew a thousand steps away before turning her head to look. In the field of vision, in the dust that was flying in the sky, a huge serpent body with a blue body all over her frowned slightly.

Qingshui swallowing the sky python, Zhenwu Realm is quadruple!


Thousand steps away from swallowing the sky python, seeing Chu Yan dodging its attack, suddenly, opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, and a large gray and white water arrows shot wildly.

Chu Yan's sense of direction swept, his brows frowned, and Haotian sword was pulled out, and his backhand was cut. The bright sword marks broke out, and the sword light came out like electricity.

boom! boom!

Water arrows burst, and the sky was filled with heavy rain.

Facing the pouring rain, Chu Yan recognized this monster at a glance. It was Qingshui who almost killed himself before swallowing the python. However, at that time, the only one had just reached the ground level. Much more powerful.

Moreover, the last time the eye was green, Chu Yan remembered this very clearly, but the eye in front was dark red.

"Hey ... I should kill you this time!"

Chu Yan laughed softly, Haotian sword wielded his sword, and a sharp sword gas chopped into Qingshui to swallow the sky python.


Qingshui swallowed the python hissing, the snake's head retracted, and then it ejected abruptly, a pair of fangs glowing brightly, biting hard at Jianguang.


With a blast, Jianguang chopped on the multicolored fangs, and instantly collapsed. The tall green water swallowed the sky python, regressed to the lake, and then stabilized the snake body.

"Great, I didn't expect that the higher-level monsters in this Qianlong Sanctuary, the more powerful! This Zhenwu four-day demon snake, I am afraid that there is a monster that is comparable to the outside world of Wuwu heaven!"

Chu Yan was amazed, but ... even so, this demon snake will die today!

"Yu Tianjian decided!"

Hao Tianjian once again slashed out. The sword mane with a length of one hundred feet, like a thunderous thunder, slashed into Tianshui with Qingshui.


With a loud bang, the horrible sword air was cut directly at the seven-foot position of Qingshui swallowing the python, almost completely cutting off the tree-like snake body.


The monsters splashed, and Qingshui swallowed the hard snake scales of the python, which could not withstand the sword of Chu Yan. The blood and internal organs poured out from the huge wound.


Under the pain of Qingshui swallowing the python, he twisted the snake body madly, and within a short time, he died.

Seeing this, Chu Yan smiled softly and came forward holding the sword and was about to collect the demon crystal. Suddenly, on the sky, there was a streamer and electric radiation.


In the blink of an eye, a figure of silver robe fell straight in front of the body of Qingshui swallowing the python, and slashed out with a knife, chopped off two fangs with colorful streamers, and copied it in his hands.

"Yes, the five-colored fangs are very toxic, and they should be able to increase the power of the Fire Poison Palm!"

The young man in silver robes had red hair and a cheerful face, and then cut it out again.

call out!

The sword is like a fire, with five colors of light, and immediately cut off the huge python, waving a hand, a colorful demon crystal, has fallen into his palm.

"Who ... I beheaded this monster!"

Chu Yan frowned slightly, looking at the other person's expression of blankness, completely as if he was air.

The words fell to the ground, but the young man in the silver robe closed the snake teeth and the demon crystal, and then slowly turned to look at Chu Yan.

This man was so angry that even his brows were red, and there was a cold light in his eyes. When looking at Chu Yan, his face was full of disdain.

"Huh! Zhenwujing's heavy garbage, get me out of here immediately!"

Li Lisheng, with the powerful momentum of Zhenwu Realm triple sky repair, surged out.

Obviously, this person had discovered Chu Yan's cultivation behavior when Chu Yan beheaded the monster, so he didn't put him in his eyes at all.

"Let me go !?"

After hearing the words, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly became cold, and his face sank instantly.

This guy ... is just looking for death!

Just when this man was going to dig out the demon crystal, Chu Yan knew that his cultivation was two orders higher than himself.

Because of this, in the face of Chu Yan who is much lower than himself, this young man with silver robes is so arrogant and overbearing.

"What !? Disagree ... Do you want ... dead?"

The young man with red hair in silver robes saw Chu Yan's expression, a playful smile appeared on his face, but his gaze was gleaming.

"Are you from that empire? Or from the Black Blood Temple?"

With a few flashes in his eyes, the silver-haired young man with red hair asked.

He wanted to do it directly, but after he saw Chu Yan wearing a black robe, he hesitated a little. Although Chu Yanxiu was relatively low, if he was a disciple of a powerful empire, he was still a bit worried about killing Chu Yan will have some trouble.

Therefore, he asked the forces that belonged to Chu Yan. If Chu Yan came to the powerful imperial ancestral gate, then let Chu Yan go, but if it came to the weaker empire and ancestral gate, then with his attitude towards himself, he absolutely must Kill Chu Yan.

"Red Leaf Empire!" Chu Yan said coldly.

While answering casually, Chu Yan slowly operated eight cyclones in his body, and Zhen Qi continued to merge into Haotian Sword. In his eyes, this man was doomed ... to die!

"Red Leaf Empire !? Hahaha ..."

Hearing Chu Yan's words, the young man with silver hair in a red robe was stunned, and then laughed wildly.

"Sure enough, the garbage people should come to the garbage empire. I never expected that the kid from the garbage dump would dare to be so arrogant!"

"It's no wonder that the Qianlong Sanctuary of Hongye Xiaoguo has not been opened for hundreds of years. You, the young talents of Hongye Xiaowang, will know there that Hongye Xiaoguo is in front of my Qingxuan Empire, even a county town. Not as good! "

Talking, the silver-haired young man with red hair had more contempt on his face, and finally sneered.

"Since it's garbage in the garbage country, let's die!"

The voice fell to the ground, the silver-haired young man with red hair suddenly shot and shot it suddenly.

"Black Refining Fire Poison Palm!"

The palm of the red-haired young man in the silver robe was photographed, and a huge black flame-like palm print appeared. The black fire palm print at a height of three people flashed a faint color light, passing by, rubbing the air, sending out The noisy sound, meanwhile, a stream of corroded green air flow spread out in all directions.

"So strong!"

Seeing that the palm print rushed, Chu Yan's face was sullen. This black fire poison palm not only carries a strong flame power, but also has extremely terrifying toxicity. The power of the black flame alone has surpassed the fire pirates. Coupled with the toxin attack, this person is afraid that it is infinitely worse than this battle!


Chu Yan didn't dare to care, the eight cyclones were running like flying, and the combat power soared to the peak state at the same time. At the same time, a ray of magic energy was fused into the Haotian sword, and the sword gas sword power broke out at the same time ~ ~ Sword out.

call out!

Incomparable Jianguang, under the increase of magic qi, flashed with black and silver colors, the power was shocking, and directly broke the black fire poison palm, and unswervingly cut to the silver robe red hair youth.


The red-haired young man in the silver robe changed his face and looked horrified. He had no idea that Chu Yan's sword was so powerful that he chopped down his palm of fire.


boom! boom! boom!

The next moment, the young man in the silver robe red withered body, went forward with both palms out, shot three palms in a row, and blasted on the rushing sword qi, barely blasting the sword qi.

"This kid is so strong!"

Standing a thousand steps away, the young man with silver robes and red hair was terrified. He couldn't think of it. The weak leader who hadn't opened Qianlong Sanctuary for thousands of years had such strength, which was totally beyond. To his expectations.