The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 956: Stubborn

It was reasonable and expected that Situ Yang was inherited from the emperor's kingdom and suffered from the calamity, but ...

This day ’s disaster is too timely. Now, Situ Fat is still in a coma and he has n’t woke up at all. This makes him how to deal with the day ’s disaster! ?

Originally, by the means of Stuart's Lingwen Master, as long as Tianjie was not too perverted, the number of defensive Lingwen on his body should be enough to cope!

But now, the fat man hasn't woke up at all, and it is impossible to cast the spirit pattern jade charm!

In this way, Lei Jie fell, and Situ Fat may be directly in a coma and blasted by Lei Jie!

"It's troublesome now! Come on, try to wake up the fat man!"

Chu Yan looked at Lei Yun, who was condensing in the sky, and quickly said to Zhan Tian.

However, when the two of them were trying to push, slap, pat, and wake up Situ Yang, the fat man did not react at all, and did not mean to wake up at all.

And the consciousness of Chu Yan and Zhan Tian, ​​as soon as they touch Situ Yang's body, they will be directly twisted into the powder by the breath of Wuhuang in his body!

Now Situ Yang, the physical body and the consciousness of the sea have been severely damaged. In addition, his body and consciousness of the sea continue to integrate the inheritance of the **** emperor Wuhuang, it is impossible to wake up in a short time!

"Fuck! It's a lot of trouble now!"

Chu Yan and Zhan Tian both had heavy faces and frowned.


Sky God Valley, on the square ...

"Surely come to Tianjie now, huh! Situ Yang is dead!"

Hong Qiyu's eyes were cold, looking at Situ Yang, who was completely unconscious in the crystal screen, and his eyes flashed coldly.

Immediately, he turned slowly and said to His Majesty the Dragon King and several imperial lords around him.

"Everyone, when Thunderstorm falls, Situ Yang will die. Let's take another shot and capture Chu Yan and Zhantian!"

Hearing that, Lord Longji and several big brothers all flashed their eyes and nodded.

How precious are the three heritages!

Today, the blood sea of ​​the spirit realm collapses, which shows that the three major inheritances today will probably be born!

Situ Yang has already been inherited by the mad blood emperor. Among them, the "Tianlian Token" and the golden box will surely fall into the hands of two of Chu Yan, Zhan Tian, ​​and You Qing.

Therefore, as long as you win Chu Yan and Zhantian, you are equivalent to taking two of the three great traditions back to the Emperor's Sect!

In addition, it is also possible to recover the loss of the Emperor's Treasury. This is definitely a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, so this time, the Emperor will never miss Chu Yan!

"As long as we shot together, even if the Dizong intervened, don't try to stop us, and I can promise you that the benefits we will get from Chu Yan will be divided equally among our great empires!"

Hong Qiyu sneered and said.

"So good!"

"Okay! Just do it!"

"I agree!"

There was no hesitation at all, and the emperor's boss and his lord were nodded and promised!

The benefits of the three great inheritances, even if they are the big brothers of Zongmen and the strongest in Wu Zunjing, they can't be uneasy!

Afterwards, Hong Qiyu and the emperors of Zongzong discussed in a whisper, how to deal with the Dizong to succeed in one fell swoop!

In the direction of Di Zong, Shen Dang and all the Di Zong gangsters, with a dignified face, were talking in a low voice.

"Depending on the situation, the Emperor Zong will not easily let Chu Yan go, especially he got two pieces of inheritance to the treasure, and passed on my decree. When Chu Yan, Zhan Tian and Situ Yang came out, the Di Zong affiliated shot, Keep them safe at all costs ... "

He said quietly to the big brothers around him.

"Yes, Deputy Sovereign!"

A large number of Dizong big men and strong men were on hand to answer.

With the plans of Di Zong and Huang Zong, a dignified and tense atmosphere continued to spread throughout the sky of God Valley, like the depression before the storm!

In any case, when Chu Yan leaves the sky of God in the sky, a battle is unavoidable!

On the other side, the sky of God in the sky, in the valley of the blood of the spirit realm .....

Boom .... Rumble!

Above the sky, ten thousand acres of thunderclouds quickly merged, and in less than half an hour, a sea of ​​thunderclouds of ten miles in length formed!

Unlike the thunder cloud that Chu Yan encountered before, Situ Yang ’s inheritance of the emperor ’s hegemony is completely seven-colored. Even the thunder and lightning in the clouds are also seven-colored, like a thick color electric python in the sea of ​​clouds. Constantly flipping.

The potential for thunder and disaster has become a general trend. The mighty thunder power is like the wrath of the sky that has long been intact, and people will explode at any time to destroy the world.

Although this Emperor Wu Leijie is not as good as Chu Yan's encounter in the Red Snow God Kingdom, the thunder potential is far stronger than the ordinary sky punishment.

Chu Yan glanced over the sky, the increasingly low thundercloud sky, and then looked at Situ Yang, who was closed to sleep on the ground, and his whole heart sank into the valley instantly.

"No, Situ Yang must not be allowed to fall here!"

Chu Yan's eyebrows twisted deeply, her eyes narrowed, and her mind kept flashing, thinking about the countermeasures!

"Hahaha, Chu Yan, when this Situ Yang died, the next one is your turn!"

You Qing looked up at the thunder cloud that had formed in the sky, and glanced at Situ Yang, whose eyes were closed on the ground, with a smile on his face.

If it wasn't for Situ Yang who was desperately protecting Chu Yan, how could he lose hundreds of Tianjiao himself on the sacrifice roof, so this fat man should be opposed to himself. This is exactly what You Qing wants to see.

"Chu Yan, don't think you get the inheritance of the treasure, and you win. I tell you, today, you absolutely can't leave alive! This fat man is going to die, that battle day is going to die, you ... are going to die!"

You Qing saw that Chu Yan's face was low, and she was very happy, laughing loudly, all kinds of cursing words, and roaring wildly.

No matter what kind of humiliation he suffers in the blood of the spirit realm today, as long as this Chu Yan dies, then everything is not a problem, he is still the second in the Haotian Qianlong list, and the Emperor Zong ’s extreme arrogance.

"Close my eyes, otherwise, I'll kill you now!"

Chu Yan's eyes were like ice-blades, staring fiercely at You Qing, eyes red, murderous!


Suddenly ~ ~ was hit by Chu Yan's killing intention, You Qing's smiley face instantly solidified, and the whole person stood on the spot like an electric shock .....

"Chu Yan, this won't work. Fat people can't cope now! You have to think of a way!"

Zhan Tian also had a dignified face. After staring at You Qing, he looked at Chu Yan and held the black dragon gun in his hand. Because he was too strong, he made a rattling sound.

"Well! I know, rest assured, I won't let the fat guys do anything ..."

Chu Yan looked at Zhantian, nodded, and then flipped his hands, took out two jade bottles, and poured all the Jiuxuan Jindan into his mouth.

At the entrance of the elixir, the majestic medicine quickly integrated into Chu Yan's body. Almost sixteen inner dans that had been restored originally, Zhenqi and Xiyuan reached their peak state in an instant.


Suddenly, above the sky, a colorful thunder that was as thick as a column, like a heavenly sky, with the mighty Tianwei, split the sky into nine voids, and blasted down to Situ Yang on the ground!