The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 97: The strength of insider disciples

After more than an hour, Chu Yan continuously operated Luocha Wuji, incorporating all the green aura into Luocha's true qi.


楚 Just as Chu Yan was fully operating Rakshasa Qi, the young bamboo in the flame Wuhun above his head suddenly made a crisp sound.

The cluster of young bamboos was only six delicate bamboo techniques. With the sound of crisp sound, one of the branches suddenly broke, detached from the bamboo body, and was quickly burned by the flame Wuhun, and quickly disappeared.

Immediately, a fierce blaze of flames martial arts, the fire body became thick again, the purple flames in the flames quickly rose, the entire fire body, all turned purple.

At the same time, the fifth red star above the head of the flame martial arts masterpiece dyed the room into a red world.

"Five-Star Flame Wuhun !?"

As the flame Wu soul swallowed a bamboo branch, the young bamboo in the flame Wu soul also stopped pouring green spiritual power to Chu Yan, which made Chu Yan feel different and opened her eyes.

Wu Chuyan saw the change of Wu Wu Soul, and was suddenly stunned and shocked.

"Flame Wuhun, still eating bamboo?"

The sudden changes made Chu Yan a bit confused. This flame martial spirit can devour tinders and corpses, but how can they eat bamboo?

Moreover, with just a bamboo branch, it directly rose to one star and directly rose to five stars!


When Chu Yan exhaled and breathed, she put her qi in her body into Dantian, and when she got up, her qi in Dantian swelled up, breaking the bottleneck for repair.

Refining gas environment in the seventh middle ...

The seventh stage of refining gas ...

The seventh peak of the refining atmosphere ...

In a split second, they made continuous breakthroughs, jumping directly into three small realms, and rising to the seventh peak of the gas refining realm.

After Wuhu Wuhun swallowed a bamboo branch, he returned to Chu Yan's body, and in the sea, there was actually a bamboo in Wuwu Wuhuo's body.

"What's the matter?"

Lu Chuyan was a little confused and felt the flame of Wu Wuhun in her body, but she really didn't understand.

However, Chu Yan increasingly confirmed that this flame Wuhun is definitely not simple. It may even be stronger than Baihu Wuhun.

I touched the hard shell on the surface of the body, Chu Yan's body shook, and under the surging anger, the black powder broke down and fell to the ground.

After a while, Chu Yan pushed open the door of the bamboo house and left the skyscraper.

At this time, time has passed, exactly three days.

I walked on Ling Tianzong's road, Chu Yan strode forward, but attracted many disciples' attention.

In the past three days, because of the hardening effect of the green spiritual force on Chu Yan, Chu Yan ’s physical strength and defense have been greatly improved. Moreover, the Raksha infusing green spiritual force is now more effective than the physical quenching effect. It used to be a lot stronger.

In addition, in these three days, Chu Yan not only grew taller, but also the skin, temperament, and appearance have undergone great changes. More youthful, more youthful, and there is a faint luster flowing outside the skin.

I walked on the way back, Chu Yan thought secretly.

This trip to Sky Valley seems to have taken away the foundation of Sky Valley. Although there is a large area of ​​green Lingli Lake in it, there will be no abnormality in a short time, but it has been a long time ...

When Chu Yan was meditating, a group of disciples in front came forward, blocking his way.

Seventy-eight disciples stopped in front of Chu Yan.

These disciples are not young, most of them are in their thirties, with a deep breath, full of arrogance, and all of them are above the Eighth Heaven of Qi Refining.


Wu Chuyan frowned, raising her eyes and scanning the disciples.

"You are Chu Yan?"

Out of several people, a fat man came out and asked loudly.

"Yes! What are you doing?"

Wu Chuyan frowned lightly, his face indifferent. I did not expect that this fat man's cultivation had actually reached a priori.

"You answer me honestly, how did Chen Xiao die?"

The fat man glared at Chu Yan and asked directly, several other disciples also glared at Chu Yan and looked poor.

