The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 460: Nangong Rou

Bloodline inheritance spirit beast!

Several holy land lords, no one expected that at this inauguration ceremony, there would be a spirit beast with a blood heritage.

It's been ... for hundreds of years, it hasn't appeared!

According to the records of the two sacred places, the last spirit beast disciple with a heritage bloodline has now become a horrible existence in the sacred place.

And now, just before their eyes, there appeared another spirit beast with a bloodline heritage.

At the entrance of the spirit array, in the eyes of the little white bear, bloodshots continued to appear ...

"Ha ha ha ... well, great, join me in Longyuan Holy Land! Disciple Yuefeng tripled!"

"No, join my Xuanshi Holy Land, Yuefeng ... quadrupled!"

The two holy holy men who are as beasts, suddenly looked up and stared at each other, gritted their teeth and looked angry.

In a tense atmosphere, seeing the two big brothers, the breath on his body slowly released, apparently ready to start.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded above the high tower not far away, causing the two to stun at the same time.

"Don't make a noise, let it choose ... as a holy elder, look at you, what kind of system!"

Thunder thundered and blew in the ears of the two holy elders.

After hearing the words, the two elders of the Holy Land quickly responded with a slight arch.


"Lord Zunfeng!"

Immediately, the two turned to stare at the little white bear again, and asked with anticipation.

"Little guy, Xuan Shi Sheng and Long Yuan Holy Land, which one do you choose?"

The little white bear heard the words, shook his head, and said directly.

"My boss chooses that, and I choose that ..."

After speaking, the little white bear twisted the big white fart, and he walked towards Chu Yan in the corner of Yanwuchang.

Chu Yan! ?

Chu Yan ... who is it! ?

The elders of the two holy places, dull faces, glanced at each other, and suddenly became silly ...

The little white bear ran back to Chu Yan and turned around for a few laps. A pair of bears' eyes were as small as stars. Looking at Chu Yan, they quickly praised my expression.


Chu Yan chuckled and patted the little white bear's fur and shook his head. Suddenly, the little white bear was extremely excited. He turned his head and directed towards the gentle one-armed youth of Nangong. .

"Unexpectedly, Chu Yan's spirit beast is so bad!"

Seeing the small white bear's expression, Nangong's soft eyes were bright, the different light flickered, and a slight groan, he twisted his waist and walked towards Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, I want to bet with you, how dare you?"

Nangong softly smiled, and in the beautiful eyes, a wisp of strange brilliance flashed continuously.

Looking at Nangong Rou's eyes, Chu Yan's consciousness suddenly trembled and became extremely slow. Moreover, Chu Yan clearly felt that a strange ray of light passed through his eyes and went straight to his world of consciousness. .

Charm! ?


The next moment, Chu Yan gave a heavy hum, and the consciousness suddenly stirred up. In a moment, the faint weird power was shaken into powder.

Immediately, Chu Yan looked at Nangongrou's gaze again, and instantly became cold.

"Do you want to die !?"

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, coldly.


A shout rang, and the one-armed young man behind Nangong Rou heard Chu Yan's words, and his whole body suddenly rose up, yelling at Chu Yan.


The colorful brilliance in Chu Yan's eyes shone, and two colorful arrows like arrows flew out of his eyes, and instantly fell into the eyes of the one-armed youth.


The next moment, the one-armed young man's eyes protruded instantly, his face was pale, his whole body shook like sieve, his eyes were full of horror, his legs were soft, and he knelt down.

what! ?

how can that be! ?

This scene in the corner of Yanwuchang fell into the eyes of nine high-ranking gangsters and other young geniuses. All of them were shocked, their faces changed, and the corners of their eyes twitched ...

With just one look, the genius who sensed 51,000 martial spirits, kneel ... kneeled! ?

how can that be! ?

Everyone looked at Chu Yan again, all trembling and unbelievable, as if they saw a ghost.

Nangong Rou glanced at the one-armed youth, Xiumei twisted slightly, looking at Chu Yan, sighing like a blue road.

"Chu Yan, you are strong! And I am stronger than you, so I bet with you, if I have more Wuhuns than you, then you must join my Nangong family and not join other forces!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the audience was confused at the same time, and then a pair of envious eyes looked at Chu Yan together.

Nangong Rou's words are equivalent to inviting Chu Yan. This is the invitation of Nangong Family, the No. 1 ancient heritage family in Jibeizhou.

It was other geniuses who could not even think of a good thing, but this Chu Yan got it.

You must know that the terrible heritage of the Nangong family is not even lost to the top three ancestors of the five overlord empires. After all, it has been passed down for thousands of years, and the accumulation is terrible.

Just look at the Nangong family, thousands of years ago, the first strongest in the extreme northern continent, Nangong proud!

That is, with the sword and sword, 500 years across the northern continent, you can know the strength of the Nangong family without the powerful existence of rivals.

Moreover, when you join the Nangong family, you will have the opportunity to get close to Nangong Rou, who is a fragrant country. Maybe ...

You must know that Nangong Rou is the heir to the Nangong family. With the aura of the first genius of a century, it is very likely that she will become the owner of the house in the future. Family!

Everyone thinks of this, and when looking at Chu Yan, the expressions of envy, jealousy and so on are extremely complicated.

However, Chu Yan's next sentence made everyone instantly sluggish and rigid on the spot.

"Not interested!" Chu Yan said coldly.

"If you want to bet, don't mention anything other than Yuan Shi! And don't bet less than 10 million!"

hiss! hiss! hiss!

In a word from Chu Yan, thousands of people took a sigh of air at the same time, refused the invitation of the Nangong family, and opened a gamble of 10 million yuan stone. Is this Chu Yan ... crazy?

Ten million yuan stone! What concept is that, but it is comparable to the full wealth of an extremely northern continent, an ordinary small gate.

If this is for the warrior, within half of three years, it will be enough to improve half the world ...


What was even more unexpected to everyone was that Nangong Rou didn't even think about it and directly agreed.

"Chu Yan, I will gamble with you for 10 million yuan! In front of everyone, I will never deny it!"

The words fell to the ground, and there was a silence on the Yanwu field. Everyone looked at Chu Yan and Nangong Rou in unison. Unexpectedly, the two geniuses actually bet 10 million yuan.

This time ... there was a good show!

On the high platform in the distance ~ ~ The two big holy men are suddenly excited ...

"Haha, Nangong Rou of the Nangong Family, is said to be the first day of Nangong Family for a hundred years! This is interesting ..."

"This Chu Yan, I don't think it's easy, even dare to bet against Nangong Rou ..."

"Rely on, ten million yuan stone, comparable to our peak income of half a year .... Now the baby, the courage is too big!"

"The highest record now, but 61,000 martial spirits, these two will not exceed it, then ..."

"His! Ba Hong is 63,000 martial arts souls, if there are 2,000 more ... hahaha!"


The crowd exploded in an instant, all kinds of exclamations, and it was so loud!

At the same time, Nangong Rou slowly turned around, Lianbu moved lightly, her posture was graceful, and she was heading towards the "All Souls".