The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 603: Basaltic awakening

? Hum ....!

I trembled in a dozen pairs of pupils while trembling ...

A dozen pairs of pupils trembled suddenly, everyone's mind shook at the same time, their faces suddenly froze.


The next moment, the black jade box disappeared out of thin air, and in a moment, Chu Yan was taken into Luosha's space.


This ... how is this possible!

what's the situation! ? Did you just get dazzled?

Oh no!

I was not dazzled, the black jade box was accepted by Chu Yan!

Hit him ... he could even touch the jade box, how could this be ... ?

Boom ...!

At the moment when everyone was stunned, the altar on the ground suddenly burst out with a black light and a black light cluster, rising from the altar, and instantly covering Chu Yan ...

Peng Peng!

Immediately afterwards, the black ball of light that enveloped Chu Yan exploded suddenly. An extremely violent force exploded instantly in the crowd. The storm swept through, and more than a dozen Taoist figures, like the heavenly girl scattered flowers, Fly away in all directions ...

"This ... what's the situation !?"

Qi Qisheng's figure kept flying, exiting a thousand steps away, and agitated Zhenqi, then stood firm, looking at Chu Yan in the black mask, his face covered with the wrong appearance.

Now, even the virtual altar on the ground has become an entity ...

Moreover, he also applied a protective spirit array to Chu Yan, bombing them all ...

I was just wondering about the dazzling Qi Sheng crowd. Now after being blasted thousands of steps, it is certain that Chu Yan not only touched the black jade box, but also put it away.

When all Qi Sheng was furious, and at the same time the explosion of anger hit Chu Yan, a vision suddenly emerged!

炎 Chu Yan standing in the black mask, and when he wanted to stand back, the black mask around him suddenly overflowed with black light and poured into his body ...

The next moment, the black jade box that was taken into the Raksha space by itself flew out and floated in front of Chu Yan ...

Moreover, the lid of the black jade box was opened slowly ...

Buzz ...!

I saw a black light rising from the black jade box, and a large swath of black ripples swarmed in all directions, instantly sweeping the entire sky ...

It turned out to be a clear sky, shrouded in thick black light, and it became dark in an instant, like night fell ...

The sky is shaking, the earth is roaring .....!

Horrific visions of heaven and earth, as the Wuguang pillars in the jade box grow larger and larger, an overwhelming world of coercion, as if suddenly suppressed ...

Boom ... Rumble!

Immediately afterwards, in the black jade box, a huge black stone tablet appeared slowly in the beam of light, constantly rising towards the sky ...

金色 Golden characters are constantly flashing on black jade-like steles. The characters are extremely complicated, like heavenly books ...

Characters are united into one, with a vast will!

The whole world is quake-stricken, making people kneel and worship!

"This stele ... what's next !?"

Lu Chuyan stared at the huge monument, looked up and down, and finally fell on the strange monster under the monument.

"What kind of monster is this, even carrying this huge jade monument !?"

Boom! boom! boom!

在 At this moment, as the golden characters on the black jade stone continued to flash, above the sky, a series of gods thunder, descending from the sky, constantly bombarding the jade stone, and constantly blasting it apart ...

Instantly, large cracks spread throughout the entire jade stele, and each crack continued to deepen and spread ...


Soon after, the entire black jade stele exploded, and countless black gravels turned into black light, flying under the monster under the stele ...


A roaring beast roared loudly in the void, shocking everyone, and the blood in his body was tumbling ...

Roar…! Roar…! Roar….!

At the same time, a black light ball suddenly appeared on Chu Yan's body. The black ball of light was so huge that it was extremely high ...

The black light group floats behind Chu Yan, twisting constantly, and heading towards the air, the black monster rushes away ...


The black light group swallowed up the monster under the stone monument, and suddenly burst out a black light, turned directly, rushed back to Chu Yan's body, disappeared ...

此时 At this moment, Chu Yan's mind moved, followed by the black light group, and entered the picture of Wanshoushanhe, and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him ...