Tong Chuyan shook her head and said, "Why should I answer you?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yan stepped forward, ready to leave.

The fat man was confused, but did not expect that Chu Yan was annoyed because he did not give him face at all.


The fat man flashed in front of Chu Yan, angrily, "Don't you know who I am? How dare you ignore me?"

"you do not know!"

Xun Chuyan shook his head. Not long after he arrived at Ling Tianzong, this guy with a fleshy body had never seen him.

"Huh! Don't think that you have won the first place in Golden Horn, and you will be great. Tell you that Ling Tianzong has more people than you, and you can't afford to offend even more. So you better be obedient, It will live longer. "

The fat on his chubby face shuddered and roared at Chu Yan.

"I don't understand what you said, but you better stay away from me, your mouth ... it's too smelly!"

Wu Chuyan frowned, and said indifferently.

"What !? You ... seek death!"

The fat man was furious and blasted out directly with a strong punch, slamming into Chu Yan.

Chu Chuyan's eyes flashed a killing intent. The oncoming fist was a fat shot from the fatter of the innate world, without any reservation, it was obvious that Chu Yan was to be killed on the spot.

Xi Chuyan was really angry, and his fist burst out.


Xun's two fists collided, Chu Yan's body even retreated seven or eight steps, but the fat man was standing still, not even half a step back.

"Strong! Innate Realm is really strong!"

In Chu Chuyan's heart, the involuntary warfare rose, the blood was rolling, and she was about to start the real body of Rakshasa. When she shot again, she heard a heavy drink.

"Anyone who fights privately in the sect will abandon the practice and be expelled from the sect!"

声音 This voice echoed in the air, but only heard his voice, but no one was seen.

When the fat man heard the words, he could not help but change his face and quickly arched

"Disciple knows wrong, please elders forgive me!"

Immediately, he waved his hand, led the disciples behind him, and was about to leave. When he looked over Chu Yan, he shouted disdainfully.

"No matter how arrogant you are at the outside door, in front of my inner door disciples, they are like ants, and farts are not one! Remember, my name is Chen Zhong!"

After saying that, the fat man shook his hand and turned away.

Lu Chuyan looked at the fat man's figure, her eyes flashed, UU read a book for a long time, turned back to the small courtyard.

Uh ...

Wu Chuyan returned to the small courtyard, frowning slightly.

Just now, if it wasn't for his own body that had just been quenched by Lingzhu, Chen Zhong's punch would most likely have been injured.

It seems that in this Ling Tianzong, there are many strong people, low strength, and can only be bullied.

"Begin promotion!"

Wu Chuyan recovered her mind, sat cross-legged, and took out eleven demon fires in exchange for her contribution.

The flame martial spirit unfolded, and the purple flame enveloped the entire room at once, Chu Yan urged the flame martial spirit and began to devour.

Woo! call! call!

A five-star demon fire was swallowed one by one.

Five-star demon fire swallowed up continuously, the sixth red star of the flame Wuhun just flashed a few red lights, and then returned to dim.

Ten full-scale five-star monster fires, thousands of contributions in exchange for resources, but the effect made Chu Yan somewhat disappointed.

So, picking up the last six-star demon fire, Chu Yan gently opened the crystal cover.

The six-star demon fire is dark red in color, much stronger than the five-star demon fire, and the fire body is obviously larger.


的 The moment the crystal cover was picked up, the flame martial spirit rushed up and devoured it.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The sixth red star of the Fu Wuhun flashed three times in a row, and a fierce burst of light masterpiece was extremely dazzling.

Although the flame Wuhun has not been raised by another star, the six-star demon fire can make the Fire Wuhun react in this way.

Lu Chuyan exhaled, stood up, and stared at the flame Wuhun in the air.

的 The six-star monster fire worth one thousand points of contribution, at this stage, seems to be more suitable for the flame Wuhun than the five-star monster fire.

Thinking of the price of the Six-Star Demon Fire, Chu Yan smiled helplessly.