The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 693: 12 seats

Hum ....! Hum ....!

A golden statue!

Two golden statues!

Three golden statues!


Each golden light illuminate from the dim little golden statue that was originally dazzling, almost in a blink of an eye, the number of golden statues will reach seven.

At this moment, the audience was silent, everyone seemed to stop breathing, his heartbeat accelerated, his eyes flickered ...

At the third critical stage of Arestai, at the most critical moment, Qi Tianji's test results will have a direct bearing on the ownership of "Mighty Treasure", at the same time, it will also prove who is the true first genius of Jibeizhou!

Soon after the eleventh gold statue shone and glowed, after a long time, the twelfth gold statue did not react at all!

Tier 11 talent is Qi Tianji's final result! ?

The faces of the Black Blood Temple, Jinyang Taoist, and Mogu were sinking fiercely, and the eyes full of expectations turned into disappointment in an instant ...

Eleven golden statues, tied with Shen Shengjie!

Compared with the black face of the black blood temple bosses, the two main lords and the four main lords are relieved, and in their eyes, they are all comforting.

Shen Shengjie was born, and although he did not surpass Qi Tianji in one fell swoop, becoming the first place in the God of War, but this achievement has made them very satisfied.

After all, the two lords know very well that if they had a tie, then the Black Blood Temple would not be able to get a "powerful treasure"!

Xuanshi Sovereign, Mogu, who has been staring at the Black Blood Temple throughout the War Goddess, has a feeling that the Black Blood Temple, so concerned about Qi Tianji ’s ranking, is not just for "powerful treasure", that The insidious Mogu, most likely, had other plans.

On the Ares stage and under the Ares stage, everyone in the audience saw Qi Tianji's performance fixed on the eleventh gold statue, and then there was an uproar ...

Is it that the first prize in the last place of Ares Taiwan is divided equally between two people?

But isn't the power of treasure one? How to divide two people! ?

Everyone was embarrassed. Under various consciousness, various speculations constantly appeared in everyone's mind.

"No ... never, never draw!"

Zhou Chen's face was staring round, pale as paper, staring at the twelfth gold statue, his heart trembling trembling ...

Others don't know, they don't know, but as the deacon of this God of War, he knows better than anyone.

If there is a tie for the first place, according to the will passed on by God of War, he will cancel the first place, and let Qi Tianji and Shen Shengjie tie for second. At the same time, each person will get more rewards from the eighteen heavenly treasures. One piece.

Then, it ’s…. No more, the God of War is over!

Zhou Chen's heart continued to sink, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into the Wannian Ice Cellar, and his whole body was cold and trembling.

This is a chance he finally got!

In order for Qi Tianji to win the first place, he faced the dangers discovered by the will of the God of War, framed and suppressed Chu Yan, and even used his right to transfer Chu Yan directly to the "10,000 Magic Battlefield" and put it Thoroughly cleaned.

But now, a Shen Shengjie completely destroys his hope!

Qi Tianji failed, that is, he failed, without the credit of the Black Blood Temple, without the aura of Qi Tianji, his Zhou Chen will be reduced to a ants-like existence again ...

But will Zhou Chen be willing to do so? ?

of course not!

Smashed by the luck of Tianda, he became a deacon of God of War, with supreme power. All the fate of Tianjiao was held in his hands. The eyes of all the big brothers in the north pole focused on him ...

Originally, these people who could only make him look up had to look at his face, and this feeling made him swell ...

"In the name of my deity of Ares Taiwan, retrieve reward items, Xingtianguo, come out!"

The roar of madness exploded like a thunder over the entire Ares platform.

On Zhou Chen's body, Jin Guang masterpiece, a snow-white thumb-sized fruit, trembling, appeared in his palm ...

How can we lose power and status!

Zhou Chen's face was twisted, and her eyes were full of madness!

He even violated the will of God of War, forcibly taking in a "Xingtianguo" from the God of War!

"Qi Tianji, then ..."


The white star fruit, like a white shooting star, crossed the sky, fell directly into Qi Tianji's mouth full of ecstasy, and was swallowed by him.

Boom ... Rumble!

Over the God of War platform, a muffled thunder sounded, and a golden thunder cloud quickly gathered and flew towards Zhou Chen ...

boom! boom! boom!

what! what! what!

A series of golden lightnings plummeted from thunderclouds and banged heavily on Zhou Chen's body ...

The first thunder blew, and Zhou Chen shuddered with a scream, and at the same time, his body was scorched with black smoke ...

Zhou Chen's cheating behavior finally triggered the ruling of the will of God of War, lowering Jin Lei and bombarding Zhou Chen!

However, I do n’t know why, after the thunder cloud of a dozen consecutive golden thunders exploded, it gradually dispersed ...

And Zhou Chen, who was almost shattered with flesh, was full of charcoal, his body was shaking, struggling to get up from the ground, pulling out various elixir, and pouring into his mouth ...

He ... didn't die!

The joy of the rest of the life after the calamity filled his mind like a flood, making him ecstatic. Then, the next moment, the power of the stars erupted in Qi Tianji's body, lingering his whole body, the violent star power, let Qi Tian's breath Rising madly, see this scene, Zhou Chen excitedly laughed out loud!

"Hahaha, Qi Tianji must be the first!"

With Zhou Chen's raging laughter, the eighteen golden statues above Qi Tianji's head trembled again ...

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The twelfth golden statue that has not been illuminated, emits thousands of golden lights, and instantly shines ...

Twelve golden statues!

Twelfth-tier talent!

At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned and frightened in horror!

Boom .. Rumble!

As the twelfth golden statue lights up, a large ray of sunshine, like a flowing cloud, pervades the entire sky, within a hundred miles of the entire desert, and the entire desert is dyed in colorful colors. ….


With a magnificent golden statue, his eyes showed two bright golden lights, roaring to the sky, and clamored, and pulled up the golden knife that was in front of him, holding the knife to the sky, and severely cut ...

This blade of light was cut out, and instantly turned into a golden dragon, bursting into a thousand swords, merging into the bow of the dragon, roaring and roaring, rising into the sky ...

The next moment ~ ~ The golden dragon, suddenly turned around, swooped down from above the Jiuxiao, and slammed down toward one of the eight blood coffins around the body of the million-dollar statue ...


The golden dragons collided with the blood coffin and burst into a wave of weather. Numerous small golden lights, such as golden electric snakes, sputtered the whole world ...

Boom .. Rumble!

The exploding air waves brought a large storm and swept across in all directions ...

After a long time, the air waves cleared, and the dust stopped ... The figure of the golden statue appeared again in front of everyone!

I saw it, eyes looked at the blood coffin that hit the attack, saw the blood coffin unharmed, and gradually, two golden beams of eyes, slowly dim ...

Slowly turned his head, looking at Qi Tianji, Wanzhang Jinxiang nodded his head, and then waved his hands. In the sand dunes behind him, a colorful streamer came flying ...

(End of this chapter)