The map of Laoshanhe, above the sky, the huge black light cluster is one of the souls of Chu Yan ...

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Each beast roars will tremble the sky, and at the same time, the light mass of the black martial spirit will increase by one point ...

Within a few breaths of time, the black light group Wuhun actually rose to a thousand feet ...

Gradually, the black light group suddenly rose, the light group burst out, a strange beast, volleyed and empty ...

异 This strange beast has a huge carapace, four feet on the air, the beast's head is high, and a pair of blue eyes are sweeping towards Chu Yan, his eyes are deep ...

靠 "Fuck ... Isn't this a turtle !?"

Lu Chuyan's face was sullen, but she did not expect that her fourth martial spirit was actually a turtle, and she was still so big ...

看 From the perspective of Chu Yan, this turtle martial artist occupied at least half of the sky ...

Buzz ...! Hum ...! Hum ...!

楚 Just when Chu Yan was awkward, the tortoise Wuhun, who was getting more solid on the sky, stepped out on his front feet and stepped towards Chu Yan ...

When I waited for this turtle Wuhun, when he walked in front of Chu Yan, the figure of the turtle Wuhun finally appeared completely in front of Chu Yan ...

靠 "Fuck, this is the turtle soul, this Nima is obviously ... Xuanwu !!!"

At this time, standing in front of Chu Yan, the tall Wushan soul has a dragon head completely similar to the unicorn Wuhun ...

"Wunai ... Xuanwu the Great!"

I heard a voice of Cangsang, which exploded in Chu Yan's sea of ​​knowledge ...

"Xuanwu the Great !?"

Lu Chuyan's eyes were drawn, and it was finally determined that the fourth awakened martial spirit was really legendary ... Xuanwu!

东方 In Eastern legends, it guards the northern spirit gods and beasts, masters the waters of all realms, and has the special ability of unknown prophets ....

怎么 "Why ... just one star !?"

Xu Chuyan glanced over Xuanwu's head and found that only one black star shone, and the remaining nine stars were all dim!

I want to know, whether it is White Tiger, Suzaku or Kirin Wuhun, at least when they are awakening, they are all at least three stars or higher. When Xuanwu awakens, they have only the lowest star ...

"My congenital spirit is insufficient. I need congenital spirit to gradually recover!"

I seem to feel Chu Yan's inner thoughts, the basalt martial arts spirit, a thought sounded in the sea of ​​Chu Yan ...

"What is the innate spirit ...?"

Wu Chuyan asked for a moment, puzzled.

"According to the world of Wuhun, I need" Lingbao ", and then supplement it with other things to replace the innate spirit!"

Xu Xuanwu said lightly.

"Lingbao !? It's ... easy!"

Wu Chuyan nodded, thinking that there were more than a dozen Zhenwu Lingbao in his Raksha space.

"咦? You ... can you speak !?"

The next moment, Chu Yan's body suddenly trembled, his face changed suddenly, and he looked at the tall basalt in front of him in amazement.

"Yes, not only me. When you cultivate to meet the basic requirements, other martial arts souls will be able to communicate with you .... As for me, I use the power of heaven and earth to convey ideas, and it is not a direct communication with you …. "

Xi Xuanwu explained patiently.

"That's it ~ ~ That's great ... you can speak, it seems, it will be much easier to upgrade your star order!"

Lu Chuyan groaned a little, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

不错 "Yes, I can only recover my innate spirit as soon as possible!"

"The ontology !? You are not the ontology !?" Chu Yan froze.

"My current body is only the size of a juvenile, and when it is fully restored, the body should be the size of a hundred miles ..."

Xuanwu light road.

Uh ...!

I heard Xuanwu's faint voice. Chu Yan didn't hold her breath, but sprayed out in one breath ...

"How much .... how much !? The hundred miles ... the essence of the body !? You are talking about a hundred miles, not a hundred steps ...?!"

Lu Chuyan's eyes trembled, her face full of shock.