The Strongest Omega In the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 57: growing rice

For two days in a row, Yini and Mo Danwen would come back with rice to cook porridge each time they disappeared, and the egg **** asked strangely, "Dad, Mom, don't you break the rice?"

In fact, he also wanted to see how to break rice, and wanted to play, but unfortunately his parents said they couldn't go to that place together.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, it's over already." Mo Danwen felt that there were not three more children in the family, but three more laborers, and these laborers sometimes helped him think about what he should do!

Mo Danwen really didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he looked at these little kids.

"It's over?" Dessert cried.

"Why, are you unhappy after breaking it?" Everyone could clearly see that Dessert was unhappy, but Mo Danwen didn't understand why he was so sullen. At first, they complained that he and Ini often disappeared.

Although they told them that their parents were going to work in that place every time they disappeared, the children were still reluctant.

"Well, it's...its..." Dessert's two little paws scratched each other, seeming a little embarrassed, but he stopped talking.

"Just say what you want." Don't take him as a feudal monarch, he didn't forbid the children to speak.

"It's like this. Dad and Mom said that the rice was finished, but Dad and Mom took so long. I was thinking, is there not much rice, will we run out of rice soon?" Dessert took a breath. After he finished speaking, he looked at Mo Danwen with tears in his eyes, how pitiful he looked.

Mo Danwen didn't expect that the fact that the rice is quickly eaten can be extended to the reason that the rice is quickly eaten. When he heard the dessert say this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

As expected of a dessert with leadership ability, it makes sense to even think of that level!

Egg tarts and dim sum became sad when I heard that there will be no rice to eat soon, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Mo Danwen's daze was quickly interrupted by the crying of the children, he rubbed his aching forehead, and said, "I tell you, there is a hill of rice in that place, thousands of people can't understand, can you make it? We will eat it for at least 20 days! And your dad and I have already planted rice again, and rice will grow again at that time."

When it comes to planting rice, Mo Danwen felt a little guilty. He buried the rice directly in the soil. He didn't know whether rice plants would grow in this way. If no seedlings were grown, the rice would be wasted.

The three little dinosaurs stopped crying, tears hanging in the corners of their eyes.

Dessert blinked, tears running down his cheeks from the corners of his eyes, "Really?"

"Really! In fact, my dad and I just broke the rice from one rice paddy, and there are several others, but we don't have to break it. After two days, the rice on the top fell off by itself, "papapapa", followed by the rain. It's like! So your dad and I eat a lot of rice without breaking the rice."

Mo Danwen described the situation of falling rice at that time, and said that the children also wanted to see how the rice rained.

"Like rain, like rice!"

"Uh..." Mo Danwen wanted to ask if the person who said this was an egg **** or a snack.

If it is an egg tart, it just expresses that he likes rain and rice, and if it is a snack, it becomes another meaning - likes rainy rice.

Egg Tart speaks very directly, just like to ask questions. The speaking skills of dim sum still need to be improved. The front and back are clearly related, but they have to be divided into two parts and let people combine them by themselves.

Just when Mo Danwen was wondering whether it was egg tarts or dim sum, Dessert smiled and said, "Dim sum, you said something incomprehensible to embarrass Mom again."

Well, Mo Danwen knew that this was dim sum, but he was also charged with "can't understand the words of dim sum", but instead of not recognizing the children, he would rather admit that he was stumped by the words of dim sum, at least the children didn't. would be so sad.

It's really embarrassing when a mother can't recognize which of her children is from which, and usually the children will be very sad if they find out.

"Mom, I want to see the rice rain!" Egg Tart begged Mo Danwen's clothes.

Don't ask, the curiosity is so heavy, this must be an egg tart.

Mo Danwen looked at the other two children. They obviously wanted to see Da Miyu, but they didn't speak directly.

"Egg tart, we can't get into that place, don't make trouble for mom." Dessert pushed the egg **** aside.

Dessert is so sensible, Mo Danwen feels even more guilty, and always feels that it is a pity not to let the children see the rice rain.

Yini pondered for a while and said, "Should we try to grow rice here and see if the rice can grow into rice?"

If possible, children will not be extravagant to watch rice rain.

"Good idea!" Mo Danwen's eyes lit up.

However, they also just tried to grow rice in the space. He didn't know if it would be successful. He wanted to say that he would wait for the rice seedlings in the space to grow, and then try to grow rice outside after confirming that the rice could grow. The look in their expectant eyes, these words can't be said in the end.

Egg Tart was curious, "Mom, can rice really grow rice?"

"Of course, as long as the method is right, we can also grow vegetables, mushrooms, and peppers!"

Mo Danwen is a doctor, he can see a doctor, and let him farm as a farmer, he can only say hehe, he is willing to try, but there is no guarantee that he will succeed.

"Mom, plant rice!"

The three little dinosaurs pestered Mo Danwen to see rice growing. Now they not only want to see rice rain, but also want to see how rice is grown.

"Okay, let's plant rice." Mo Danwen decided to reluctantly take out twenty pieces of rice and try to plant it outside, "Yini, go and get twenty pieces of rice, and the children and I will go outside to see which place is suitable for planting."

If you want to plant it, you must choose it near the cave, which is easy to take care of. Children can also visit often. If it is planted in other places, it will be inconvenient for children to visit. I am most afraid that children will secretly visit when they are not paying attention. The result was in danger.

Although it has been very stable for a while, Mo Danwen has never forgotten that this is a planet full of dinosaurs and the strong prey on the weak.

Mo Danwen doesn't know what kind of soil is suitable for growing rice. All he can know is that rice needs more water as the name implies, so he wanted to choose a place that is more humid. Since rice can grow several stories high, he also chose the top of the head. Empty. Later, he found that he could only choose one of the two, so he had to choose the one that was more open on the top of the head, so that the rice plants could have room to grow and receive the sun.

Mo Danwen and the children have chosen a place, and Eni has brought twenty pieces of rice back from the space and piled them on one place.

"Come on, let's grow rice together!"

"Oye!!" the children exclaimed and asked for help.

Mo Danwen intended to let them experience the fun and hard work of labor, and he would ask them to help without their words.

Dig a hole more than one meter apart, put the rice in it, fill it with soil, and water it. Insert a branch next to it as a marker, and you're done.

In fact, it is very simple, because it is too simple, Mo Danwen always feels that his method is wrong.

Casual planting and careful care will definitely result in different yields. Mo Danwen does not pursue high yields, but only wants him to grow rice and not run out of food.

After burying the rice, the little dinosaurs almost left the field with their front feet, and returned to the place where the rice was grown with their hind feet. Know that they go a lot.

Mo Danwen stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the little dinosaurs in the "field".

When Eni saw the three little dinosaurs, he felt that this scene was very similar to the way Mo Danwen used to enter the space to watch rice every day. Hearing Mo Danwen's words, he turned his head and saw Mo Danwen with a pouting mouth, and thought to himself: Sure enough, it was the little guy he raised, and he even looked like a pouting.

But he didn't think the children or Mo Danwen looked silly, he just thought it was cute.

"What are you looking at me for!" Mo Danwen found that Yini was staring at him. He couldn't tell what he was feeling, but he always felt uncomfortable.

Ini pouted (laughing, actually) and didn't speak.

The atmosphere was even weirder. In order to get rid of this weird situation, Mo Danwen shouted: "Children, come back!"

As for the reason, that is, the newly planted rice will not grow seedlings so quickly, and it is useless to look at it.

"When will the seedlings grow?"

"I don't know, it may be tomorrow, it may be in a few days, or it may be in a few months." Mo Danwen thought silently in his heart, maybe the seedlings would never grow in his life.

Of course, if he hits people like that later, he just needs to think about it, and don't say it to make the children sad.

Knowing that you can grow rice by growing rice, egg tarts have an idea. He thinks it is a good idea, and happily tells Mo Danwen: "Mom, we can grow small animals, and then we can grow a lot of small animals!"

"Pfft haha!" Mo Danwen burst out laughing, "Baby, animals are not grown, you see, plants grow in the soil, and they can grow in the soil, while small animals run on land and cannot be grown. ."

But the words of egg tarts gave him an inspiration. Maybe they should keep animals in captivity. If nothing else, rabbits have strong reproductive ability. Rabbits should be feasible, and pheasants should be no problem. In the original world, many chicken farmers said .

"Mom, I saw that rabbits are in the soil, so it's definitely possible to grow rabbits!" Egg **** persevered, probably thinking about planting animals.

"..." Mo Danwen didn't know if he should praise egg tarts for being observant, and even observed the habit of rabbits who like to dig holes, but please observe more carefully, rabbits don't grow on the ground, they just like to dig holes!


Mo Danwen doesn't know how to grow rice yet, so he's planting it randomly. The method is wrong. When the time comes, he will know the correct way to grow rice, hehe~~

Author's gossip: Thank you for your support, Momoda! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading :)