The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 676: Must get

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Breathing sounds throughout the audience, all young warriors' faces were shocked!

Upgrade Wuhun Star Rank!

This is a move against the sky. This God of War has such a magical treasure of heaven and earth, it is worthy of the name of the heavenly order!

You know, Wu Hun Tian Ding, this is already the vast continent, the Wu Hun world, a well-known thing, even the dolls who are not aware of Wu Hun know how many years ago, before the age of 16, Awakening Wu Hun, Wu Hun Xingjie Destined to change.

Except for some extremely rare growable martial arts souls, or secondary awakenings like Sun Jie, which can enhance the martial arts grade, others, I have never heard of that can change the martial arts star rank!

However, Haotian continent is more than billions of miles away, the martial arts world, hundreds of millions of years down from the time of the ancient times, all kinds of powers and supernatural powers are like a drop in the ocean, how can we know it all!

"Fuck, Xingtianguo can improve Wuhun star rank, great!"

"Oh my God, this heavenly order is so horrible, I really want to ..."

"I ... I have the Eight-Star Wuhun. If I raise one star to nine stars, I will become a suzeraint disciple!"

"Must grab it! Fighting ..."


The next moment, on the whole island, the crowd of warriors seemed to be fried.

Do n’t underestimate the star level of this one-star Wuhun star. You must know that the warrior here is the extremely northern continent, the Tianjiao disciples of all major forces, most of them are about eight stars, if you can improve one Star, then directly reach Jiuxing Wuhun!

You must know that Qi Tianji was the Jiuxing Wuhun only on the first day of Jibeizhou. Although Qi Tianji was valued by the Black Blood Temple, it even caused three Zongtian conquests because of his Jiuzhong Wuhun. Are twins.

However, in Jibeizhou, even the ordinary Jiuxing Wuhun can definitely become an elite disciple in any of the schools!

Moreover, the Jiuxing Wuhun is definitely a step closer to the martial arts' future cultivation and martial arts achievements!

In the crowd, Qi Tianji's breathing suddenly thickened, and all eyes were greedy.

If he has two "Xingxing Wuhun", if he gets "Xingtianguo", one of them will be upgraded to ten stars, then ...

Don't say that in the extreme northern continent, even if it is in the top ancestors of Zhongtian continent, he will be a Tianjiao existence.

"Wu Hun has raised one star !?"

When Chu Yan heard Zhou Chen's words, she immediately thought of her blue martial spirit. In the Star Valley, she was poisonous with "soul-stirring needles". At that time, the Qinglong martial spirit was not awakened. In order to save herself, she forcibly released the martial spirit. , Scattered those black poisonous clouds.

Just above the channel of God of War, when his flesh was about to collapse, it was the Dragon Dragon soul that had weakened to the extreme, and broke out again, doing everything to make his flesh heal and turn death into life ...

But because of this, the innate spirit of Qinglong Wuhun completely consumed all the space and turned into an ordinary bluestone, and the power of Wuhun was cut off!

"You must get this" Xingtianguo "to save Qinglong Wuhun!"

At the next moment, Chu Yan's eyes flashed, the whole body's breath continued to rise, and the war in his chest was like a tide ...

"Xingluo chess game! There are 10,000 Xingluo islands. On each island, there is a martial arts altar. Among the altars, there are eight or nine-star martial arts souls. Anyone who can defeat the martial arts souls in the altar and obtain" soul "The more people, the more the winner!"

Zhou Chen's eyes swept across the hall, stagnating on Chu Yan, flashing a smirk, and then announced in a loud voice.

"Soulstone !?"

Hearing the soul stone reward in the altar, Chu Yan blinked his eyes.

This soul stone is a good thing. Now that I have exhausted the "Five Elements", I can only replenish it with the soul stone, but I don't have a soul stone in my body. I just take this opportunity to collect more soul stones for quenching. Practice the "Five Elements".

As for defeating the eight-star and nine-star Wuhun in those altars, Chu Yan didn't even care!

He possesses four gods and beasts, whether they are natural, beast, or device, as long as they are not more than ten stars, there is almost no threat to himself.

But nearly 3,000 Tianjiao around them, when they heard Zhou Chen's words, their faces changed, and their faces were somber!

You know, their warriors are all about eight stars. It is difficult to deal with the martial spirits of the same star rank.

The martial arts attack on human warriors is very weak. This should also be set up by the God of War platform without wanting to be arrogant. However, on the other hand, these warriors want to defeat these eight-star and nine-star martial artists, but it is also very difficult, especially here With 10,000 martial spirits of different types, it is inevitable that they will meet some martial arts souls that are in the same five elements. In that case, it will be more difficult to defeat.

Moreover, even if it can beat some of the 10,000 martial spirits, it can't stand up to the energy consumption alone.

"In this game, only those who defeat more than ten martial spirits are eligible to enter the third level! Now! The time limit is three hours!"

Zhou Chen yelled.

In other words, Zhou Chen flipped his hand, and a map appeared in his hand. He threw it away and threw it at Qi Tianji!

Qi Tianji caught the map, glanced at it, and his face suddenly appeared ecstatic, because on the map, 10,000 islands were recorded in detail. At each altar, the star order of the Wu soul, the five elements attributes, and Strength characteristics ...

With this picture, plus his twin martial spirits, Qi Tianji, he has absolute certainty and can get more soul stones than Chu Yan.

Because, long before he entered the battle station, Qi Tianji restored the Qijia and the Black Blood Temple to the northwest of the Temple of Healing. He took a thousand bottles, absolutely preventing him from sweeping over 2,000 islands.

Among the 2,000 islands of previous God of War stations, the best result in the past millennium was only 360.

"Hahaha, Chu Yan, at this level, I will take the first place. At that time, I will be a ten-star Wuhun and a nine-star Wuhun, but you are only ten-star and six-star Wuhun, how can you fight me!"

Qi Tian laughed loudly, looking at Chu Yan's eyes, all of his pride and abuse.

Behind him ~ ~ There are thousands of black blood temples in Tianjiao, sneer.

According to the plan of the Black Blood Temple, even if Qi Tianji is really less than Chu Yan, their thousand arrogant will hand over the soul stone in their hands to Qi Tianji. In this way, the strength of thousands of people will be gathered, one Chu Yan, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Facing Qi Tianji, and Qiandao sneer gaze behind him, Chu Yan frowned slightly, but looked at Zhou Chen, the cold light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Zhou Chen was so bold that he cheated in front of everyone and provided the map directly, so it was so bold to help Qi Tianji.


Chu Yan sneered, not bothering to pay attention to Qi Tianji, turned directly, his body flickered, and he had already swept towards the first island not far away.

Stepping into the mask of stars, an altar appeared in front of Chu Yan's eyes. Ten soul stones were placed on the altar. At the same time, on the top of the altar, a wolf-shaped martial spirit flashed green eyes, slowly staring at Chu Yan ... .

(End of this chapter)