The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 1627: Fuchu

It really got the favor of Miss Nuo!

Many people in the audience changed their eyes when they looked at Fang Yu.

Among them are surprise, envy, jealousy...

In all kinds of eyes, Fang Yu jumped off the competition platform and walked towards the sedan chair in the distance.

The crowded square automatically gave way to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu walked to the sedan chair in such a hurry.

"Miss Nuo wants to talk to you." The soldier in front of him said.

After speaking, he dismounted and opened the curtain that stood in front of the sedan chair for Fang Yu.

Fang Yu entered the sedan chair in a hurry.


"It's done!"

Among the crowd in the square, Chen Qianan watched Fang Yu walk into the sedan chair and said with excitement.

"It's not difficult at all," said the Taoist Tianji.

"Next, where are we going to wait for the benefactor?" Chen Qianan asked.

"Let's find an inn next to the city lord's mansion. You shouldn't have to wait too long." Taoist Tianji looked at the sedan chair in the distance and said.

After Fang Yu entered the sedan chair, the sedan chair got up and drove back home.


In the sedan chair.

Fang Yu was sitting on a stool outside, and there was a curtain in front of him, and it was impossible to see the true face of the city lord's daughter.

Of course, in this situation, it was too simple for Fang Yu to see the true face of Miss Nuo.

"The strength shown by the son really shocked the little girl, and my heart trembled..."

Before Fang Yu could peek at the true face behind the curtain, there was a pleasant female voice behind the curtain.

The sound is as crisp as a wind chime, but as sweet as a light music.

From the sound, the spirit of the contestants is really understandable.

This Miss Nuo is very likely to be a real beauty.

"Dare to ask the son's name?" Miss Nuo said again.

"Under... Dong Xiaoqiang." Fang Yu thought for a while, and came up with a more common surname for the shadow tribe.

"Dong Xiaoqiang... Your son's name is really good." Miss Nuo smiled lightly.

"I am also curious about Miss's full name, I don't know..." Fang Yu said.

"Little girl Noling." Miss Nou replied.

"Nuo Ling, the name sounds nice." Fang Yu nodded and said.

"Thanks for the praise." Noling replied.

After a brief exchange, there was a moment of silence.

Fang Yu thought for a while and felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

He must now deliberately approach Noring, otherwise it will be difficult to get the map next.

"Miss Norling, do you have a chance to take a look at your true appearance?" Fang Yu asked.

Noling behind the curtain was silent for a while, and then replied: "The little girl is very satisfied with the son. If the son wants to see my face, the little girl is naturally willing."

After speaking, the curtain in front of him was removed.

At this moment, Fang Yu could see the true face of Miss Norling, his face changed slightly.

Gray skin and gray pupils, the figure is extremely burly, and the face is full of flesh.

Especially on the left cheek, there is a scar that looks fierce.

How to look at it... this has nothing to do with Guose Tianxiang.

At first glance, you can't even tell it is a woman!

But that sweet voice...

"Please don't look at the little girl directly..." Nuo Ling lowered his head slightly, looking shy.

Fang Yu immediately turned his head and looked away.

At this moment, he was a bit speechless.

The contrast was so great that he couldn't accept it.

This Miss Norling... really doesn't look like a woman at all.

Especially that sturdy figure is more like one of those contestants just now!

But Fang Yu had lived for nearly five thousand years after all, and his mentality adjusted quickly.

"Miss Nuoling is really beautiful and beautiful, Shen Yuluoyan, next...become gloomy," Fang Yu said.

Noring covered his mouth and chuckled.

"But I heard that Miss Norling prefers people with a strong body, and the lower body is slightly thinner, why..." Fang Yu asked again.

"That's a rumor. The little girl just likes powerful objects, and has never asked for a figure." Nuo Ling looked at Fang Yu and said with scorching eyes, "The young man has such a powerful body. It really makes the little it. Extremely."

Feeling Nuo Ling's gaze, Fang Yu secretly groaned in his heart.

He never judges people by their appearance.

But the problem is that Noring... looks like a man at all.

But her voice, tone, expression... all resembled a little woman.

This strange feeling made Fang Yu feel particularly uncomfortable.

However, the map still matters.

Fang Yu quickly recovered his calm.

"Miss Norling, I am very fond of you..." Fang Yu said.

"...That's fine, sit here." Noring patted the seat beside her lightly.

Fang Yu didn't hesitate, walked over and sat down beside Nuo Ling.

Nuo Ling directly raised her sturdy arm and put it on Fang Yu's shoulder.

"From now will stay with me forever." Noling smiled, "I will treat you well."

"...Good." Fang Yu replied.


Not long after, the sedan stopped.

Nuo Ling walked out of the sedan chair on Fang Yu's shoulder, and slowly walked into the grand gate of the city lord's mansion.

As he walked inside, Fang Yu kept observing the surroundings.

The City Lord's Mansion is quite huge, and there are soldiers in black armor standing guard in every place.

"By the way, Xiaoqiang, I heard that you are not from this city." Noling asked, "Which city are you from?"

"I'm from the next city." Fang Yu replied.

"Oh..." Noling nodded without saying much.

Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Noring didn't ask him exactly which city he was from, otherwise he would really not be able to answer.

In this way, Fang Yu continued to follow Norling to the inside of the City Lord's Mansion.

"I will take you to see my father in the evening, will come back to my house with me first." Noling chuckled lightly, "Let's play some fun games."

Fang Yu didn't care about the meaning in Nuolin's words.

What he thinks now is...when will the map be unobtrusive when asking about Soon, Fang Yu followed Norling to her house.

This is like Fuzhong Mansion, with a very spectacular gate.

Nuo Ling took Fang Yu's hand, led him into the gate, and then called in two maids.

"Take him to the bath and change clothes." Noring ordered.

After that, Noling rubbed Fang Yu's head again, and smiled: "Xiaoqiang, after you take a shower, they will take you to my room and wait for me. I'll be here soon, don't worry."

This melodious voice combined with this ferocious face made Fang Yu feel a bitter cold.

"Good." But on the surface, Fang Yu still agreed.

Next, Fang Yu was taken to a huge pool by two maids.

The pool was steaming and there were flowers floating on it.

"Your lady often brings people back, right?" Fang Yu asked.

The two maids didn't answer Fang Yu's words, just a mysterious smile on their faces.

"Please take a shower, son." The two maids stepped forward, trying to take off Fang Yu's coat.

"Bath, take a shower."

Fang Yu said coldly, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

The two maids stopped immediately, turned and left silently, and walked outside.

Fang Yu stood alone in front of the pool, closing his eyes.

Since there is no chance to ask where the map is for the time being, try to release the divine consciousness to see if you can find the map.


As soon as Fang Yu thought, his spiritual consciousness spread out from his body.

But as soon as his spiritual knowledge spread, the guards outside the Norling Mansion immediately turned to look inside the mansion.

Fang Yu immediately took back his spiritual consciousness.

"The perception of these guards is so keen." Fang Yu squinted slightly and said in his heart.
