The Strongest Omega In the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 85: as chief

The three little dinosaurs rushed over with "bang bang bang", and when they passed by the injured dinosaurs, they didn't forget to kick one or two feet to avenge their parents.

Even if it was painful to death, those dinosaurs clenched their teeth and didn't dare to make a sound, because Mo Danwen remembered that they had helped Weida attack them just now.

"Dad, Mom!" The three little dinosaurs pushed the people around Yini and Mo Danwen away, and they surrounded themselves.

"Dad, Mom, you are amazing!" Dessert looked at Ini and Mo Danwen admiringly.

Egg Tart pulled Mo Danwen's clothes that had turned white and thin after a few months and said, "Mom, teach me, and I will learn too!"

Mo Danwen secretly pinched his cold sweat, afraid that Egg Tart could not control his strength and tore the clothes he wore every day. He only has one set of clothes, which he wears every day and washes only once every two or three days. When the clothes are washed and dry, he hangs animal skins around his waist. Therefore, after a few months, the clothes are already worn out, but they are not as good as hanging animals. Compared to the skin, something is better than nothing.

"I want to learn too!" Dessert and Dim Sum agreed.

They knew that their father and mother had to practice every day, and they once thought about what they could get out of sitting there cultivating. They might as well go out hunting and practice their flexibility and speed. They didn't expect that the kind of practice they looked down on could actually make the Their father and mother had beaten Vida, who was overwhelmed by the momentum alone.

Osay and others also want to learn, but they are too embarrassed to say it, but their eyes can't hide their desire to learn, so that people can see their thoughts at a glance.

"Weida is gone, we are going too." It's not that he doesn't want to tell the children, but that Mo Danwen doesn't plan to tell their secrets in front of Osay and others.

As soon as Mo Danwen said he was leaving, the faces of Osay and others immediately became ugly. The four people who were not familiar with Mo Danwen had to push Osay and Kelun, and let them both speak on behalf of the six of them.

"You, you can't go." Seeing that Mo Danwen was going to leave, Osay couldn't help but blurt out nervously.

Mo Danwen turned around and stared at Orsay with sharp eyes, "Why can't I go?"

An abrupt voice sounded: [Ding, the host inspires the mission, making Ini the leader of the small tribe composed of Osai, the mission completion reward "Fire Series", the mission failure deducts five prestige. 】

Mo Danwen answered almost without hesitation: [Accept the task. 】

There was no time to talk nonsense with No. 1. After accepting the task, Mo Danwen turned his attention to Orsay again.

"No, no... I didn't mean that, I, I don't know what I'm going to say, I..." Osay realized that the content and tone of his words were not very good, and he panicked.

"What does this mean?" Mo Danwen asked aggressively. The moment before, he was so sullen that Osay and the others almost didn't dare to breathe, but the next moment he suddenly laughed, "I won't scare you anymore, hurry up if you have something to say. Say, stop talking nonsense."

Mo Danwen still wanted to learn from Weida's pride, but unfortunately he was only arrogant and could not look down on people like Weida.

Seeing Mo Danwen smiling, Osay breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer incoherent.

"I'm sorry, but I still have to say, can I ask you to stay?"

"Why?" In fact, Mo Danwen knew why, he just wanted to force Osay to express the selfishness in their hearts clearly.

"Because, because...because we need your protection." Osay blushed, but only blushed, "Weida was defeated this time, he must hate us, and he will definitely seek revenge on us next time, as long as you can and willing to save us."

After forcing out what he wanted to hear, and seeing that Orsay himself was ashamed, Mo Danwen was slightly satisfied and said, "If you want us to stay, we must pay the price."

As soon as these words came out, let alone Osay and others, even Ini and the three little dinosaurs were startled, and everyone looked at Mo Danwen in disbelief.

Mo Danwen deliberately ignored the inquiries in Ini's eyes and said to Olympic Circuit: "You give what I want, and we will protect you, how about it?"

"What do you want?" As soon as the words came out, Osay found that he had not controlled his tone, fearing that Mo Danwen would leave in anger, he said cautiously, "You can pay whatever you want, as long as you are willing to stay."

No reward is important. Orsay never doubted that what Mo Danwen wanted was their lives. If they really wanted their lives, even if they didn’t want to give it, Mo Danwen could rely on his own ability to take it. Moreover, their lives were Mo Danwen and Yi Nicong. Weida grabbed it from his hands.

Mo Danwen did not delay this time, but directly stated his conditions, "If you want us to stay, you must listen to me."

Osay never thought that Mo Danwen's requirements were so low, and immediately replied: "Okay!"

"Then the first thing I ask you to do is to make Ini the leader of your tribe, and they must call him the leader, not only to obey me but also to obey his orders. Of course, when I and Ini have opposite opinions Now, listen to me!"

Even if No. 1 doesn't say that Yi Ni should be the leader, Mo Danwen wants Yi Ni to be the leader instead of himself. He only needs these people to listen to him, but being the leader has to shoulder a lot of responsibilities and do a lot of things, except for these people. Save them when they are attacked, and Mo Danwen doesn't care about other troubles.

In general, Mo Danwen just wants to pay a little responsibility but has the same rights as the chief. To do this, the premise is that Yi Ni is the chief and does what he is unwilling to do.


With Osay's promise, Mo Danwen looked at the others outside Osay, "What about you? I give each of you a choice, stay with us, stay in our tribe, we will keep you safe, but you must listen to me and Ini's."

"it is good."

"no problem."

Everyone is willing, and Kerun is even more happy. He not only wants Yini and Mo Danwen to help them repel the enemy, he also remembers that Mo Danwen has medicine, which can be treated even if they are injured.

Cologne called out "Chief" to Ini as if to please.

Immediately, the voice of No. 1 sounded: [Ding, the host completes the task and rewards "Fire Series". 】

Mo Danwen just grinned when he heard an annoying voice.

"I would too!"

Blue came over on crutches, walking so fast that he fell unbalanced to the ground.

Bludden said this with the cheek, and later the two dinosaurs who betrayed Osai and asked to join the Weida tribe also rushed to agree to Mo Danwen's conditions to join their small tribe.

The three of them all stood on Weida's side later, but the three did not help Weida to attack Yini and Mo Danwen. Blu obviously failed to attack because he was injured, and the other two did not know the reason. what.

"The two of you can stay. I don't need to investigate the matter of your temporary betrayal of Orsay just now, but it will not be an example. If you don't try your best to cooperate with us to drive away the enemy next time you encounter an attack, even if you can't drive away the enemy, I will I must kill you first!"

It is very annoying to defect, but everyone has selfishness, and no one can guarantee that everyone is of one mind in such a situation. If it was him, he might do the same.

Seeing that the two dinosaurs did not help Weida to attack them later, Mo Danwen finally agreed with them to stay.

"Yes, we will definitely not do this kind of thing in the future!" The two men came over and did a lot with Osay, expressing their attitude.

Mo Danwen deliberately looked at the number of prestige in the system, which changed from 5 to 6. Now, there is still one of the two people who has not convinced him.

However, Mo Danwen didn't want to force and didn't mean to get that person out and drive him away. If he didn't accept him, he wouldn't accept him, just like he couldn't guarantee that everyone would like him, as long as this person behaved well in the future.

Blu staggered to get up, and hurried over before he could stand firm, but before he got close, his face changed because of what Mo Danwen said.

"The two of them can continue to stay, but you can't." Mo Danwen glared at Bruce.

The betrayal of Osai by the two just now can be said to be forced by the situation, but Blu is the traitor who recruited Weida. Such a traitor must not stay, otherwise he will be stabbed by him in the future.

Bruce pulled out a smile with difficulty, "Since they can, so can I..."

"I remember very clearly. You said that you were from Weida from the beginning. You were in the past. I am sure that you are still and will be in the future."

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone except Mo Danwen's family of five changed.

It can be seen that Mo Danwen came here very early and heard those words.

Osay and the others looked at each other in dismay, their hearts were all shocked and scared. They didn't even know when Mo Danwen came!

But thinking that Wei Da didn't know that Mo Danwen and Ini were here, and thinking that they cooperated to defeat Wei Da and a few dinosaurs, this already shows how powerful Mo Danwen is, and they don't need to be surprised anymore.

Author's gossip: Thank you for your support, Momoda! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading :)